thought we should start this week in style with a great giveaway for all of
guys over at Oriflame sent me their new perfume - Paradise – to test and give to one
lucky reader which I am more than happy to do.
first impression when I opened the package was – Gosh, I love the bottle and
the fancy gold cork. I’m a sucker for a beautiful presentation! Then I
puffed a fragrant cloud of Paradise (pun intended) and graciously stepped into
it – because I’m that kind of girl; it’s the way I apply perfume, I swear, I’m
super classy as I told you time and time again:))).
it hit me: Paradise smells like spring and sun, peonies and jasmine with
subtle hints of musk, it’s fresh, bohemian and feminine with a bit of spicy in
there. I’m sure many of you will love it.
had fun taking a few pictures with the perfume so that you can see what is that
you can win entering this giveaway.
you have to do for a chance to win the perfume (Paradise
by Oriflame) is (all 3 conditions are
Culture&Fashion Magic on Facebook
Share this article on your Facebook wall, maybe tag @Pop Culture
and leave the link in a comment
Leave a comment on this post with your email address and the name you
used to like Pop Culture&Fashion Magic on Facebook and the
link (for the share)
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this in a comment so that I can count an extra entry for you)
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comment so that I can count an extra entry for you)
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this in a comment so that I can count an extra entry for you)
Blog or tweet about it on your blog or Twitter account (mention this in a
comment and leave the link so that I can count an extra entry for you).
giveaway ends February 28th. The winner will be sorted out randomly.
This is an international giveaway – anybody can join in!
RO: Hello superstars! Stiu ca zilele de luni nu sunt cele mai
placute, dar v-am pregatit un giveaway care sper sa va inveseleasca.
Cei de la Oriflame mi-au trimis noul lor parfum – Paradise – pentru un test drive si
pentru a-l oferi unuia dintre dragii mei cititori. Prima mea reactie cand am
deschis cutia a fost un ahhhhh entuziamat legat de designul adorabil al
sticlutei cu capac auriu spectaculos. Imediat am pulverizat un nor parfumat in
care am pasit gratios (doar stiti cat de classy sunt – va spun asta tot timpul
in speranta ca me veti crede pe cuvant :)))). Paradise este un parfum fructat,
usor condimentat, perfect pentru a invoca atat de asteptata primavara.
Miroase a soare, bujori, lacramioare si iasomie (notele de baza)
cu accente suave de frezie, piper negru si rosu (notele inalte) si o aroma
usora de mosc, cashmeran si lemn de cedru (notele joase). Mi s-a parut rafinat,
dar nepretentios si bohem – un parfum usor de purtat si care te face sa te
simti bine in pielea, te duce cu gandul la libertate si vacante spontane.
Mi-a facut asadar placere sa fac si cateva fotografii cu
parfumul pe care il puteti castiga!
Pentru a participa este suficient sa (toate cele 3
conditii de mai jos sunt absolut necesare):
♥ LIKE pagina de Facebook
a Pop Culture
♥ Share (sa puneti link) acestui articol cu giveaway-ul
pe peretele vostru de Facebook si sa lasati link ca sa pot verifica
♥ Lasati un comentariu la acest post in care sa
mentionati adresa de email ca sa pot contacta castigatorul si numele
cu care urmariti Pop Culture pe Facebook
Petru una, doua trei sau patru sanse suplimentare de
a castiga parfumul Paradise by Oriflame puteti sa :
1. Like pagina Oriflame Romania (mentionati asta in comentariu ca sa pot adauga o inscriere
2. Urmariti Pop Culture prin GFC (Google Frined Conect) -
(mentionati asta in comentariu ca sa pot adauga o inscriere suplimentara)
3.Urmariti Pop
Culture prin Bloglovin’ (mentionati asta in comentariu ca sa pot adauga o
inscriere suplimentara)
4.Scrieti o insemnare rapida despre Giveaway pe blogul
personal sau scrieti pe Twitter despre giveaway (lasati un comentariu cu
Pentru fiecare conditie suplimentara indeplinita veti primi o
inscriere in plus (fiecare cititor poate avea maxim 5 inscrieri daca
indeplineste toate conditiile – cele obligatorii plus cele suplimentare.)
Giveawayul se incheie pe 28 februarie! Mult success!
Good luck to all of you!
The Winner
I just want to thank you all for taking the time to enter out giveaway sponsored by Oriflame. I’m very happy so many of you decided to do it and just know I wish I had a fragrance for all of you. Hopefully we’ll have many others so that every one of you can win something. Meantime I have to rely on the Gods of chance to choose the winner. This is the list I made with all the entries (the mandatory one and the extra entries):
…and the winner is...
No. 58 - that's Beauty and others! Congratulations!!!

128 comentarii :
cute packaging
Like Pop Culture and fashion magic on Facebook: Natasha Laurensia
Share: http://www.facebook.com/shasha88/posts/356727887682662
Email: laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com
Like Oriflame Romania on FB: Natasha L.
Email: laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com
GFC FolloweR: Shasha
Email: laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com
Bloglovin Follower
Laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com
Like on fb -Anna Ku
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
Like Oriflame Romania on Facebook-Anna Ku
following on bloglovin
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
i hope i win
- I sure do like Pop Culture on FCB for a long time ago :)
- Shared the giveaway on FCB : http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=350970338275928&set=a.102770266429271.1657.100000888934970&type=1&theater
- E-mail: veronica.biliboc@yahoo.com , numele Veronica Biliboc :)
Hope I`ll win :P
Extra :D Liked Oriflame on FCB
sorry I put a wrong FB link... Please Ignore my first post.. Here is the right one:
I follow your blog on bloglovin with Veronica Biliboc
I follow your blog via GFC with Veronica Biliboc
LIKE pagina de Facebook a Pop Culture♥ - mihaela pojogu
Share: https://www.facebook.com/mihaela.pojogu/posts/338012319577204
mihaela.mihordea at gmail dot com
1.like pagina Oriflame Romania mihaela pojogu
2. Urmariti Pop Culture prin GFC (Google Frined Conect) -miha.ela
3.Urmaresc Pop Culture prin Bloglovin’
4.am ciripit:
like:Yady Deea
like oriflame:Yady Deea
Like: Miruna Zurbagiu
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GFC: Little Princess
Bloglovin: Mirunika_iloveu@yahoo.com
E-mail: mirunika_iloveu@yahoo.com
LIKE FB: Carmen-Elena Craciunescu-Nechita
Share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=375964635766496&id=100000416135090
E-mail: camynechita@yahoo.com
1.Like pagina Oriflame Romania cu Carmen-Elena Craciunescu-Nechita
2.GFC: Camyutza
3.Urmaresc Pop Culture prin Bloglovin’
Multumesc de sansa!
fb: andra katerina ( am dat like si la oriflame romania)
share: http://www.facebook.com/KatyaMikhailov/posts/310256552363702
gfc: bbydoll
email: bbyqdoll@gmail.com
Stii deja ca va plac demult pe facebook:): Simona Floroaia.
Te urmaresc via Bloglovin.
LIKE:KKinga Kinga
de cand a aparut mi-a tot facut cu ochiul,arata superb, pacat ca nu stiu cum miroase, dar pana acum am citit numai reviewuri pozitive, asta trebuie sa insemne ceva:))
pozele sunt absolut fantastice!
Te urmaresc via GFC.
Like FB: Andrici Doina Elena
Share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=263698933707170&id=100002258786169
Email: andricidoina@yahoo.com
Am dat like Oriflame Romania cu numele de Andrici Doina Elena
GFC: andricidoina
Te urmaresc prin Bloglovin'
Nu am blog.
fb Msc Elena
email elascumpik23@yahoo.com
gfc elascumpik23
GFC : alina maria manole
LIKE FB :Manole Alina Maria
link share FB: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=251105098303895&id=100001682962711
like pagina Oriflame Romania: Manole Alina Maria
adresa de email : alina16mary@yahoo.com
FB:Delisia Ioana
Email:ely_2ss at yahoo dot com
Like pagina Oriflame:Delisia Ioana
gfc mihaela
fb mihaela caunic
email mishacaunic@yahoo.com
gfc filip anca
fb filip anca (inclusiv oriflame)
share https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2392666555702&id=1822056482
mail flipancayony@yahoo.com
Like FB: Nicoleta Alexandra
Share FB: http://www.facebook.com/nicoletalexandra/posts/157866047666206
E-mail: x_hubba.bubba_x@yahoo.com
Pt sanse suplimentare:
1. Like pag Oriflame Romania: Nicoleta Alexandra
2. GFC: beauty_and_others
4. Share Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/hubba1bubba/status/171615001990270976
gfc kaiyo aino
fb kaiyo aino
share fb http://fashionandpopculturemagic.blogspot.com/2012/02/paradise-by-oriflame-review-and.html
Like oriflame Romania: Kaiyo aino
Fallowing with bloglovin` Kaiyo Aino
email dumitur9catalina@yahoo.com
twitter share :https://twitter.com/#!/Kaiyoaino/status/171623907965677569
FB like(Pop Culture si Oriflame): Lovely Make Up
Share: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=196460787128711&id=100002700576613
GFC: Lovely Make Up
Email: cuc_ioana7@yahoo.com
The bottle looks adorable and the fragrance sounds delicious. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I follow via bloglovin and like on fb :)
fb: irina olteanu
share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=300187756703378&id=1713637391
e-mail: irina_olteanu2000@yahoo.com
fb:andreea jolly share fb:http://www.facebook.com/oriflamero?sk=app_160430850678443#!/100002433002875/timeline/story?ut=76&wstart=1328083200&wend=1330588799&hash=3904351962767366751 fb like:(oriflame si pop culture):andreea jolly gfc:andreea jolly mail:andreea.jolly@yahoo.com
e-mail georgeta_borza@yahoo.com
gfc georgeta_borza
fb Borza Georgeta
share http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=331398876896621&id=100001007984384
like Oriflame Romania
I love the bottle!
Like facebook: Arina Vrabie
Link share facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000313920657&ref=tn_tnmn#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=308855362504901&id=100000313920657
Sorry, I forgot the e-mail: kiss_4_bbp@yahoo.com
like pagina de Facebook a Pop Culture: Ionescu Ana-Claudia
Like pagina Oriflame Romania : Ionescu Ana-Claudia
Urmaresc Pop Culture prin GFC: anyt_dodo
share FB: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=235270299899782&id=100000927000379
email: anyt_dodo@yahoo.com
gfc: veronica
fb: veronica picioroaga
email: veronicapicioroaga@yahoo.com
urmaresc pagina oriflame romania si te urmaresc prin blogloving
GFC: Daniela
FB: Daniela Ciolan, liked and shared:http://www.facebook.com/daniela.ciolan/posts/260899440654853
E-mail: danielaciolan2004@yahoo.com
FB like Radu Marilena
Email radumarilena2010@yahoo.com
Share FB http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=196924420414514&id=100002635459064
am dat like Oriflame Romania cu Radu Marilena
GFC Radu Marilena
beautiful pictures of the bottle.
GFC: ella_11235
LIKE FB cu nemele : Elena Na;baru
LIKE Oriflame cu Elena Nalbaru
Share FB: https://www.facebook.com/elena.nalbaru/posts/304876622900363
Postare Blog: http://sweet-moms.blogspot.com/2012/02/puteti-castiga-un-parfum-paradise-by.html
Email: elena_palita@yahoo.com
GFC: Gabriela Moldoveanu
LIKE FB cu numele : Gabriela Gab
LIKE Oriflame cu Gabriela Gab
Share FB: https://www.facebook.com/elena.nalbaru/posts/304876622900363
Email: dzzd9177@yahoo.com
GFC: lebi
FB: Sunshine's Fashion
link: https://www.facebook.com/penelope.give/posts/335368956505316
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2-Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Google Friend Connect (lebi)
LIke: cristina iacob
E-mail: cry_filo@yahoo.com
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GFC: ShiningLittle Star
FB: Mary Squillace
Shared on FB:
1) Liked on Oriflame on FB as Mary Squillace
2) Follow this blog as ShiningLittle star
3) Follow with bloglovin' with the e-mail cupcake89@libero.it
gfc : jasminem2004
email :jasminem2004@hotmail.com
fb : carmen rossi
shared here:
GFC: Gabriela Moldoveanu
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LIKE Oriflame cu Gabriela Gab
Share FB: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=393810983968130&id=100003036455068
Email: dzzd9177@yahoo.com
ps: m-am mai inscris o data pentru ca lasasem share-ul gresit,al unei fete de aici. il deschisesem din greseala.
gfc mbilla82
fb adriana costanzo
link + tag https://www.facebook.com/adriana.costanzo/posts/237031723054835
mail mbilla82@yahoo.it
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adriana costanzo
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GFC Adina Radu
Am dat like paginii Oriflame cu Radu Adina
gfc: sharmaynelba
fb: solo giveaway originalhttps://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002523495674&ref=tn_tnmn
THANKS!!! ^_^
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twitted https://twitter.com/#!/LAURAVALZY/status/172005204844220417
GFC: Madalina
FB: Dinu Florina
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E-mail: princess_princessgirl@yahoo.com
enter me!! *_*
GFC: Sekhmet
FB: Harley quieenn
shared : http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=256820291063912&id=1411902250
email: Bas7e7@gmail.com
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email: Bas7e7@gmail.com
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email: Bas7e7@gmail.com
GFC: sekhmet
email: bas7e7@gmail.com
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Even if I don't win, I'm happy to promote such a great blog !
Woops, forgot the e-mail :)
XO from France !
Love it!!!! :-)
Liked on Facebook as Gab Juk
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Email: gabjuk@hotmail.com
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Tweeted as @g_gaby_gaby
Link: https://twitter.com/#!/g_gaby_gaby/status/172102597078028288
Awesome giveaway! ^_^
GFC: floryfrancy
FB: Florinda Fraccalvieri
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e-mail: floryfrancy[at]inwind[dot]it
1) Liked on Oriflame on FB Florinda Fraccalvieri
2) Follow this blog as floryfrancu
3) Follow with bloglovin' with the e-mail floryfrancy@inwind.it
Finger crossed! ;)
Great giveaway!
FB: Francesca Biondina
Shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003517030759&sk=wall
E-mail: redicoppe(at)inwind(dot)it
Extra comment:
Liked on Oriflame on FB (Francesca Biondina)
Finger crossed! ;-)
GFC: Loredana
Fb like: Loredana Macrì
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email: loredanamacri@yahoo.it
Liked on Oriflame on FB: Loredana Macrì
Following Pop Culture&Fashion Magic with Bloglovin’: loredanamacri@yahoo.it
Following Pop Culture&Fashion Magic with Google Friend Connect: Loredana
GFC Bebe
Email bebe03 (at) live (dot) com (dot) sg
Liked on Facebook Bebe Lee
Shared on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn#!/ASleepyBeauty/posts/182707481831853
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GFC/FB:Chicca Tamburrino
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Bloglovin Follower
like popo culture fb togato antonella giglio-82@hotmail.it
Liked and shared! https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=366399773379887&id=100002405035885
finger crossed;)
beautiful giveaway
fb anna di pasquale
enter me please ^^
GFC Francesca Scirpoli
FB Francesca Loveredhair
shared http://www.facebook.com/CenerentolaInnamorataDelMaso/posts/162110370573011
liked Oriflame Romania on fb alias Francesca Loveredhair
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follow you via GFC alias Francesca Scirpoli
Enter me! ^^
Partecipo e condivido! ^^
Like Oriflame romania
I loved the pictures! The scent seems to be a delight!
Have nice day!
♥ I LIKE Pop Culture&Fashion Magic on Facebook
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posted a photo and a link on my wall (don't know how to give you a link to the post itself but it's on my wall :))
♥ my name's Julita Jędras
email: julitajedras@gmail.com
1. I Like Oriflame Romania on Facebook
2. I follow you via Bloglovin'
3. I Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Google Friend Connect
4. I wrote about a giveaway on my blog
So I did everything you asked :)
Hope this will help me to win :))
GFC: punkettina85
FB: flower bomb
Shared on FB:
I'm a new little blogger, can u help me to show it?
fb Mariana Mari
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e-mail borza.mariana@yahoo.com
like Oriflame cu Mariana Mari
gfc borza.mariana
GFC: Cris Zorlentan
FB: Cris Zrl
Share FB: https://www.facebook.com/insanegoddess/posts/220212874743547
E-mail: deathl0ve13@yahoo.com
Am dat like paginii Oriflame Romania, te urmaresc prin GFC
FB name: Catarina Marques
GFC: Catarina
Hi, enter me please
Like on facebook as Cristina Gondos
Shared https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=183964291706735&id=100000929955897
Extra entry: like Oriflame România on fbk as Cristina Gondos
Follow you on bloglovin with the email address Cristina.gondos@yahoo.com
Follow on GFC as Cristina
Twitted on twitter https://twitter.com/#!/GondosCristina/status/173506108034523136
Thanks for the giveaway. XoXo
Am lasat toate in acelasi comentariu, nu trebuia lasat fiecare in unul nou nu?. Pupici si felicitari pentru blog
@Cristina - e foarte ok sa fie toate intr-un comentariu! Multumesc mult de tot!:)
I like on FB as Elisabeth Good, here is my link: https://www.facebook.com/elisabeth.good1/posts/260257270720387
I like Oriflame Romania on Facebook now!
Thanks for opportunity!!!
email maison-@hotmail.it
fb: caterina marposina
shared: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=237680909660343&id=100001275778016
I like pag Oriflame Romania Fb: caterina mariposina
I 'm follower on bloglovin maison-@hotmail.it
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Twetted: https://twitter.com/#!/mariposinacate/status/173591157501210628
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I'm already following you on Google Friend Connect.
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/egood33/status/173591748742877185
Buna !!!
FB Iuliana Gondos
FB share https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=194100667362985&id=100000205924696
Email iulika.ct@gmail.com
Like pagina Oriflame Romania Iuliana Gondos
GFC iulika_ct
Bloglovin iulika.ct@gmail.com
Twitter share https://twitter.com/#!/iulika_ct/status/173772164703588353
Fb Borza Nicoleta
share https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=357583144274859&id=100000728867495
e-mail nicoleta_borza@yahoo.com
gfc vulpi
like Oriflame cu Borza Nicoleta
Enter me please!
FB follower: Alessia lale
Shared: https://www.facebook.com/lalefly/posts/306738269381740
alelale at live.com
I Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Google Friend Connect as Fabulosity
alelale at live.com
I Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’ with my mail address: alelale at live.com
tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/Aljsa/status/173840046246473728
alelale at live.com
gfc: mojemakaze
facebook name: moje makaze
email: mojemakaze@yahoo.com
I like Oriflame Romania on Facebook as moje makaze
I follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’
I follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Google Friend Connect as mojemakaze
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!!!!!!
Here is the Fb link: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=197283267038480&id=100002159706667
My Fb name: Akanksha Chawla
Have liked Oriflame Romania Page :)
Followed u on Bloglovin
Already following via GFC, name is: Akanksha chawla
Tweeted, link: https://twitter.com/#!/sweetgal13/status/174127218858016769
I love it!!! :D
fb like:onew dubu(bhavna)
email id -smsilvermist@gmail.com
like oriflame on fb: onew dubu(bhavna)
gfc: bhavna pande
shared on twitter:https://twitter.com/#!/Bha_P
I follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’
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