Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Blog spotlight - Pelayo
Some people are just cooler than others. Much as being naturally beautiful, smart or charming, being cool is something you either are or are not. You just can't fake it! You can try and even succeed in a way, but you’ll never be as cool as those people that have it in their genes. OK, maybe I’m a little bit over-dramatic, but what I’m trying to say it’s that we are what we are and is always better to play our strengths.
Lately I found myself inclined to read more and more personal style blogs written by boys. It’s actually a little bit disturbing what they can do with the little they have (man fashion is much more restrictive, the possibilities are fewer.)
Today I give you Pelayo Diaz Zapico (from Kate Loves Me), born in north Spain but currently living and studying in London at Saint Martins College of Art and Design. He’s also a model, stylist, DIY enthusiast, blogger and partygoer in his spare time (which he seems to have a lot of.).
The thing is the boy knows how to dress, he even has a signature look and he describes it as “a bit L.A kid meets 50's pimp”. I would say he’s some sort of a poor (or at least he says that - which I actually find refreshing) socialite meets a modern dandy who knows all the right people: he’s inner circle includes Gala Gonzales (another great blogger), Daisy Lowe and Alexa Chung.
His cross safety pin t-shirt is insanely popular and landed him the opportunity to design one of Rihanna’s outfits in her new video Hard. Talking about getting lucky!
But what I wanted to talk about is THE hair, particularly his hair which alongside his sometimes shirtless, pantless photos and great sense of style is the real reason he’s kind of famous. The hair is badass, he couldn’t pull it of without that bone structure, but, what do you know - he has that too.
He’s like a modern version of James Dean (with a touch of New Kids On The Block), but shorter and wearing outrageous sheer shirts over wife beaters, shorts with impeccably tailored jackets, kilts and lots of jewelry. Awesome!
He’s probably a self absorbed, pretentious douche in real life as he calls himself Price Pelayo but who cares, in pictures he seems just cool. Besides, I’m blinded by the hair and I wouldn’t mind partying with him. Nobody is perfect anyway!
The thing is the boy knows how to dress, he even has a signature look and he describes it as “a bit L.A kid meets 50's pimp”. I would say he’s some sort of a poor (or at least he says that - which I actually find refreshing) socialite meets a modern dandy who knows all the right people: he’s inner circle includes Gala Gonzales (another great blogger), Daisy Lowe and Alexa Chung.
His cross safety pin t-shirt is insanely popular and landed him the opportunity to design one of Rihanna’s outfits in her new video Hard. Talking about getting lucky!
But what I wanted to talk about is THE hair, particularly his hair which alongside his sometimes shirtless, pantless photos and great sense of style is the real reason he’s kind of famous. The hair is badass, he couldn’t pull it of without that bone structure, but, what do you know - he has that too.
He’s like a modern version of James Dean (with a touch of New Kids On The Block), but shorter and wearing outrageous sheer shirts over wife beaters, shorts with impeccably tailored jackets, kilts and lots of jewelry. Awesome!
He’s probably a self absorbed, pretentious douche in real life as he calls himself Price Pelayo but who cares, in pictures he seems just cool. Besides, I’m blinded by the hair and I wouldn’t mind partying with him. Nobody is perfect anyway!
Exista oameni pe lumea asta care sunt pur si simplu cool. Stiu ca termenul asta a capatat la noi o conotatie usor negativa si peiorativa, insa o sa-l folosesc in intelesul lui clasic, neafectat de balcanisme. Asa cum unii oameni sunt in mod natural frumosi, destepti sau carismatici, altii sunt cool/misto/hype sau cum vreti sa le mai ziceti. E ceva ce nu se poate copia! Poti incerca si chiar reusi intr-o anumita masura, insa nu e acelasi lucru cu a avea factorul acesta in gene. Sunt putin dramatica (asta este in natura mea), dar ceea ce vreau sa zic este ca fiecare dintre noi trebuie sa lucreze cu ce are, sa mearga pe punctele lui tari.
Deja deviez si nu vreau asta. Am de gand sa scriu o rubrica cu ce-mi atrage atentia sau ma inspira in www. Si in ultimul timp imi plac cateva bloguri de stil personal scrise de baieti. E uimitor ce gasesti pe un blog masculin interesant, avand in vedere ca in materie de moda, variantele lor sunt mult mai putine si restrictive.
Azi va spun cate ceva de Pelayo Diaz Zapico (Kate loves me) nascut in nordul Spaniei, dar care in prezent locuieste si studiaza la Londra (Saint Martins College of Art and Design, sectiunea fashion design). Pelayo e si model, stilist, DIY entuziast si un petrecaret notoriu in timpul liber (si acesta din urma nu pare sa-i lipseasca). Tipul asta chiar stie sa se imbrace, are un fel de stil semnatura pe care il descrie ca fiind un amestec intre ceea ce ar purta in mod obisnuit un adolescent din L.A si un peste din anii 50.
Eu a zice ca este un fel de “socialite” sarac prizonier in corpul unui dandy modern atras de rock and roll si care cunoaste toti oamenii potriviti. Cercul lui de prieteni, mai mult sau mai putini apropiati, cuprinde nume ca: Gala Gonzales, Daisy Lowe si Alexa Chung.
Acum cateva luni a creat un tricou cu o cruce din ace de siguranta care a devenit foarte popular si care a atras pentru el oportunitatea de a crea o tinuta pentru Rihanna in noul videoclip pentru piesa Hard (e vorba de tinuta realizata din gloante pe care o poarta cand joaca carti). Restul e, sa zicem, istorie.
Eu am insa o alta teorie: cred cu tarie ca a devenit oarecum celebru datorita parului si mai ales a modului in care il poarta aranjat (plus stilul personal si pozele dese in care apare aproape dezbracat). Freza lui e legendara si nu i-ar iesi atat de bine fara structura osoasa adiacenta.
Pelayo e un fel de James Dean modern (o varianta mai superficiala, cu un praf de sare de New Kids On The Block), daca James Dean ar fi fost mai scund si ar fi purtat camasi transparente peste maieuri, pantaloni scurti cu tricouri si jachete impecabil croite, blugi roz rupti cu fulare supradimensionate, kilturi si multe bijuteri. Grozav, nu?
Probabil ca in viata reala este unul dintre tipii preocupati excesiv/indragostiti de propia persona (doar se autointituleaza Printul Pelayo – ironic sper), dar in poze pare doar cool, relaxat si sigur pe el; oricum nimeni nu este perfect!
Eu a zice ca este un fel de “socialite” sarac prizonier in corpul unui dandy modern atras de rock and roll si care cunoaste toti oamenii potriviti. Cercul lui de prieteni, mai mult sau mai putini apropiati, cuprinde nume ca: Gala Gonzales, Daisy Lowe si Alexa Chung.
Acum cateva luni a creat un tricou cu o cruce din ace de siguranta care a devenit foarte popular si care a atras pentru el oportunitatea de a crea o tinuta pentru Rihanna in noul videoclip pentru piesa Hard (e vorba de tinuta realizata din gloante pe care o poarta cand joaca carti). Restul e, sa zicem, istorie.
Eu am insa o alta teorie: cred cu tarie ca a devenit oarecum celebru datorita parului si mai ales a modului in care il poarta aranjat (plus stilul personal si pozele dese in care apare aproape dezbracat). Freza lui e legendara si nu i-ar iesi atat de bine fara structura osoasa adiacenta.
Pelayo e un fel de James Dean modern (o varianta mai superficiala, cu un praf de sare de New Kids On The Block), daca James Dean ar fi fost mai scund si ar fi purtat camasi transparente peste maieuri, pantaloni scurti cu tricouri si jachete impecabil croite, blugi roz rupti cu fulare supradimensionate, kilturi si multe bijuteri. Grozav, nu?
Probabil ca in viata reala este unul dintre tipii preocupati excesiv/indragostiti de propia persona (doar se autointituleaza Printul Pelayo – ironic sper), dar in poze pare doar cool, relaxat si sigur pe el; oricum nimeni nu este perfect!
How about you? Are you perfect?:)))))))
Soundtrack: Azi ascult OutKast - So Fresh, So Clean!
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Read...heads - part two
There’s something magic about redheads! Not all of them, but the few that get it right are truly spectacular. And the contrast between pale skin and red hear is so aristocratic, almost out of this world (this world where everybody seems to fall asleep at the tanning salon).
Roscatele cu pielea foarte alba au ceva special, aristocratic si plin de farmec. Nu-i asa? E aproape magic!A zi am strecurat printre poze cu roscate mai mult sau mai putin celebre si cateva dintre personajele mele preferate din tv showuri!
Deborah Ann Woll (Jessica Hamby in True Blood)
Altamira NYC
Christina Hendricks (Joan Holloway in Mad Men)
Julia Hafstrom (Teen Vogue February 2010)
Evan Rachel Wood (True Blood' Sophie-Anne Leclerq, the Vampire Queen of Louisiana)
Lula (Fashonising)
Karen Elson
Soundtrack: Azi ascut Jaymay - You Are The Only One I Love !

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Crazy about Mad Men
Disclaimer: This article is all about how much I love Mad Men; expect more related rants in the near future!
O data la cativa ani este lansat un serial cu adevarat special, unul care fie ca rezista un singur sezon (ca Firefly, My So Called Life, Freaks and Geeks), fie ca te incanta mai multe sezoane (ca The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Friends, Sex&The City) ramane cumva in memoria colectiva, lasa o amprenta si o impresie asupra noastra. E serialul acela pe care il cumperi si pe DVD si la care te intorci de fiecare data ca la un vechi prieten.
Pentru mine unul dintre aceste seriale este Mad Men, cu trei sezoane incheiate si care sper sa mai dureze inca pe atat. Nu stiu cu exactitate de ce imi place – este amestecul acela perfect intre o poveste foarte bine scrisa, personaje bine conturate si pline de farmec si actori atat de bine alesi si talentati incat devin acele personaje.
Actiunea Mad Men se petrece la inceputul anilor 60 (deja s-a ajuns pe la jumatatea lor :) intr-o prestigioasa si imaginara firma de publicitate (Sterling Cooper) si este centrata pe enigmaticul Don Draper, pe prietenii, colegii si familia acestuia. Pesonajele create magistral de Matthew Weiner sunt plasate intr-o foarte reala America a anilor 60 cu toate schimbarile ei sociale si cu atmosfera specifica.
Mad Men este extraordinar si dintr-un alt punct de vedere: decorurile si costumele sunt recreate cu minutiozitate aproape nebuneasca si dau serialului un aer de autenticitate si naturalete care lipseste in multe alte tv showuri.
Am citit ca din acest punct de vedere Matthew Weiner este un adevarat tiran si ca supravegheza personal detalii care sunt, aparent, nesemnificative: paharele folosite, ceasurile purtate de personaje, orarul trenurilor care functionau in acea perioda, numele strazilor din suburbiile unde locuiau personajele, fructele si marcile de bautura pe care acestia le consumau ca sa dau numai cateva exemple.
Am citit ca din acest punct de vedere Matthew Weiner este un adevarat tiran si ca supravegheza personal detalii care sunt, aparent, nesemnificative: paharele folosite, ceasurile purtate de personaje, orarul trenurilor care functionau in acea perioda, numele strazilor din suburbiile unde locuiau personajele, fructele si marcile de bautura pe care acestia le consumau ca sa dau numai cateva exemple.
Mad Men a castigat pana acum 9 premii Emmy si 5 Globuri de Aur. Odata cu cresterea popularitatii au inceput sa apara si persoane care spun ca este supraestimat, fenomen normal de altfel (in fiecare colt de lume exista un numar mai mic sau mai mare de oameni care considera ca este datoria lor sfanta si rolul lor pe pamant sa fie contra curentului, fie el si un curent de nisa).
Eu una cred ca Mad Men este puternic subestimat: are un buget foarte mic pe episod mai ales avand in vedere rezultatle extraordinare iar scriitura este cu adevarat exceptionala. Replicile personajelor sunt de cele mai multe ori geniale, insa tacerile lor, ceea ce nu spun sunt cele mai pline de semnificatii (asa cum bine arata si articolul din Vanity Fair dedicat serialului).
Mad Men nu este un tv show pentru toata lumea, este genul de serial pe care il vei iubi si despre care vei intelege ca este magic de la episodul pilot, fie vei renunta sa il mai urmaresti neintelegand ce este cu tot fasul din jurul lui. Chiar ignorand povestea, Mad Men merita vazut si numai pentru vestimentatia spectaculoasa: pasionatele de vintage vor putea admira tot ceea ce a dat moda mai bun in anii 60.
Planuiesc ca de aici inainte sa scriu cate un articol dedicat fiecaruia dintre personajele importante din Mad Men si astfel sa imi satisfac pe deplin obsesia.
Imaginile folosite in acest articol sunt realizate de Annie Leibovitz pentru Vanity Fair: "Don and Betty's Paradise Lost" (cu exceptia celei de-a doua de sus care este un ad de promovare pentru serial).
In final n-am putut sa rezist si m-am transformat (pe mine si pe Alice) in personaje din Mad Men. Ramane sa ghiciti voi care sunt eu si care este ea!:)
Se mai uita cineva la Mad Men? Va place la fel de mult ca mie sau vi se pare desuet si supraestimat?

Friday, February 5, 2010
The props are alive
Did you notice that lately many of the photo shoots out there feature animals as props? Apparently cats, lambs, dogs and horses are the new hot accessories that a girl needs to be fabulous. Just kiddin’ but seriously I love the photos I saved in my computer and then realized they have this detail in common.
Ati observat ca in ultimul timp tot mai multe pictoriale folosesc “elemente de recuzita” vii? Pisicile pufoase, mieii, caii si cainii gigantici sunt din ce in ce mai prezenti in paginile revistelor si in campaniile publicitare. Initial am salvat aceste fotografii pentru ca mi-au placut si abia apoi mi-am dat seama ca au acest lucru in comun!
Bianca Balti Nude by Vincent Peters in Vogue Germany Feb 2010
Victoria's Secret GQ UK February 2010
Anja Rubik in Vogue Nippon
Fara legataura cu moda: va plac animalele? Aveti un animal de companie?
Soundtrack: Azi ascult Jaymay!
Soundtrack: Azi ascult Jaymay!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Chuck’s bringing nerdy back!
There are lots of TV shows out there starring cool, “ordinary” spies but there is one Chuck. I love the characters in this show and the humor is off the charts. Also I have a huge crush on Chuck Bartowski/Zachary Levi. I could hardly restrain myself from drawing little, red, stalking harts all over his picture but you know I have a reputation to protect (otherwise I would totally write Sara Bartowski all over the place). I mean what else could you ask but for someone who can reinstall your Windows in a blink of an eye while rocking a tie with a pair of classic converse and a super smile. I'll take two of those, please.
If a proud Nerd Herd member is not enough for you there are lots of other reason to watch Chuck:
Exhibit 1. Devon 'Captain Awesome' Woodcomb (played by Ryan McPartlin ) who’s super awesome and shirtless most of the time! Things are either “awesome” or “so not awesome” to him. Love that!
Awesome: Geeze, this guy's heavy.
Chuck: Well bad guys don't count carbs, buddy.
Chuck: Well bad guys don't count carbs, buddy.
Exhibit 2. John “ El Angel De La Muerte” Casey (played by Adam Baldwin) – the trigger happy secret agent who has the most hysterical lines ever delivered while keeping a straight face.
Chuck: What's in dubai?
Casey: Weap-Con, the greatest weapons convention. I go every year. I find it very relaxing. It looks like this year, I'll be able to write it off as a business trip
Chuck: Listen, I'm an integral member of this team and my voice needs to be heard.
Casey: Your pre-pubescent girl screams are going to be duly noted.
Exhibit 3. Jeffster (Lester Patel and Jeff Barnes) – in spite off being creepy and desperate Lester and Jeff are hilarious.
Exhibit 4. Sarah Walker (played by Yvonne Strahovski) the too hot to handle blonde spy!
Exhibit 5. Morgan Grimes (played by Joshua Gomez) - he’s an adorable moron and Chuck’s best friend.
Casey: Your pre-pubescent girl screams are going to be duly noted.
Exhibit 3. Jeffster (Lester Patel and Jeff Barnes) – in spite off being creepy and desperate Lester and Jeff are hilarious.
Lester Patel:You've come to the right place. Repulsion is our business.
Jeff: And business is good.
Jeff: And business is good.
Lester Patel: Yeah, sure it's going to blow their minds, but uh, where does all this *lead*? Stadium, groupies, creative differences? And then what? Jeffster breaks up? That's you and me, Jeff! And then what's my fate? Some chambermaid finds me in some hotel room having accidentally asphyxiated while making love to myself! It's not worth it!
Jeff: He's such a tortured artist.
Lester Patel: I mean people, do you have any idea what working with fried food will do to my complexion?
Jeff: I can't leave the Buy More. I won't survive in the real world. I'm institutionalized.
Exhibit 4. Sarah Walker (played by Yvonne Strahovski) the too hot to handle blonde spy!
Chuck Bartowski: Why didn't you bring your gun?
Exhibit 5. Morgan Grimes (played by Joshua Gomez) - he’s an adorable moron and Chuck’s best friend.
Morgan Grimes: Gentlemen, I think I speak for all of us when I say that the only reason I took this job at the Buy More was to do as little work as humanly possible.
Morgan Grimes: The big man has made that dream a reality.
Lester Patel: The man's an inspiration to slackers everywhere.
Morgan Grimes: The big man has made that dream a reality.
Lester Patel: The man's an inspiration to slackers everywhere.
Chuck este cu siguranta unul dintre serialele mele preferate in momentul de fata. Motivele sunt multe (priviti numai colajele cu personajele :) si cel mai important este ca serialul acesta este cu adevarat amuzant. De asemenea imi place mult de tot Chuck Bartowski/ Zachary Levi, atat de mult incat a fost un adevarat exercitiu de vointa sa nu desenez inimioare obsedate pe fotografiile lui ca in clasa aVa. Am o reputatie de aparat, altfel... . Pur si simplu nu pot sa rezist unui tip cu un zambet de milioane si care poate reinstala Windowsul in somn. Aceata este calcaiul lui Ahile pentru mine!
Voi la ce nu puteti sa rezistati? Is nerdy a turn off or a turn-on?
Soundtrack: Azi ascut Alien like you (The Pigott Brothers)!