You know by now that I’m crazy about Mad Men (read more about my obsession here) so it’s only natural I noticed this Swarovski's "4 passions, one heart" advertorial where Lydia Hearst channels her inner Joan Holloway.
I’m not really into the whole Swarovski thing but in this ad it looks ok and I love the clothes, the color is exquisite, the perfect shades of red, I especially like the red dress in the 1`st picture, the high waist, the bandage upper part, the shoulders straps (so pretty).
Lydia does a pretty good job delivering the super hot, red headed bombshell that Joan is with what she has (but she would need a little bit more junk in the trunk to pull it off if you know what I mean)! Christina Hendricks is divine so nobody can do Joan better than her (at least for me).

6 comentarii :
absolutely fabulous!
I love the ad. the styling is just perfect!
Costin M. - design in style
Mie nu-mi place de duduia asta care se vrea a fi Joan. Hainele da, sunt ok, talia inalta, culoarea rosie and so on dar modelul mi se pare execrabil daca s-a mers pe ideea de a o imita pe Joan. Pe langa faptul ca ii mai trebuie mult "junk in the trunk"(=))=))=)) geniala exprimarea) ca sa ajunga la nivelul Christinei Hendricks, nu mi se pare ca are nici acel fler care ma fascineaza la personajul secretarei.
Am inceput de curand sa ma uit si eu la serial(abia am terminat prima serie) si pun pauza de fiecare data cand apare joan in cadru ca sa ma pot holba mai bine la ea:D Pe langa faptul ca are formele alea DEMENTIALE, o ajuta si vocea, privirea, atitudinea in a crea imaginea aia de bomba sexi roscata:D Duduia asta mi se pare stearsa, fada si fara personalitate. Proasta alegere au facut cei care au ales-o. Parerea mea:D
Sunt rea, nu-i asa?:D
:)))))))))) Foarte rea! Acum serios - tipa este cam teapana si mult prea slaba pentru Joan, eu ma gandesc ca s-au inspirat din Mad Men doar la nivel de styling si culoarea parului; acum daca ma gandesc bine cred ca si putin din Jersey Shore, ma refer la inaltimea parului.
Christina Hendricks is the bomb, she's as sexy and beautiful as one can be so no way you can touch that.
bine zici Andreea! ;)
Love Mad Men's character and the actress as well! She really brought glamour back on! Good find.
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