I’m not much of a collector (except for clothes) but I would love to have a huge collection of old Rolling Stone magazines. I’m planning to do a series of articles with the best covers of Rolling Stone as I believe you can really recreate an era in terms of who was who in a year or even a decade just by looking at the covers of this amazing magazine. For starters I chose a singular year: 1984, a narcissistic move as it is the year of my birth. So here you have the covers and subsequently you now know who was “the shit” back then; you’ll also see that most of the artists and actors are still current nowadays. 1984 was pretty cool!!!!
Rolling Stone is the most famous music periodical in the world and one of the biggest pop culture symbols of our time. Founded in San Francisco in 1967 by Jann Wenner and Ralph J. Gleason, Rolling Stone is published once every two weeks.
The magazine was named after the 1948 Muddy Waters song and deals with music, politics and popular culture. Initially reporting on the hippie counterculture, by the 1970s, Rolling Stone made its mark for political coverage being linked with the articles of the controversial journalist Hunter S. Thompson and many other prominent writers. Rolling Stone Magazine changed its format in the 1990s to appeal to younger readers, often focusing on young television or film actors and pop music. This led to criticism that the magazine was emphasizing style over substance. In recent years, the magazine has resumed its traditional mix of content, including in-depth political stories, and has seen its circulation increase.
Bruce Springsteen (December)
Steve Martin (November)
Madonna (November)
Tina Turner (October)
David Bowie (October)
John Belushi (September)
Huey Lewis (September)
Tom Wolfe, Steven Spielberg, Little Richard (August)
Prince (August)
Bill Murray (August)
The Go-Go's (July)
Duran Duran
Culture Club (June)
Bob Dylan (June)
Marvin Gaye (May)
Cyndi Lauper (May)
Eddie Murphy (April)
Daryl Hannah (April)
The Police (March)
Jack Nicholson (March)
Michael Jackson (March)
The Beatles (February)
ARMS Concert Participants (January)
Nu prea colectionez lucruri (cu exceptia hainelor), insa mi-ar placea mult de tot sa am o colectie imensa cu numerele vechi ale revistei Rolling Stone. Cum acest lucru nu este posibil, planuiesc sa scriu o serie de articole despre cele mai bune coperti ale Rolling Stone de-a lungul anilor. Este suficient sa privesti copertile aparute intr-un anumit an sau chiar decada pentru a realiza care au fost persoanele care au marcat acea perioada. Pentru inceput am facut o alegere usor narcisista, anul 1984 (anul in care m-am nascut) pentru a vedea “who was who” atunci; in mod surprinzator o mare parte a celor de pe copertile din 1984 sunt relevanti si azi dupa 25 de ani (tocmai acest aspect face din Rolling Stone o publicatie atat de influenta).
Revista Rolling Stone este cea mai cunoscuta revista “muzicala” din lume si unul dintre cele mai importante simboluri ale culturii pop. Fondata in 1967 in San Francisco de catre Jann Wenner si Ralph J. Gleason, Rolling Stone este o revista bilunara dedicata muzicii, politicii si culturii pop. Numele a fost ales dupa cantecul cu acelasi nume lansat in 1948 de Muddy Watters. Celebra pentru legendarele articole politice semnate de controverstatul Hunter S. Thompson in anii 70 (acesta a continuat sa scrie pentru revista pana la moartea sa in 2005), Rolling Stone si-a schimbat formatul la inceputul anilor 90 (cand l-au angajat pe fostul editor FHM, Ed Needham) pentru a atrage un public mai tanar, concetrandu-se pe actori tineri de film si televiziune si pe muzica pop. Aceasta schimbare a atras foarte multe critici legate de calitatea continutului; cititorii cei mai fideli au considerat ca revista si-a pierdut credibilitatea transformandu-se dintr-o publicatie serioasa plina de substanta in taboid superficial bazat pe expolatrea sexualitatii vedetelor momentului. In ultimii ani Rolling Stone a revenit la formatul original incluzand in paginile sale analize politice profunde alaturi de articolele dedicate muzicii, filmului si televiziunii – miscare care a dus la cresterea popularitatii si circulatiei revistei. De-a lungul timpului Rolling Stone a promovat scriitori importanti, a publicat articole si fotografii legendare devenind astfel una dintre cele mai influente publicatii din lume.

6 comentarii :
mi-ar place sa vad o parte din colectia ta de haine (vintage, second, nu conteaza). si eu umblu prin magazine cand ajung pe acasa (brasov) si tare-mi place sa scotocesc pana nu mai pot.
:)). Pai in cazul acesta uite o parte infima din ce gasesti in dulapul meu/ al nostru: http://dulapulbunicii.blogspot.com/search/label/My%20style%20%28Tinute%20zilnice%29
Hi, I know it's been a long time since you post this..but I just find it today, so if you please, please write or upload the scanned image of The Police interview in the magazine as you show the cover picture..thank you in advance
hi!! :-)
I decide to make a comment here, because I saw the first foto of Bruce Springsteen...and u know...Im a huuuuuge fan of The Boss! this post is so good! congrats :-)
btw thanks for your sweet comment and for following, I love you blog too :-) and I follw u back on gfc and bloglovin' :-)
my love, Ros.e.
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You obviously know what you're talking about, why throw away your intelligence on just posting videos to your blog when you could be giving us something enlightening too read?
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