With this little holiday we had I certainly neglected reading my daily portion of fashion blogs. When I returned to civilization (well…sort of) I decided to recover the lost time and so I did by engaging in a life and death battle with my bookmarks and Google reader.
I started with my favorite blogs and while I was happily browsing through The Cherry Blossom Girl I saw this article and amazing photos in which the lovely Alix was wearing an amazing dress signed by a Romanian designer - Maria Lucia Hohan. More than that, she said that she adores the dress and that it’s the most beautiful dress she owns. And boy, does she own lots of beautiful clothes, including some mind blowing Chloe and Chanel pieces. She really is the embodiment of French Style, it doesn’t get any classier.
I started with my favorite blogs and while I was happily browsing through The Cherry Blossom Girl I saw this article and amazing photos in which the lovely Alix was wearing an amazing dress signed by a Romanian designer - Maria Lucia Hohan. More than that, she said that she adores the dress and that it’s the most beautiful dress she owns. And boy, does she own lots of beautiful clothes, including some mind blowing Chloe and Chanel pieces. She really is the embodiment of French Style, it doesn’t get any classier.
Needless to say I felt very proud, so much so that I couldn’t have felt any prouder if I had made the dress myself using only thread, a needle and a pair of scissors. Maria Lucia Hohan makes the most beautifully ethereal and feminine dresses using high end materials and she concentrates on enchanting details. The ivory bow dress that Alix is wearing in the photos looks really good on her, she would be perfect as the poster girl for Maria Lucia Hohan as a brand. I’m not one to think obsessively about her perfect wedding dress but this would be pretty awesome and romantic.
In vacanta am luat o mica pauza de bloguri si internet in general asa ca am revenit la un Google reader suprasaturat de insemnari care de care mai intersante, neglijate in timpul absentei. Si cum rataceam eu linistita pe blogurile frantuzesti preferate ca o caprioara pe pasuni verzi si parfumate am dat si peste insemnarea si fotografiile in care Alix -The Cherry Blossom Girl - vorbeste despre rochia Maria Lucia Hohan pe care a cumparat-o de la Salon du Prêt à Porter si care este in cuvintele ei cea mai frumoasa haina pe care o are in garderoba pana in acest moment (“c’est sans doute la plus belle pièce que je possède”).
Daca ati intrat macar de cateva ori pe blogul ei, atunci stiti cu siguranta ca declaratia aceasta nu inseamna putin lucru, dat fiind ca dulapul ei este plin de haine extrem de frumoase. Stiti si ca are o pasiune pentru piesele Chloe si Chanel pe care si le si permite din cand in cand – o adevarat frantuzoiaca, nu?
Designerul roman Maria Lucia Hohan creeaza rochii extrem de diafane si feminine si se concentreaza pe calitatea materialelor folosite si pe detalii incantatore. Rochia ivory cu funda supradimesionata purtata de Alix este cu adevarat de poveste si cred ca PR-ul MHL ar trebui sa se gandeasca serios si sa-i propuna sa devina the poster girl pentru Maria Lucia Hohan. Si ar fi intr-o companie selecta avand in vedere ca The Cherry Blossom Girl a colaborat cu Chanel sau Giorgio Armani pentru a promova anumite produse ale acesor case de moda! De poveste, nu? Nu sunt eu persoana care sa viseze la rochii de mireasa, dar parca aceasta este perfecta, atat de romantica si vaporoasa!
Va place Maria Lucia Hohan? Va regasiti in stilul acesta de rochie?
Soundtrack: Azi ascult Marit Larsen - Addicted
Soundtrack: Azi ascult Marit Larsen - Addicted