thought we should start this week in style with a great giveaway for all of
guys over at Oriflame sent me their new perfume - Paradise – to test and give to one
lucky reader which I am more than happy to do.
first impression when I opened the package was – Gosh, I love the bottle and
the fancy gold cork. I’m a sucker for a beautiful presentation! Then I
puffed a fragrant cloud of Paradise (pun intended) and graciously stepped into
it – because I’m that kind of girl; it’s the way I apply perfume, I swear, I’m
super classy as I told you time and time again:))).
it hit me: Paradise smells like spring and sun, peonies and jasmine with
subtle hints of musk, it’s fresh, bohemian and feminine with a bit of spicy in
there. I’m sure many of you will love it.
had fun taking a few pictures with the perfume so that you can see what is that
you can win entering this giveaway.
you have to do for a chance to win the perfume (Paradise
by Oriflame) is (all 3 conditions are
Share this article on your Facebook wall, maybe tag @Pop Culture
and leave the link in a comment
Leave a comment on this post with your email address and the name you
used to like Pop Culture&Fashion Magic on Facebook and the
link (for the share)
For an extra
one, two, three or four chances to win you can also (these are not mandatory
and each one will count as an extra entry):
Like Oriflame Romania on Facebook (mention
this in a comment so that I can count an extra entry for you)
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’ (mention this in a
comment so that I can count an extra entry for you)
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Google Friend Connect (mention
this in a comment so that I can count an extra entry for you)
Blog or tweet about it on your blog or Twitter account (mention this in a
comment and leave the link so that I can count an extra entry for you).
giveaway ends February 28th. The winner will be sorted out randomly.
This is an international giveaway – anybody can join in!

RO: Hello superstars! Stiu ca zilele de luni nu sunt cele mai
placute, dar v-am pregatit un giveaway care sper sa va inveseleasca.
Cei de la Oriflame mi-au trimis noul lor parfum –
Paradise – pentru un test drive si
pentru a-l oferi unuia dintre dragii mei cititori. Prima mea reactie cand am
deschis cutia a fost un ahhhhh entuziamat legat de designul adorabil al
sticlutei cu capac auriu spectaculos. Imediat am pulverizat un nor parfumat in
care am pasit gratios (doar stiti cat de classy sunt – va spun asta tot timpul
in speranta ca me veti crede pe cuvant :)))). Paradise este un parfum fructat,
usor condimentat, perfect pentru a invoca atat de asteptata primavara.
Miroase a soare, bujori, lacramioare si iasomie (notele de baza)
cu accente suave de frezie, piper negru si rosu (notele inalte) si o aroma
usora de mosc, cashmeran si lemn de cedru (notele joase). Mi s-a parut rafinat,
dar nepretentios si bohem – un parfum usor de purtat si care te face sa te
simti bine in pielea, te duce cu gandul la libertate si vacante spontane.
Mi-a facut asadar placere sa fac si cateva fotografii cu
parfumul pe care il puteti castiga!
Pentru a participa este suficient sa (toate cele 3
conditii de mai jos sunt absolut necesare):
♥ Share (sa puneti link) acestui articol cu giveaway-ul
pe peretele vostru de Facebook si sa lasati link ca sa pot verifica
♥ Lasati un comentariu la acest post in care sa
mentionati adresa de email ca sa pot contacta castigatorul si numele
cu care urmariti Pop Culture pe Facebook

Petru una, doua trei sau patru sanse suplimentare de
a castiga parfumul Paradise by Oriflame puteti sa :
2. Urmariti Pop Culture prin GFC (Google Frined Conect) -
(mentionati asta in comentariu ca sa pot adauga o inscriere suplimentara)
4.Scrieti o insemnare rapida despre Giveaway pe blogul
personal sau scrieti pe Twitter despre giveaway (lasati un comentariu cu
Pentru fiecare conditie suplimentara indeplinita veti primi o
inscriere in plus (fiecare cititor poate avea maxim 5 inscrieri daca
indeplineste toate conditiile – cele obligatorii plus cele suplimentare.)
Giveawayul se incheie pe 28 februarie! Mult success!
luck to all of you!
The Winner
I just want to thank you all for taking the time to enter out giveaway sponsored by Oriflame. I’m very happy so many of you decided to do it and just know I wish I had a fragrance for all of you. Hopefully we’ll have many others so that every one of you can win something. Meantime I have to rely on the Gods of chance to choose the winner. This is the list I made with all the entries (the mandatory one and the extra entries):
…and the winner is...
No. 58 - that's Beauty and others! Congratulations!!!