I always had this nagging
suspicion I could levitate and as proven by this photos I was right!:)))) They
were not photoshoped so the only logical explanation it’s that I can fly! I’m
really excited I was wearing this outfit while levitating for the first time –
you really don’t want your superhero costume to be something boring.
What possessed me to dress this
way, you ask? Well, I got some awesome jewelry recently, a bunch of cool silver
rings and bracelets and I felt the ardent need to wear them all at once. A maxi
dress came to mind immediately as something that would work wonderfully and
the rest is history. I was aiming for a witchy vibe, but a high-end version of
that – maybe a princess turned to dark magic for some reason – if you get my
I was actually followed by this
furious, short woman that was asking obsessively: ”Do you think you’re a
princess?” (Te crezi printesa? in Romanian) like it was a bad thing if I did. I
can’t imagine why somebody would ever do that but I stopped and answered politely: ”Sometimes”.
The whole thing was so ridiculous it was funny. This is what I get for riding
the subway in such a get up!:))))
Getting back to my favorite subject – jewelry – I’m super
obsessed with this lot from Red Cap – and I’ve been wearing them a lot these
past two weeks. There’s something magic about good Goth theme rings and lots of
them. I actually had a version of this outfit on for the Avanpremire 13 event - I just needed to show off the dress and bling to a more fashion friendly crowd!:)))
I’m wearing:
maxi dress / rochie - Topshop
red jacket / jacheta rosie - H&M (The garden collection)
floppy hat / palarie - New Look
boots, fringe bag / cizme, geanta franjuri - random brand

58 comentarii :
You are beautiful, inspiring and these photos show your beauty and style.
pure work of art, ahhhhhhhhhhhh
The dress ca the dress, dar jacheta?!
Wow, I am beyond in love with this look! The dress is amazing! It fits your style!
Gorgeous outfit!
such an amazing dress!!
This is so lovely!!You would be a glamorously appointed Superhero.
Have a wonderful week!
Hehehehe love, love, love it! You definitely look like you're floating in that lovely dress
Espectacular!!!!! Que maravilla de vestido, me encanta el vuelo de la falda! Precioso sombrero!
Love it! The volume in the shoulders is so dramatic and the rosette design is beautiful. The flowy skirt is super pretty too! xo
cute look ; -)))
i invite to me too
wow gorgeous outfit!
love your dress and hat
You're beautiful! :)
You, lady, are amazing!
Fabulous! Love everything...the red blazer, the dress, the pics!
Of course you want to wear those pretty pieces together! So chic, and classic with black and red ... the chiffon dress and amazing jacket clearly had the little old lady convinced you must be royalty.
All this, and you levitate.
That's style.
Wow beautiful dress anf wonferful jacket,i want it! :)
This oufit is perfection!!!!!! I love it!
Lol for that woman! But let me say that you are really beautiful as a princess. Love the maxi dress and all the jewelry, especially the rings! xo
Foarte faina combinatia!!
Imi place palaria, imi place rochia combinata cu jacheta :D si geanta e super tare!!
wow lovely pics and outfit, love red and black
So so gorgeous, love this dress, it's wonderful. Love all the pieces you put with it too. I would have been a bit scared with that woman, how crazy!! It's funny how long ago dressing up every day was how it was done and was supposed to be done and now if you dress up, people think you are going somewhere fancy or that you think you're better than them. It's very strange. Because back then even the poorer people dressed in their best. I think we have become a little lazy, haha! xx
So so gorgeous, love this dress, it's wonderful. Love all the pieces you put with it too. I would have been a bit scared with that woman, how crazy!! It's funny how long ago dressing up every day was how it was done and was supposed to be done and now if you dress up, people think you are going somewhere fancy or that you think you're better than them. It's very strange. Because back then even the poorer people dressed in their best. I think we have become a little lazy, haha! xx
You look fab! I have that same jacket but I haven't worn it yet - I haven't figured out how yet plus it always feels too much for the Office :P
What a great look!
Love your maxi dress and I remember that sweet h&m bolero! Lovely! ;D
I love this dress and the jacket is so pretty on you!
xx Easy Outfits, by Pip
What?! This outfit is beyond gorgeous. BEYOND! OMWord. One of my favorite outfits I've seen this year from a blogger. You look amazing.
@Sacramento Amate - thank you so much! You're always so kind to me!
Emanuel I. - multumesc, jacheta mereu o admir in dulap, dar datorita umerilor supradimensionati nu merge cu multe tinute, dar o port cu drag cand arata bine cu ceva!
Shon - and that's all I want, to glamorously be appointed a Superhero :))))
Jan Graham-McMillen- she was actually young and mean and obviously slightly crazy :))))) but I have a forgiving nature so I let it slide :)))
@Lilli - I had a serious case of rings obsession a few years ago and based on this outfit it's coming back!:)))
Alexandra Diana Catanoaia - multumesc, de geanta am si uitat sa zic, este elementul boem al tinutei:)))
@The Dainty Dolls House - I know, I'm often a bit overdressed and ride the subway everyday so I guess I stand out a bit, usually people just stare or gossip quietly, I never had someone crazy following me but it was bound to happened :)))))))
@Vivi N. - thank you so much, that's a huge compliment and made my day!
@Mrs. D - I feel you, it's very pretty but hard to pull off, those dramatic shoulders don't look good with everything and it's hard to find something to balance the proportions.
love your dress :D
check out my blog
You look wonderful! The dress is so stunning with the pleated detailing and the cardigan! Oh, the cardigan is just beautiful! The print is so nice!
Oh, I love your text, so honest and true! I see nothing bad in feeling your self as a princess, but the sense of proportion should be in anything. I mean people shouldn't act disrespectfully to other people and be to much self-enamoured.
I love your original, feminine outfit! So royal and radiant. That hat fits you perfectly well! Those photographs are adorable, you look so beautiful and chic!
Wish you a blessed day ahead!
my goodness, this is such a beautiful outfit, you are gorgeous! it it wonderfully regal - I am mesemerised by your fabulous blog, and am following you immediately! x x x
Hi Sara
Your look is amazing and you are a pretty woman. The photos seems like a magazine editorial.
Thanks for visit me. I follow you and will put your link in my blogroll.
Wow you look amazing!!!
Have a good week!!!!
Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
OMG!!! you look fabulous!!!
Chic With The Least
Also on Facebook and on Bloglovin’
@Alexandra Zakharova - thank you, I do agree that there should be am equilibrium in everything and I'm definitely trying to find it myself!:)
@Sandra - Thank you, I do appreciate that immensely.
@KINHA - that's the biggest compliment somebody can make, add my blog in their blogroll just because they love it so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Gorgeous outfit - love the dress and hat!
Lovely outfit!
The dress is amazing! :)
Your dress is beautiful, and you really so look like a witch :P I really loved the story behind your outfit (I like to make up my own characters too :P) ^^
Oh, and your gothic jewellery is super cool! :D
Very edgy n_n
I also get rude comments from people on the street sometimes, but that's a part of what we do, I think. It's not surprising people get a bit shocked... So what? B)
Bonito y elegante look. Besos
Lovely dress!!!
Waw ladi!!!
Such a terrific look. I love your hat!
amazing dress! i love the cut out in the back. its so classy! and paired with that red jacket makes it perfect. haha.. but i guess maybe the highlight of this outfit was the jewelry that you were sent? those are nice too :)
xoxo Sarah (xlicious girl)
Japanese Gyaru Makeup Blog
Circle Lens Giveaway
Your dress is simply amazing!
Beautiful style, lovely dress! and you are stunning!!! Your pics look fab!! thank you for your lovely comment on my picture. lets follow each other. I am now following you, look forward to all of your amazing posts <3
Wow! Stunning stunning!So moody and romantic. Love!
Sweet Apple Lifestyle
This is an amazing dress!! Love this elegant and chic outfit!
OMG! Perfection!!!
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