Today I’m ready to rock and roll! It’s one of those hard days when you feel you have to be extra pretty just to make it through. And so I prepared my armor: red lipstick, high heels, super cute dress.
I’ve also brushed my hair, you know I mean business when I do that!:)))))
So, how's your day so far?

13 comentarii :
ohh well...I just put a dress on after puting some make-up on (and that's rare) ... a red lipstik, heels and I'm off for my first day at a law firm :D I guess we have quite a similar day :)
have a great one and don't forget how beautful you are!
What else can I say Sara? Charge ! Go get them, no one should resist your charms.
O yea...I think I am feeling the same today. I'll go get my sensatious lipstick and put on that "let me devour you" look in my eyes. Ok maybe that's too much :))
very cool li'l film :)
Ah ce tare:)) Si eu am fost intr-o dispozitie d'asta azi:D Ploua afara iar eu eram imbracata intr-o rochie cu tutu, tocuri inalte si boiala la ochi:)) Ma simt mai bine acum:D
Poze ne arati?:X
So girls, I guess we were all feeling a bit "femme fatale" today! All I can say is that it wasn't a bad day after all!
Andreea- I'm extremely camera shy (and paranoid), I'll leave the outfit posts to Alice (for the moment)!:))))
Cute little video, I like it!
Very cool picture set! I need to wear more red lipstick.
Ahh so cute!! I love this! I have been wanting to wear a red lip lately, this has encouraged me even more!
today felt very in the need of a real spring and partly rock and roll when I realized I was being made a job offer and I would refuse it as I don't think they can think as big as me...
Inge - That's pretty badass of you, don't you love being in that position!? I know I do!:)
uh great gif! i love it!
ps* thanks for your nice words on my blog, you are so cute
O super montajul! Aici a fost soare si chiar primavara!
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