The Halloween
fever has caught up with me this weekend and I found myself walking around my
neighborhood in a witchy outfit. And by the looks that I got I’m pretty sure I gave
the creeps to quite a few people! But surprisingly enough I was a big
hit with the kids whom I didn’t fool with my pretend evil ways. Yes, guys,
little people think I’m cool and since kids don’t lie it must be true!:))))))
This pre-Halloween
get up was constructed around the black tutu skirt that Veronica Sticlaru custom made for me and gave me as a gift for my birthday earlier this month. If you
like it you can win one for yourself as she is giving one away to my readers - Veronica
will make one for the winner in any color and size she/he wants.
Daca va place tutu-ul
meu va putetu inscrie la giveaway pentru sansa de a castiga unul identic sau
oricare alta culoare si marime (Veronica o sa faca unul special in functie de
preferintele castigatoarei/castigatorului). Prin urmare poate participa oricine
chiar daca nu va vedeti purtand un tutu – il puteti oferi cadou fiicei,
prietenei, iubitei sau cui vreti voi!
All you have to do for a chance to win is (all 3
conditions are mandatory):
♥ Like Veronica Sticlaru and Pop Culture&Fashion Magic on Facebook
♥ Leave a comment
with the tutu color you want (and make sure to leave an email so that I can
contact you)
Pentru a participa este suficient sa (toate cele 3 conditii de mai jos sunt absolut necesare) :
♥ Lasati un comentariu la acest articol in care sa
ne spuneti ce culoare de tutu doriti (nu uitati de adresa de email ca sa va
putem contacta)
Not looking particularly witchy with this velvet ears on but I just had to go there. In case you are wondering the headband is made by me and you can find versions of it in my Etsy Store!
For extra chances to win you can also (these are not mandatory
and each one will count as an extra entry):
♥ Share the
giveaway on facebook with a @Pop Culture&Fashion Magic tag
♥ Follow Pop
Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin, Twitter, GFC, Tumblr and/or Pinterest
(mention which of them in a comment so that I can check and count them as extra
Pentru sanse suplimentare de a castiga puteti
♥ Share (sa puneti link) acestui
articol cu giveaway-ul pe peretele vostru de Facebook cu tag catre @Pop Culture&Fashion Magic
♥ Urmariti Pop
Culture pe Bloglovin, Twitter,
GFC, Tumblr
sau/si Pinterest
(mentionati in comentariu care ca sa pot verifica si sa le pot adauga ca inscrieri
The giveaway ends November
4th. The winners will be sorted out randomly. This is an international
giveaway – anybody can join in!
The reason I added this varsity jacket to an otherwise eccentric ensemble was to make it more wearable - change the shoes and you can pretty much wear it around town - I would (already did)!:))))
This one with white cat ears is also handmade by yours truly - you can see more of my work on Etsy as well! I told you kids love me as proven by this little redhead cutie who couldn't let go of me in the park ! We're pretty adorable, right?:)))
I’m wearing:
black tutu - Veronica Sticlaru
lace corset / corset dantela - vintage
necklace / colier - romwe
chains ankle pumps / pantofi cu lanturi - random brand
dark lipstick / ruj - Dior
lace,velvet ears headbands / bentite urechi - Alice&Sara (handmade by me)
The Winner
I just want to thank you all for taking the time to enter this giveaway! I have to rely on the Gods of chance to choose the winner. This is the list I made with all the entries (the mandatory one and the extra entries):
…and the winner is...
No. 24 - that's Ioana! Congratulations!