Last Monday I meet Anna at Starbucks to basically be awesome and geeky and talk about stuff we love: movies, TV shows, books, life, music. The company was spectacular, I had an amazing time, we talked for hours and then spent another hour at the traffic lights because we remembered important stuff that couldn’t be postponed. It’s so rare I meet people so nice, inspiring, funny and easy to talk too, I feel Anna could be my other sister, we have so many things in common, she also makes the best recommendations movies and TV shows wise ( she and the other wonderful freak that’s my real sister Sara, she also watches some of them without me, that cold hearted bitch).
We also took some photos while everybody and their mother were making rude or obvious comments such us: they are taking pictures, look they are taking pictures using a camera. Dudes, take a chill pill, it’s not like we were naked! Another hilarious details: I was seconds away from taking a cold shower from the sprinklers that just started functioning all of the sudden while Anna was snapping some photos of me. Just imagine the 6 tall little me running for my life followed by cold jets of water. I was terrified as the blue dress I’m wearing (Sara thinks is a night gown) is pretty sheer and I wasn’t in the mood for a wet t-shirt contest with me as a soul contestant.
We also took some photos while everybody and their mother were making rude or obvious comments such us: they are taking pictures, look they are taking pictures using a camera. Dudes, take a chill pill, it’s not like we were naked! Another hilarious details: I was seconds away from taking a cold shower from the sprinklers that just started functioning all of the sudden while Anna was snapping some photos of me. Just imagine the 6 tall little me running for my life followed by cold jets of water. I was terrified as the blue dress I’m wearing (Sara thinks is a night gown) is pretty sheer and I wasn’t in the mood for a wet t-shirt contest with me as a soul contestant.
Martea trecuta m-am intalnit cu Anna la Starbucks ca sa ne saturam sa vorbim despre pasiunile noastre comune: filme, muzica, seriale, viata. Compania a fost grozava, am vorbit mai bine de 5 ore si apoi am mai stat inca o ora la semafor pentru ca ne tot aminteam lucruri interesante care trebuiau spuse. M-am simtit super bine, mi se intampla destul de rar sa intalnesc persoane cu care sa am atat de multe lucruri in comun, atat de relaxate, amuzante si cu care sa ma simt atat de confortabil, Anna ar putea foarte bine sa fie a doua mea sora, asa de bine ne-am distrat doar palavragind fara sa ne plictisim deloc.Am facut si cateva poze in timp ce jumatate din Bucuresti se hlizea la noi si facea comentarii evidente de genul: uita-te, fac poze, wow cu un aparat foto de parca nu aveam haine pe noi. Am avut si un mic incident amuzant: am evitat la secunda sa fiu udata pana la piele de “stropitorile” automate care hidratau gazonul, au pornit brusc, chiar nu am auzit/vazut niciun semn de avertizare asa ca am alergat cu disperare cu tasnitorile puse pe treaba in urma mea pentru a evita un concurs de tricouri ude in care eu as fi fost singura concurenta. Anna era in siguranta in afara ariei de actiune a terorii lichide.
Anna, being all beautiful and herself:)))))
I'm wearing:
blue dress – vintage
pants– random brand
rings: Dorothy Perkins and Miss Selfridge
shoes – Converse All Stars
hot pink bow headband – Alice&Sara (handmade by me)
blue dress – vintage
pants– random brand
rings: Dorothy Perkins and Miss Selfridge
shoes – Converse All Stars
hot pink bow headband – Alice&Sara (handmade by me)

12 comentarii :
Funny story with the sprinklers :)). You two look as cute as cupcakes!
Ah, there's nothing as yummy and fun as a girls date at Starbucks. :P
I also love that great feeling of needing/being able to talk to a person even after hours of conversation, like you just met in a while!
You two are lovely! :)
Sandra - thanks, these kind of funny stories always seem to hapen to me:)
Anca - thank you:)
I soo love dates at Starbucks! and the coffee there is magical. Love both your outfits! :*
yey, we get to see you wearing pants again! :P omg, that starbucks drink looks so delicious... i can't even...
so glad you had a great time, time really does fly by when you're having fun.
Costin M.
Stilistele - Anna has a life long Starbucks addiction and I'm heading that way too:)
Costin - I'm into pants right now so yeah, that drink is my fav - mango and other exotic fruits juice with tea and other stuff:)))
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
And what a lovely day it was! Mai ales partea cu opritul la semafor :)) De abia astept sa ne vedem Joi si, of course, marti la X-Men!
:) Me too! James McAvoy, here we come!
funy! vad ca te-ai dat pe pantaloni. love your blouse! puupo.stii ca te iubesc.
Hey thanks for following me!! I am an accessories girl and I have serious ring envy over some of yours. Now following you too xxx
oh i love those accessories and red-head :D love, P.
That is sooo lovely! She is such a nice person, I want to meet her again too :( I bet you had loads of fun! :D
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