All pictures from Vintage Virgin
My new favorite blogger at the moment is, not doubt about it, Jessica Virgin from Vintage Virgin. She has to be the coolest person in the world! I mean - her style blows my mind – is that amazingly insane! Based in Texas and an ex-cheerleader, she only wears vintage and thrifted as she was basically raised in a thrift store (her words) – her grandma always took her shopping to Goodwill, Sand Dollar, Salvation Army, it was like their weekly ritual (also amazing). She’s 28, has a son and looks as hot as one can look, make it sizzling hot – she’s basically superhuman.
Every time I open her blog I remember how much I miss living in USA and I cherish the time I spent in Seattle that much more. The two things I miss the most are probably the freedom to wear anything I could think about, as weird and mismatched as I desired and no one staring at me as if I were an alien ready to conquer their planet and of course the wonderful thrift and charity shops so full of treasures ready to be discovered. I have actual dreams with me shopping at my favorite Goodwill in Seattle (the first time I went there I actually found a pair of vintage Oscar de la Renta sunglasses).
One of the many reasons I love Jessica’s blog is that she doesn’t settle for one style (as much as I admire other bloggers I can’t really understand or identify myself with their faithfulness to just one style): you’ll se her wearing everything from desperate housewife, to pin up, to punk, to grunge, to hippie, to gangsta fabulous.
Speaking of gangsta fabulous – she actually takes this one to another level. I’ve never seen anyone wearing so many jewelry and looking so effortless and cool while doing it – I also love wearing and making jewelry and accessories as you might know by now!
The other day I might actually offended one of my coworkers by daring to wear… three vintage brooches at once (not counting the earrings and a huge cocktail ring). She asked me as if she her eyes were failing her: “Are you wearing three brooches?” and because I naturally responded “Yes, indeed I do!” she asked me in complete and utter amazement with a flavor of disapproval and disgust “Why?” At this point I was actually a little bit pissed so I answered in my bitch voice “Because I want to!”. I mean - What the hell? Is there a brooch police I don’t know about, are they giving fines for wearing more than one brooch? Also I find it hilarious that they apparently don’t approve of the way I dress: I mean in the last 5 months my grandmother surely dressed herself more exciting than me. They didn’t seen anything yet and I plan to actually show them what outrageous actually means (evil laughter).
Back to Jessica – besides the hugely inspirational pictures I find her super funny and always laugh as a crazy person while reading her articles. This are some of my favorites things she wrote, I might as well quote her:
"I looooooove a good pair of cutoffs that why I have to make them myself. I like a little butt cheek flash when I walk! Keeping it skanky cause it's fucking hot!"
"Now I'll be the first to say that I am beyond flat-chested! I'm like a NEGATIVE A cup, lol!! But in these pics, DAMN! My side profile is boobless!"
"It was love at first sight when I saw the suede harness booties from across the store! I died came back to life and found the lace dress!"
In momentul de fata blogul meu preferat este Vintage Virgin scris de Jessica Virgin (chiar asa o cheama!!!). Sunt aproape sigura ca Jessica este cea mai misto persoana din lume, de fiecare data sunt data peste cap de tinutelele ei iesite din comun. Poarta numai haine vintage, retro si second hand si marturiseste ca practic a crescut intr-un astfel de magazin pentru ca bunica ei o lua in fiecare saptamana la cumparaturi. Jessica are 28 de ani si un copil maricel si arata minunat, are un studio foto si mi se pare un spirit liber, genul de persoana care face mereu ceea ce-i trece prin cap. De fiecare data cand intru pe Vintage Virgin imi amintesc si mai tare cat de dor imi este de perioada (scurta) in care am locuit in SUA (Seattle). Cel mai tare imi lipsete libertatea de a ma imbraca cum imi pofteste inima, oricat de ciudat/nonconformist fara ca nimeni sa-si roteasca ochii si sa ma priveasca ca pe un extraterestu gata sa le invadeze planeta.
Nu ma intelegeti gresit- NU-mi pasa prea tare insa m-as putea lipsi de remarcile tampite, uff-urile si off-urile aruncarte zilnic in directia mea. Cel de-al doilea lucru care imi lipseste sunt “thrift” store-urile si charity shop-urile (traduse liber la noi ca magazine second hand) pline de comori la preturi incredibil de mici. Recunosc ca mi se intampla sa visez cum caut cu infrigurare prin rafturile Goodwill-ului meu preferat din Seattle (unde la prima vizita am gasit o pereche de ochelari vintage Oscar de la Renta).
Nu ma intelegeti gresit- NU-mi pasa prea tare insa m-as putea lipsi de remarcile tampite, uff-urile si off-urile aruncarte zilnic in directia mea. Cel de-al doilea lucru care imi lipseste sunt “thrift” store-urile si charity shop-urile (traduse liber la noi ca magazine second hand) pline de comori la preturi incredibil de mici. Recunosc ca mi se intampla sa visez cum caut cu infrigurare prin rafturile Goodwill-ului meu preferat din Seattle (unde la prima vizita am gasit o pereche de ochelari vintage Oscar de la Renta).
Unul din multele motive pentru care iubesc Vintage Virgin este faptul ca Jessica nu poarta un singur fel de tinute asa cum o fac multi alti bloggeri de moda (care imi plac foarte mult, dar cu care nu ma identific pentru ca nu as putea sa fiu niciodata fidela unui singur stil vestimentar): aluneca firesc in roluri de “nevasta disperata” din anii 60, sexy groupie, pin up girl, grunge, punk, hippie si rock and roll toate inecate intr-un savuros gangsta fabulous cu multe, multe bijuterii si accesorii inedite. De fapt n-am vazut pe nimeni care sa poarte atat de mult bling bling si intr-un mod atat de firesc, pur si simplu merg cu personalitatea ei.
Mie imi plac la nebunie bijuteriile, sa le port si sa le confectionez eu insami asa cum multi dintre voi stiti. Chiar cred ca am jignit-o pe una dintre colegele mele de servicu zilele trecute, cand am “indraznit” sa port trei brose vintage odata (pe langa cercei si un inel de cocktail imens). A fost atat de bulversata incat m-a intrebat: “Auzi, tu porti cumva trei brose?” de parca nu era evident. I-am zis ca da si nu s-a putut stapani sa nu ma intrebe cu un aer de dezaprobare prost deghizat “De ce?”. In momentul acela eram dejà putin enervata si foarte mult amuzata si i-am zis pe tonul meu de scorpie “Pentru ca asa vreau!”. Acum ca ma gandesc mai bine mi se pare incredibil: exista cumva o politie a broselor, o lege care interzice si pedepeste cu amenda purtarea a mai mult de o brosa pe zi si nu stiu eu? Ceea ce este si mai de neinteles si extrem de amuzant pentru mine este ca in ultimele 5 luni m-am imbrcat extrem de cuminte, cred ca si bunica a purtat tinute mai interesante decat mine si cu toate astea tot nu sunt adecvata (nici nu vreau asta). In fine – n-au vazut nimic, planuiesc sa-i scandalizez in viitor.
Revenind la Jessica – pe langa faptul ca ma inspira vestimentar mi se pare si ca este incredibil de amuzanta si nu pot sa nu impart cu voi, pe langa cateva poze cu tinutele mele preferate, si cateva “citiate” scrise de Jessica la care am ras in hohote (le vedeti mai sus, nu are rost sa le traduc in romana, si-ar pierde tot farmecul)!
So, what’s up with you guys? Do you feel disapproval regarding the way you dress from people on the street/ at job/ in your family? Do you care? Isn’t Jessica awesome?
Soundtrack: John Legend Ft. Kanye West - Used to Love You!
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