I wrote my first article about Lana Del Rey at the end of last year and published it some weeks ago before the whole SNL debacle and the raging backlash that followed. Meanwhile hundreds of pages and millions of words have been said about the subject .
Here's one part of the SNL performance (in case you've missed it)!
The ones that hated the full lips beauty before felt avenged and didn’t miss the chance to yell “I told you so!!!” as loud as they could.
Lana del Rey was made into this larger than life phenomenon that came to save mainstream pop with her dark indie vibes, unusually sexy voice and emotionally charged lyrics and videos.
She was beautiful, different, young, rich - an all around perfect 10 for some.
She was also a highly bankable “product”, a shiny retro infused plastic wrap, a make believe without substance for others.
She was this and that; she was everywhere – that’s how huge expectations were created around her.
And then she did an awful job as the singing guest for Saturday Night Live. The beautifully colored balloon exploded and no fireworks came out. Everybody expected perfection and it wasn’t delivered. She was so awkward, almost terrified, her voice was all over the place, changing keys and generally not meeting all those expectations.
The thing is I heard Lana Del Rey singing live in other clips and she sounds wonderfully – I guess we all forgot she’s a human being and one socially awkward at that despite her apparent physical perfection. I think she just lost it in the face of all the pressure and unfortunately she happened to be on live television and not home alone as many of us are when we lose our shit.
I also thought she redeemed herself when she performed on "Late Show with David Letterman". While it's clear she's not a natural performer and sometimes the nerves get the best of her, Lana Del Rey is still a great talent.
Here you have a spectacular live performance of hers for comparison (she's also singing the same song -Video Games).
I still think that’s something there, she deserves more chances than this before being crucified. Unfortunately the only thing people love more than a success story is a huge fall from grace.
I honestly don’t care if she’s been manufactured in a Hollywood basement – I don’t take her at face value! The fact is she released an amazing album that I can listen for days (my fav song from the album is now "Lucky Ones") – so even if that’s true the girl is sitting on gold.
We have to accept not everybody’s is a social butterfly, some people are just awkward and weird and uncomfortable and stiff and that’s ok too even if they are famous. We’re all human, right?

94 comentarii :
hey dear, what a wonderful post. it's so true! i love her, her voice is amazing and so special from the other ones. the only thing what's important is her voice- she's a singer - not a doll. if people don't like her face or see her as a hollywood product it doesn't matter- the only thing is important: her music! and i love it!
kisses to you and if you have a second, please visit me.
maren anita
Wow. She's so talented and beautiful.
Girlie Blog Seattle - Beauty, Makeup, Fashion Tips, and Seattle Lifestyle
I agree with every word you wrote! She's just like the rest of us...human! We fall down we make mistakes and being physically beautiful is no remedy. I've listened to her album and think she's so talented! I love that she is different, good on her! xo K
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great post hun, I love your detailed analysis and informative opinions that you share! x
so beautiful , i love her !
she's really beautiful!!! i think she sings great though :)
very true words. no matter what we are human. She's talented no matter what else can there be.
I love look at Lana's shots, she looks gorgeous.
Inside and Outside Blog
P.S. I'm your newest follower
Great post! I love her, she has an amazing voice, and right now Im addicted to "born to die"! Kisses!:) xoxo
She's amazing
GIVEAWAY on my blog
She is so beautiful and really talented!Great post!
xoxo Sabrina
Great post, it's so easy to forget that celebrities are human beings too xxx
Great post, I really agree with you!
I absolutely adore her and love all her songs, no matter how awkward or nervous she is.
she is very beautiful
I've never heard her music but I will definitely be checking her out now! Thanks for the post, I love getting introduced to new artists... xoxo
Oh my, I really love her. her voice is so unique! and true, she's just a human like all of us, she also makes mistakes.
she has an unique style, i love her
Lana is great!<3 Love her voice!<3
I hadn't heard/seen her SNL performance until your post. I have her CD and it is wonderful!!! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! I think she is a talented artist no matter what anyone else says. I love her voice, and she is human! We all make mistakes!
Thanks for this great post!
xo, sam
*Style of Sam*
Absolutely!Couldn't agree with you more!
I definitely think she deserves a few more chances. Nerves really effect your voice and you can tell she is nervous. She is beautiful and talented and I really like her as an artist so I hope people give her a break!
The Urban Umbrella
She is so, so beautiful, her Vogue shoot is just stunning.
She's really beautiful! She looks a bit like Natalie Portman and Julia Roberts, I think :P
|FolleMente Fashion|
Beautiful post. I am definitely a follower now :)
yes, I think so too. Tolerance and empathy shpuld play a leading role in our lives in general. She's just a girl, after all and I think that yes, she is doing the best she can!
I am applauding for you right now!
I like how defend this girl. I like Lana's looks, she has a beauty that I can not grasp! I liked the "bad"performance. Because her voice has drama to it, a dark sound and a mystiqueness. And I thought the performance had something sensual, it did not look awkward to me!
All love Lola
she's so beautiful and she has the greatest voice, love her!
beauty is always debatable, but beautiful or not i love her unique look. honesty, i don't know much about her and haven't even listened to her album, but visually she's gotten my attention.
i love flowers on the hair!
kisses from Spain,
soo gorgeous she is!
I loved the retro style!
Beautiful, delicate and perfect! :)
She is very beautiful.. I don't know who she is.. Her voice sounds wonderful and sexy in the second video.. SNL is a tough crowd, so I'm sure she was nervous..
She has a really great voice.
Chiar văzusem şi eu performanţa de la SNL şi am rămas cam şocată pentru scăpările care le-a avut :(
Anyway, pentru mine a rămas aceaşi Lan Del Rey, cântăreaţa care a făcut furori peste noapte în blogosferă şi am s-o ascult indiferent de ceea ce va scrie presa de ea, Radio rămâne în top pentru mine <3
btw, superbe poze !
I LOVE HER! She's so beautiful and her songs are amazing!
Thanks for the compliments! I have also become your follower greetings from italy!Il mio blog,LA CREATIVITA' DI ANNA, venite a trovarmi^_^
Wow she's very beautiful! Great post! Love your blog - following you too :)
well said :) I like her. xxo
obsessed with her loveeeeeeee her
please check out my latest post
she's so talented and beautiful! the fact that she's not a robotic image of perfection makes her even more beautiful :)
i really have to listen to her!! :)
thank you so much for your comment! I'm glad you like my blog :) great blog, I'm following back! xx
so pretty. xx
She is truely a babe! I cannot help but feel a little betrayed after her SNL performance. I thought I was supporting a talented artist. It was the most awkward thing to watch. But then I saw her other performance on Letterman and I was very happy she could prove she is a talent. I admire her honesty about not being a talented performer. Some people can just work the stage, others cannot.
i love Lana del Rey!! i think thay Lana is similar Julia Roberts!! jajajaja
kisses Saleem
She's really beautiful and talented!
..oh, I love how you wrote this , beautiful post , I absolutely love her , everything , she is like fresh breeze of air and her beauty is just stunning ..She is so unique , LOVE HER !
She is amazing , we follow you too
Lorenza e Adelaide
really,really great post! i was so disappointed when i saw her in snl, it was really bad and she looked like she took some drugs. but i also,after that,saw some other live videos and realised that she is sometimes perfect and sometimes so bad. i don0t know why, but i love her official videos and her style :) thnx for comment and following,i'm following you back :) xoxo
Hey dear, amazing Lana pics! I followed you back on BL, GFC and FB :) Would you please check out my fb page too? :)
Adorei seu blog,obrigada por ter visitado o meu!!Ja estou seguindo...
Wow, she is so pretty. Love your blog too. (:
Follow me back? (:
amazing pictures!! thanks for your comment on my blog, following :) follow me back xo
she 's great !
Super great!
LOVE your blog. Shall we follow each other? I would love that!
xxx Emily of EL Vintage
Thanks for checking out my blog! You have some really great style! Following back!
Lovely post!!
I think she is just what music needed and I'm happy I get to listen to her music everyday.
I hated her before knowing what she was all about but then ended up loving her, she's so darn beautiful too..
I'm a fan of her, but I think that the reaction was very exaggerated. As you say, it can happens, It actually makes her more real!
The Life After
well i love her, and this was perfect post
I love this voice!!! I really like her!!
Thanks for your comment, you also have a nice blog, i follow you back here and in bloglovin.
Have a nice weekend!
lovely post! I follow you! follow me ;) http://modaealtririmedi.blogspot.com/
Great post! She's beautiful and talented! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your nice comment. I'm following you on bloglovin and hope you'll follow back!
Thanks dear for a lovely comment on our blog! glad you like our blog, and of course we follow back! :) big kiss from Zagreb
LDR is my favourite singer!! I love listening her songs before go sleeping, in particular Born to Die and Radio!! :) I'm happy to be your follower!!
Wonderful post, thanks for the lovely comment on my blog, sure i will follow you back.
Hi! sorry for the late reply! nice pictures! :)
Follow you back!
Great post dear!!
Thanks for follow me! i follow you as well! ;)
Haha! Hi!! Yes most definitely! I follow you back (on blogger & bloglovin)! :) Your blog is great- I'm so glad you found mine!
Best Wishes from,
she's pretty. and talented! following your blog ;)
oh my god! i'm following you! i love your blog!
your style is superb!
btw thanks for following my blog!
she's beautiful!
you have a lovely blog!
Thanks for your sweet commet, Im following you!
El Guardarropa de yOka
thank you for comment :) I like your blog and also follow you :)
Wonderful post!! I should say that I like her music... And about some bad performance, everyone has bad days and at least her music is something different to what we can find these days...
Thanks for following me... and here you have a new follower too!
hi dear,
i love lana del rey and i agree with you, she is a human and she makes mistakes like us. she deserves one more chance i think.
GREAT post! I'm such a big fan of hers. She is absolutely gorgeous and so what if she messed up once? Everyone makes mistakes!
Thanks for sharing!
xoxo Aisha
Hi, I think your post is wonderful and absolutely true. We can all relate to her and I think she has an amazing voice and lyrics. Thankyou for your lovely comment, i really appreciate it :) following! xo
Hi, I think your post is wonderful and absolutely true. We can all relate to her and I think she has an amazing voice and lyrics. Thankyou for your lovely comment, i really appreciate it :) following! xo
Trully loved every part of what you wrote and absolutely agree with all you said. Despite her looking as a hollywood basement creation, she has an incredible voice, look, image... everything!
and gotta say I love your blog! U've got a new follower! :)
I started out being a huge fan of hers last October and then when all the stuff came out about the lies she represented (I actually read interviews where she claimed to be from a trailer park and then found out she went to boarding school...?), I was very turned off. I stopped liking her, because I felt like she was a liar.
I just wished she would at least own up to this stuff. She claims she never had her lips injected, and it's so obvious she HAS. Her disputing it makes me insulted. Umm, the public has eyes!! We're not idiots. :S
That being said, there is no denying she's absolutely gorgeous and has a ridiculously amazing voice. I love her new image and her new name. I actually would still be a fan, if she had just owned up to everything, rather than try to cover it up. :S
I really really like her. She would also be a perfect model for Lula magazine.
Wow, amazing make - up, ring ' bad' and others! <3
Thanks for you comment on my blog, so I could find your amazing blog and follow you :)
I love her, she's is different ;)
I always love editorial shoots from the glossies, thanks for this! :D
I like her even more now that I know that she's a human that has bad days too.
All that pressure must be awful!
She's stunning, has an incredible voice and is trying something different. I'm well and truely on the bandwagon!!
I'm pleased I just stumbled across your blog :) Just became a bloglovin follower xo
Wow she really is so gorgeous! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, am now following :)
Your blog is so famous and great!
I adore Lana Del Rey, I have the Born to Die deluxe album. Even though I got ripped off seeing that I paid £4 for just 3 extra songs, it was still well worth it!
Such inspiration !
I just discover her by your blog: her voice is amazing ! And she is so wonderful !
Your blog is awesome, I love all the referents you make: it inspire me a lot !
follow you too !
She's so beautiful :')
she is gorgeous
One of the best female singer songwriter is Lana del Rey.
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