As you may probably know (or not know) this weekend
The Face Hunter (Yvan Rodic) is coming to Bucharest, in fact he’s here right now so if you’re wondering the streets of the city dressed to the nines (…or almost naked:))))) be prepared to strike a pose.
Tomorrow and Sunday (25 si 26 septembrie) he will be attending Absolutely Fabulous Fashion&Vintage fair (restaurantul La Blanca, Calea Dorobantilor Nr.18, intre orele 11:00 -19:00, langa British Council). My dear sister,
Alice, will also be there Sunday with our line of
handmade accessories and even some retro and vintage clothes, in case you’re going too, don’t hesitate to say Hello (she’s a very nice person, I’m the only one that bites in our family).
This is not the first time Yvan Rodic came to Romania, in 2008 he was invited to the anniversary edition of My Grandma's Backyard (the first vintage and self made fair in Romania) organized by the lovely Gabriela Maria Vlad.
I’m a very charitable soul and I found these photos of Yvan so that you know who to look for in case you’re prepared for fame). When you see this guy just casually act like a drama queen in his proximity and you’ll probably end up on The Face Hunter.
That being said I think it's only appropriate for me to show you the best pictures and looks from The Face Hunter through time. And when I say the best I actually mean the ones I found most inspiring since 2006 when he started this now famous street style blog. And yes, I do have a folder named The Face Hunter on my computer where I stored the pictures I liked the most from this site beginning with 2006. Other than that I’m completely normal.
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Asa cum probabil stiti (sau poate nu stiti)
Yvan Rodic cunoscut ca The Face Hunter este in acest moment in gloriosul Bucuresti. Stiti ce inseamana asta, nu? In caz ca va plimbati linistiti prin Bucuresti imbracati cu personalitate (…sau aproape dezbracati):))) pregatiti-va de poze. Maine si duminica Yvan Rodic o sa fie la
Absolutely Fabulous Fashion&Vintage fair (restaurantul La Blanca, Calea Dorobantilor Nr.18, intre orele 11:00 -19:00, langa British Council,). Sora mea,
Alice, o sa fie si ea acolo cu
accesoriile create de noi si cu o multime de haine retro si vintage, in caz ca mergeti la targ nu ezitati sa o salutati (e o persoana foarte draguta, nu va temeti, eu sunt singura din familie care musca).
Aceasta nu este prima data cand Yvan Rodic a fost invitat in Romania – in 2008 el a participat la editia aniversara a MGB (My Grandma's Backyard), primul targ de vintage si self-made fashion organizat de Gabriela Maria Vlad.
In cazul in care sunteti pregatite si pregatiti pentru faima am gasit cateva fotografii cu Yvan ca sa stiti exact pe cine cautati prin oras. In cazul in care il vedeti, nu va panicati, apropiati-va de tip si pentru a va spori sansele de a aparea pe The Face Hunter comportativa cat mai dramatic cu putinta afisand in acelasi timp un aer de nepasare.
Acestea fiind spuse cred ca este vremea sa ilustrez acesta insemnare cu cele mai frumoase fotografii de pe Face Hunter publicate de-a lungul timpului, cele care mi-au placut mie cel mai mult incepand cu 2006 (da, le salvez intr-un fisier pe calculator incepand din 2006, dar in rest sunt destul de normala).
Credeti ca are rost sa scriu si in romana sau intelege toata lumea ce debitez eu aici?