I know this type of nails has been done before but many of you asked me how I’ve done it so here’s a very simple photo tutorial. I guess my only contribution to this technique is that I used these little red adhesive dots that are meant for something completely different but are very useful and inexpensive (you can find them in any school supplies store).
You can choose any two colors you want, just make sure they go well together. I also wanted the “half moon” to be bigger and rounder than usual and the little dots are perfect for that.
You can choose any two colors you want, just make sure they go well together. I also wanted the “half moon” to be bigger and rounder than usual and the little dots are perfect for that.
Stiu ca tipul acesta de unghii nu este nou, dar am decis sa fac un tutorial rapid (in imagini) pentru ca am primit o multime de mailuri si comentarii cu intrebari legate de acest subiect. Consider ca singura informatie cu adevarat noua este legata de forma pe care am folosit-o ca sa obtin “semiluna” din josul unghiei.
Ei bine, am cumparat niste cerculete rosii autoadezive care se gasesc in orice librarie bine aprovizionata pe care le-am taiat in doua (ele sunt menite pentru cu totul altceva, dar mi s-au parut perfecte mai ales ca doream o “semiluna” mai mare si mai rotunda decat cele pe care le-am vazut in alte tutoriale, practic un semicerc:))). Puteti folosi orice combinatie de culori, eu am ales alb si roz intr-o nuanta de acadea.
Step 2. Cut the dots in half and apply them on the bottom half of each nail. Make sure they are well glued!
Ei bine, am cumparat niste cerculete rosii autoadezive care se gasesc in orice librarie bine aprovizionata pe care le-am taiat in doua (ele sunt menite pentru cu totul altceva, dar mi s-au parut perfecte mai ales ca doream o “semiluna” mai mare si mai rotunda decat cele pe care le-am vazut in alte tutoriale, practic un semicerc:))). Puteti folosi orice combinatie de culori, eu am ales alb si roz intr-o nuanta de acadea.
Step 1. Apply the base color (the color of the “half-moon”). Wait for it to perfectly dry.
Step 2. Cut the dots in half and apply them on the bottom half of each nail. Make sure they are well glued!
Taiati cerculetele adezive in doua si lipiti-le pe fiecare unghie in partea de jos, asigurati-va ca sunt bine asezate si perfect intinse!
Step 3. Apply the second color of nail polish. Wait for it to perfectly dry.
Step 3. Apply the second color of nail polish. Wait for it to perfectly dry.
Aplicati a doua culoare de oja si asteptati sa se usuce bine!
Step 4. After making sure the nail polish is dry just take the dots off.
Dezlipiti semicercurile dupa ce v-ati asigurat ca oja este complet uscata!
Step 5. You’re done! Admire and put a ring on it!:)))). High five for a job well done! Gloat!:))))
Rasuflati usurate – sunteti gata! Se servesc cu inele colorate!:)
How do you like it? This was my first try, I'm pretty sure next time will be even better!:)

72 comentarii :
Oh, I love it! I have tried something similar in my previous post here : http://ramona-strikeapose.blogspot.com/2011/01/duo-tone.html
Yours looks wonderful!
xoxo Ra
i knew this was coming since i saw the outfit post earlier, the nails looked too cool not to create a tutorial! awesome!
Costin M.
Wow so pretty! I wish I could paint my nails like this and not chip them...
I'm so in love with your rings. So in love!
Very beautiful!!
I love your blog!!!! Thanks for visiting mine too!!! It's so amazing and the pictures are just awesome!!! Definitely following. (And bookmarking on my favourites)
Chari T (deep fried stilettos)
great tutorial... I love them
My Stylish Little Secret
I loved it! And the rings? Soooo cute! I want them!! hehe
I love those nails, I'll have to try this out very soon xo
Great post!
This is great! Very pretty nails and it looks very easy to do :)
Now I know how women have such fabulous looking nails sometimes!
What a beautiful job! I can never paint my nails well in 1 colour let alone 2! And I had no idea those stickers could be used to create the little half moon shapes! Love it :)
OMG.. LOVE it.. thanks for sharing
MiMi xoxo
Make-up Overdose
That's great tutorial! Love it! Thanks for sharing! <3
super! mersi.puup
Absolutely gorgeous!Love the color combo!
me loves it, I need to get me some of those dots;)
Wow great tutorial!! I'm so bad at painting my nails and you made this look so easy!
I second Nookie :d
This is a great result, wanna try it too, very soon =)
Have a great day ! Kisses
you're so lovable, you have no idea!
I love the idea of using those little red dots! The result is really cool
vaai ce dragute au iesit! de ceva vreme vreau sa incerc si e dar nu am avut cu ce, ideea ta e foarte buna!
Great combination!:)
Its my first time on your blog, & Im really like it! Great style & great post's :)
Im Your New follower, & followe me if you will like my blog:)
Great post, I love it! And the rings are beautiful! :) Thanks for your comment, now I'm a new follower! :)
The Streets of Fashion
nice post and i like the rings :)
I love your nails and your rings! xD
Thank you for sharing! You really have a great blog :)
Thank you for following me and the sweet comment on my blog, I follow back :)
Good morning sweetie! Thanks a lot for visiting my blog! Glad you like it!! Of course I like yours too it's really original! Followed back!;)Have a great day!
Olaya B
hi, thank you for your comment in my blog, I like yours very much, now I´m a follower !!!
nice day !!!
Your nails are so fun! You have a really chic blog!
i follow
Adrien Loren
That is really clever - wondered how to do it - now i know. Thanks so much for your comment and happily followed back x
thanks for nice comment on my blog, and i hope ur following me, i follow u :)))))
nice post
Super! Acum mai ramane doar sa gasesc punctuletele pentru ca am incercat cu benzi pentru manichiura french si nu mi-a iesit :)
ooooh thank you sooo much!
you r so kind!
thank you my dear!!! :))) That's so nice :)
+ Your nails are soooo cute! so lovely! Great job :D
These are really cute :) Well done, much better than I could have done! Haha. Following you :) Follow me back if you like my blog :)
Great! Nice photos and blog! :))
Omg how cute nails! I would like to have them..
super dragute au iesit! si eu ma apucasem o data dar n-aveam cerculete din astea si am lasat-o balta.. o sa le caut si eu:) Oricum, superbe! :)
Great job,dear! I love it!!
Your nails are fantastic!
Thanks for following and for your lovely comment.Your blog is very cute!I added to your followers:)
See you soon
thanks for the tutorial, i'll try it also!
Thank you for the comment on my blog! I'll follow you too!
Gorgous. Very cute.
Que color mas bonito de uñas...me ha gustado el truco que has usado para pintarlas...un beso
Great! Thanks for the tutorial. I have always wanted to know how. ^_^
Lovely! I love your rings!
i love ur nail! good tips!
i love ur blog! its amazing!
imma follow u!
Thanks for your nice nice comment Sarah!! You're so sweet :)
good tuturial!
What an amazing idea! I'll def have to try this - super cute!
Oh my goodness, Im glad to have come across your blog, I love the tutorial!
Thanks for following♥
Im following you too :)
Look brilliant and so easy! I'd also use either Sally Hansen speed dry spray or Ciate fast dry top coat to save time and preserve this beauty. :)
haven't seen something like that before, so it's a very cool idea!! (Y)
Thank you :)
I follow back :)
Hi, thanks for visiting my blog. I love your blog and your style!
I'm following here!
kisses from Brazil
OMG, thanks! just found your cute blog and am TOTALLY trying this! always loved this look and didn't know how to do it.
<3 mode.
ce idee buna, o voi pune in practica cat mai curand!
I love it! :)
thanks for your lovely comment and for following me..followyou here and on bloglovin!! your blog is awesome!!
Awesome nails! :D
Have a Good Day!
Her nails were beautiful! Congratulations!
Your blog is lovely and I'm a new follower! Hope you'll like my blog and follow back!
Eu am doua maini stangi asa ca nu cred ca o sa pot sa fac nimic creativ vreodata! Imi place cum ti-au iesit unghiile! You rock!
Hiya Thanks for the comment :)
I actually wanna do that to my nails. But at the moment I dont have something like those red dot stickers thingys that you have lol.
Thanks for following. I'm following back.
Beatifull nails! I have to do this!:)
You LOVE rings don't you? I'm all about nails!! Thanks for sharing these tips :)
Following you also
love this look!
How strange! me in the blog if I'm following you out ... : S and I am a member of your blog!
I love your nails! Lately I have become very interested in nail art. I'll definitely try this out. Looks easy and I have just the right colors :) I'll post the results of my nails when I try it out on my blog :)
I LOVE these nails - i've never seen anything like it :) Will have to give this a try!
Anna xo
oh! i love it of diy about the nail polish. I didn't knew how made was it.
thank you so much for the comment about my editorial.
AH ! Great idea !
Great idea!!!
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