Thursday, December 6, 2012

Suspender tights and pleated skirts

The title of this post pretty much sums up my favorite things right now. So I’m set on these two in addition to huge earrings and yes…shoes. It’s happening guys!

I remember the times when my obsessions used to be a lot less expensive, like, you know - rings - a perfectly acceptable thing to be crushing on. Good times! I even remember mentioning being grateful about my lack of interest in shoes. So naive! Things have changed since! Right now I’m craving this pair of Jean Michel Cazabat pumps and have a recurrent dream about a banging party outfit involving them.

I really need to calm my pants! But, wait, I rarely wear pants! :)))) What I do wear a lot though are skirts, especially if they are pleated. And then we have the mock suspender tights – they go nicely with the above mentioned skirts – the mix of naughty and nice is kind of hot, right?

As you can imagine this outfit got a lot of reactions in dear, old Bucharest: I felt a bit like Moses splitting the Red Sea wearing this, it surely cleared the path before me and people were pointing and making surprised faces and stuff.

I think the color scheme with the purple, burgundy and the mint jumper with gold spikes was the thing that got to them! My hybrid high heels (a stripper’s idea of the perfect tango shoes) might also had something to do with it. Keeping things classy as usual! I actually think classy is my true name (you know, like in the “The Inheritance Cycle" I’m reading right now).

Don’t ever say this blog is not informative – I just succeeded to cover Moses, fantasy novels/mythology and stripper shoes preferences (that I know nothing about not having any experience in the field) in less than two paragraphs. Well done! Just high fived myself! 

This is high quality stuff you’re reading right here! Put away the encyclopedias – there’s no need for that anymore! I'm here and ready to mold your young minds...and I'll do it dressed like this!

 I'm wearing:
pleated skirt, bag / fusta plisata, geanta - vintage
mint spiked jumper / pulover cu tinte - romwe
blazer / sacou- Ana Alcazar
mock suspender tights / ciorapi stil suspender - New Look
  black pumps / pantofi - random brand
bracelets / bratari - NewLook, H&M and random brand

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71 comentarii :

Style by Bruno said...

You look crazy good on this. I love the color blocking.


Lucy Elizabeth King said...

Looks great.... Great combination :)

Carelia said...

This is a great color combo!! I love colorful outfits on cold days.

Raquel said...

Amazing outfit! I'm so in love with your sweater,so cute!!


Siena in Style said...

I love your skirt!!!
kisses from Milano

Marika said...

Love your skirt dear !

Elizabeth Valchar said...

Nice skirt - it looks good on you. Whole set is great ;)

Alina said...

Very nice!Love this color combo!

Unknown said...

love the combination of the mint with the burgundy skirt x

Ice Goddhez Blog said...

The colors are so lovely dear! Mint + skirt color! Whooooaa! Awesome! :)

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Dorina said...

Foarte frumoasa fusta, imi place mult culoarea :)

Boheme.Fille said...

Ce pretty esti!! Imi place mult fusta!

Poti sa imi spui ce pret au ciorapii? Voiam sa comand o pereche la fel ca a ta si as fi vrut sa stiu daca e mai ok sa o cumpar de la New Look. Mersi. Ș)

Anaivilo said...

OMG you look absolutely stunning in that skirt! It suits you so well and the colors of this outfit are just candy to my eyes! :D

Unknown said...

Superb!!! Culorile sunt foarte dragute si merg perfect impreuna ! Ador ciorapii tai :x

Unknown said...

great combination!!!love this outfit!!!:) :)

Manuella said...

imi place fiecare piesa vestimentara in parte...iar impreuna arata minunat!you look great ♥

Lau Noriega said...

thanks for your comment!!! I love the outfit, and I love the blog, I follow you.



Sugar Lane said...

awesome color mix!

Alice in vintageland said...

@Boheme.Fille - nu imi amintesc exact pentru ca i-am cumparat anul trecut, dar cred ca au fost 30 de lei.

patri said...

Love your skirt!!! so cool!!!!

Vett Vandiver said...


Rebeca Muñoz López said...

Beautiful skirt!

Sola ante el espejo said...

Great combination! Kisses.

Sabrina Tassini said...

this skirt is amazing!!

Patchwork à Porter

Unknown said...

Love this skirt! The colours are gorgeous!!

Unknown said...

very beautiful color skirt :)

agasuitcase said...

You look hot in this tights! Love the jumper

Check my new post

Steph-G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steph-G said...

the colors look great together!
Thank you for tfollowing my blog, I'm a new follower on GFC and bloglovin:D


so cute!!!
love your skirt and studs sweater!

Preslava Tsacheva said...

One really beautiful skirt! You look amazing :) I like the combination between the two colours :)

Kacie Cone said...

Oh my god this outfit is too cute! I love it so so so much!

Karen said...

I love the outfit and the way you write =)

Trendy Feeling

Izzaura said...

this is such a great color combo!!
you look super gorgeous & stylish in this outfit!


Anonymous said...

Ilove this outfit!

Fashiontornado said...

You look great, I love the colors x


wow the colours in this outfit is gorgeous! i love love love the way the skirt falls


♥ Ellen

Dominika said...

Great :)

Klavdija.V said...

Great outfit dear!! Love the colors, so elegant and nice!!
visit me:


Вера Андреева said...

Magic skirt, I love her and this combination of Bordeaux and of the blue, very nicely )

PaulaFashion said...

świetnie wyglądasz ;)
Sweterek bym Ci ukradła jest boski ♥

Anonymous said...

OMG! That skirt makes your waist look TINY! Absolutely stunning! I love the colours you put together too, not the norm; always good!

Lovely as always :) xx

Anonymous said...

I love the colour of the pleated skirt! And haha, I find my obsessions changing over time, especially as I grow up as well! :D

no. said...

i love this skirt with this sweater :)

new post about my new cruelty free brushes!

Danika Podhola said...

So sexy tights !!Visit and check my new post

Unknown said...

Love love loveeee it!!;)

Pilar Domínguez said...

So different and so stylish! I love the combination of colours!You look great!Kisses:)

Danie said...

I love the jumper and the details! Thank you for the follow, I am following you back now! I also have a new post up...

Danie B

Jen27 said...

Really love the colour combo here! The studs on the shoulders are great and I love the shade and pleats of the skirt. Looks great!


Jeslina Limanjaya said...

love both the colors~ :DD
isleofview 5x.


myavenioteam said...

Lovely outfit. xoxo Ely

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

This outfit would get a lot of attention, as it is lovely.
Girlie Blog Seattle | Cheap Makeup Reviews

Unknown said...

I'm so much in love with you're skirt and your shoes!

Unknown said...

Love your skirt!!1


Unknown said...

i love your post!!
i have a new one!!


Lace and Chiffon - Fashion blog - בלוג אופנה ישראלי said...

I love these colors!
You look great!

Thank you for your comment on my blog!

Followed you! :)

Unknown said...

Lovely pics! Great colour combination! Thanks for stopping your blog as well..following back ;)

Xx Elisa

Paulina said...

one word: beautiful ! ;)

Miss Jayce said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog! you have such pretty outfits here! I love this color combo!! <3

Unknown said...

Love this look!

Lot's of bloggy love from Ashton Belle over at:

Teresa J. said...

Te ves divina con esa falda, ese color es precioso y lo has combinado muy bien con las demàs prendas.Besos

Fashion Recession said...

Amazing outfit and love the colors!!


Unknown said...

Hello dear reader! I want to inform you that I have created a new blog because of technical problems with Rebelission. Please switch to!
The old blog will be deleted in the next few days.
xoxo P.P
PS: very interesting post my dear! love your skirt

Gloria C said...

cute sweter!

Unknown said...

I really like your blog dear!
Keep it up, you do it great! :)


Laura Jones said...

i love the skirt and the suspender tights! also, the colours in your outfit are great! :) x

Mode a'Portee said...

So sexy.. Love your skirt!!

Daniela Proietti said...

Thank you for your visit| I love your outfit and I'm so happy to follow you! Amazing blog! ^_^

friendsarefashion said...

Love your top ,is very cute!!!! I am also following you on Pinterest, Bloglovin and here of course!! love it!!!!!!

BellaDiamond said...

Omg this outfit is so great I love it. Thanks for the comment ur very pretty urself I love this color in this outfit so much I'm ur newest follower

antislip sokken said...

The best part I like about this outfit is the colors used in top with purple pleated skirt added with black tights makes a great combination.

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