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Sunday, January 5, 2014

HBO’s Girls season 3 premiere countdown

I’m super excited that Girls’ season 3 premiere on January 12, it’s just a few days away and it’s going to be a double episode. I really need my weekly doze of Girls' humor again.

Just like one of my friends said, Girls is the worst TV show that I can’t stop watching! Well, that might be a bit harsh, I actually love it (a lot) but it does occasionally get on my nerves too. 

Back in January 2013 HBO renewed the Girls TV series for a third season and the show continues to have that revolting intriguing quality about it. 

It got a lot of positive reviews from critics who liked the humor, the unfiltered nature of the situations and its audacity. Girls is written and directed by Lena Dunham. She also stars in the series as one of the main characters.

After her 2010 movie, Tiny Furniture, where she played Aura, a version of herself, stuck in a post-college funk (her real mother, the visual artist Laurie Simmons, played her mother in the movie and her real sister, Grace, played her sister in the movie), received a lot of positive reviews, she got the opportunity to do an HBO pilot. And that’s how HBO’s Girls was born.

One of Hannah's many funny quotes!
The first season created quite a stir - people loved it or loved to hate it, some even called it a cult show. At the same time it was criticized for not having any black characters. People were upset that in a neighborhood as Brooklyn, the most statistically diverse place in the U.S, the show included an all-white cast. Lena Dunham responded by promising that in the future she would “do better,” and that was not intentional because she was simply writing “people she knows.”

Another problem was the debate about its nepotism as the main actors have a privileged life even outside the TV show, many of them have famous parents in real life: aside Dunham’s pedigree as the daughter of feminist artist Laurie Simmons, Jemima Kirke is the daughter of Bad Company drummer, Simon Kirke, Allison Williams is the daughter of NBC Nightly News anchor, Brian Williams and Zosia Mamet is the daughter of playwright, essayist, screenwriter and film director David Mamet and actress Lindsay Crouse. 

I guess we can call Girls the poor version of “Sex and the City”, with unsuccessful, unglamorous, depressed, borderline crazy and terrible at life in general girls. Dunham herself admitted that Girls was inspired by “Sex and the City” but reflects a part of the population that was not included in it or other TV shows like Gossip Girl: “There was this whole in between space that hadn't really been addressed". The funny things is that part that is poorly represented in TV shows and movies it's actually most of us!

 Say that again! I might even have more than 3 or 4 really great folk albums in me!

I have to call out Judd Apatow, one of Dunham’s collaborators after he said that Girls would provide men with an insight into "realistic females". So just to clear the air: Dude, are you crazy? 

Believe me, “realistic females” are not like that. Just a few examples on the top of my head - when I’m sad I don’t go to my girlfriend’s house and just because she is taking a bath, I decide to join her and cry like crazy in her bath tube…with her…naked!!! Oh no, that only happens in movies! 

Or the fact that Hannah goes to visit her parents with her stuff in a black bin bag. Trust me, no sane person would  ever do that as the constant bickering that you would get from your mother for shamming her in front of everybody (aka people in the airport, that she doesn’t even know), would put the fear of God into you and always prevent you to do so. 

Never have I went on a drug binge just because I had a writer’s block, lack of inspiration and thought to myself: nothing like a bit of cocaine to sparkle my imagination! So please, spare me the supposedly groundbreaking portrayal of young women speech that the Girls TV show is supposed to do. The show is great but we have to admit it's based on a mix of crazy stuff and the occasional reality dose with a lot of funny in between and the "realistic females" are anything but down to earth.

Maybe it’s the fact that I’m older now and wiser, if I may say so myself, but I can’t relate to some of the things this girls are going through and I can’t even remember a time when I could. Not even in my early twenties was I so screwed up. And as a side note – I’m far from having things all figured up myself!

Maybe his appeal comes just from that, watching and realizing that you are not that broke. I repeat, the show is great, but that’s not because of its realism, not at all!

That's how you treat a girl! Take  a cue from Adam!:))))

Adam and Hannah (Adam Driver and Lena Dunham) are weirdly great together, I really love this odd couple! It's comforting to see any weirdo has a match out there!

This is what I always say to anybody that has any complaint about me (especially my parents): I could be a drug addict. Do you realize how lucky you are?

Basically the show is all about a group of friends: self-involved aspiring writer Hannah, (Lena Dunham), beauty queen, uptight and dependable Marnie (Allison Williams), bohemian and chaotic Jessa (Jemima Kirke), girlish and naive Shoshanna (Zosia Mamet) and their messy life. 

One can say these women never really dealt with real problems before and they are just whining about the fact that they have to be responsible for themselves and their own actions. The refreshing part is that we get to see life as a mix of many humiliations and rare triumphs which, let's be honest, it's in fact pretty accurate even if hard to admit. This is a totally new kind of escapism we have here!

One of the more relatable of Hannah's quotes - girls often feel that,
 they just don't say it that clearly!:)))

The  thing that this show really points out is the fact that these girls are, visually speaking, real persons and not the 1%. It really is a new approach when, in this industry obsessed with perfection and full of anorexic, Barbie type girls, a woman that doesn’t have a perfect body, shows it all without shame.

Lena Dunham puts her body, quite deliberately, in the spotlight. She is not shy about filming herself nude, in weird and unflattering positions. And even though these scenes shouldn’t shock, they do, and not because it’s the first movie where naked women are heavily featured, it’s because we live in a world were it’s acceptable only for women with perfect bodies to expose themselves like that.  

I feel the same - I relay do think I may be the voice of my generation!:)))

Most of the show is inspired by Dunham's real-life experiences, like the fact that she was cut off financially by her parents, her struggle to become a writer and the whole making bad decisions process. Girls does have a lot of merit to it. Except the parts were they go overboard with the whole trying to figure out life, with good intentions but bad outcomes, it’s actually very relatable. I can definitely see myself better in this flawed anti-heroines than I ever could in all the too good to be true characters before. Also it’s easier to relate to some of this stories compared with many of the stories I’ve been seeing about what it means to be a young woman in today's world. 

Lena looks nothing like the lead characters on TV and she is inspiringly unconcerned about showing her non perfect body for everyone to see. We get to see women that look less than glamorous most of the time, just like real human do. I also like the fact that the characters are flawed and even unlikable, because let’s face it, that’s how we are, we can’t be one dimensional, good or bad, all the time.

Some light breakfast small talk!

Just as a fun fact, Dunham not only gained world wide popularity and a Golden Globe for Best Comedy or Musical in 2013 for Girls, but she also received a $3.6 million book deal. That’s not half bad, right?

When it comes to the fashion I’m sure that, while watching Girls, you are constantly thinking: "What  the f*** is Hannah wearing? And why would someone ever wear that?" Well, it’s not as bad as you may think because that’s the whole idea: her clothes are meant to be unflattering. Apparently it’s important for Dunham for the awkward look to exist: "Yeah. We will do a thing sometimes where we'll, like, all fit clothes with Spanx so that they're kinda, like, fit right. And then I'll remove the Spanx so they're kinda like rumpled up. Yeah, I think it's important. I think it's a part of who she is."

The show's unique looks are achieved by shopping at vintage boutiques in New York, including Brooklyn Flea and even Geminola who is owned by the mother of Jemima Kirke.

Just so you know, Girls is the kind of show that is highly addictive (don’t say I didn’t warn you!), you will either think: “How can a good TV show feel so bad?” or “How can a bad TV show feel so good?” The end result is you are going to be watching, with or against your better judgment. Girls it’s the kind of show that gets a reaction out of you – you’ll be anything but bored. 

Towards the end, season 2 was getting a bit darker, but I just loved the romantic and hopeful end of the season and I’m looking forward to things getting happier in season 3! And according to the two trailers I've seen, released before Girl's season 3 premiere, things will get back to their hilarious, messy, neurotic self, just like we like them:

 Photos and gifs: 1, 2.

Who else is watching Girls? Do you like it? Why is that? Do you find it relatable?

20 comentarii :

Ivanasworld said...

I just started to wathc this tw show ;)

Boheme.Fille said...

I fucking love this show!!

Yvette | Classic Glam Blog said...


Its Yvette, from the Classic Glam Blog!

Sounds like an intense show!

I am wanting to transfer this entire blog to INSTAGRAM! I think it will be an overall easier experience. I am going to be in NYC January 22nd, and by then I hope to successfully make Classic Glam Blog an instagram blog. This means that it will be pictures and captions, but a lot more interactive. No ads, no other information. Just me, you, and the picture!

If you do not currently have an instagram, you should most definitely make one! Its easy. Once I get to a certain amount of followers, I will transfer this blog over to instagram, although i'm already updating instagram. In the comments on my blog-- or email me!-- let me know what you think, PLEASE! I'd love some great feedback :) and also make sure to tell me your instagram username & follow my page for some awesome information to come shortly. I will be writing and showing travels, style inspiration, recipes, and workouts! And of course, giveaways, like a blog!

Classic Glam Blog

Yvette | Classic Glam Blog said...


Its Yvette, from the Classic Glam Blog!

Sounds like an intense show!

I am wanting to transfer this entire blog to INSTAGRAM! I think it will be an overall easier experience. I am going to be in NYC January 22nd, and by then I hope to successfully make Classic Glam Blog an instagram blog. This means that it will be pictures and captions, but a lot more interactive. No ads, no other information. Just me, you, and the picture!

If you do not currently have an instagram, you should most definitely make one! Its easy. Once I get to a certain amount of followers, I will transfer this blog over to instagram, although i'm already updating instagram. In the comments on my blog-- or email me!-- let me know what you think, PLEASE! I'd love some great feedback :) and also make sure to tell me your instagram username & follow my page for some awesome information to come shortly. I will be writing and showing travels, style inspiration, recipes, and workouts! And of course, giveaways, like a blog!

Classic Glam Blog

Patricia Aranda Hynes said...

To be honest, I haven´t seen it but I love all girly stories so I think I would love it!!! xoxo

The Dainty Dolls House said...

I've never watched this show, but it looks interesting. Will have to look into it :) x

Jen27 said...

What a great post! This is one of my favourite shows and I can't wait for Season 3! xo


Style Sense Moments said...

I kinda have love and hate relationship with this show, I find it interesting but at the same time I think it's to much, I don't know ;) XOXO

get carried away said...

a great post!
following you via facebook and gfc now!
happy day!

María said...

I've never watched this but looks funny!


Mafalda said...

I definitely have to watch this show!
Mafalda ❤

Dressed With Soul said...

So sorry, I´m not able to commenting seriously to this post as I normally don´t watch TV or series ...

xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

Unknown said...

I have watched both the seasons. I'm not sure I liked it. But as your friend said, you can't really stop watching it once you start. Its kinda addictive! Relatable, hell no! Far from it. All the characters are wack! As you said, border line crazy. Great post!

Defining Me

Unknown said...

fusta asta e magnificaaa! imi place si culoarea si lungimea..abia pot sa-mi iau ochii de la ea!
cat te invidiez <3

Unknown said...

Nice post! We as movie watchers have made considerable progress since the presentation of movie tapes and watching movies from our home. Nathan Coffel

Unknown said...

Sunt atât de încântat, deoarece căsătoria mea ruptă a fost restabilită, iar soțul meu s-a întors după ce ne-a părăsit pe mine și pe cei doi copii ai noștri pentru o altă femeie. După 8 ani de căsătorie, eu și soțul nostru am fost într-o ceartă sau alta până când în cele din urmă m-a părăsit și s-a mutat în California pentru a fi cu o altă femeie. Am simțit că viața mea s-a terminat și copiii mei au crezut că nu-și vor mai vedea tatăl. Am încercat să fiu puternic doar pentru copii, dar nu am putut controla durerile care mă chinuiesc inima, inima mea era plină de dureri și dureri pentru că eram cu adevărat îndrăgostit de soțul meu. În fiecare zi și noapte mă gândesc la el și îmi doresc întotdeauna să se întoarcă la mine, eram foarte supărat și aveam nevoie de ajutor, așa că am căutat ajutor online și am dat peste un site web care sugerează că Dr.Wealthy poate ajuta să revină la ex. rapid. Deci, am simțit că ar trebui să-l încerc. L-am contactat și mi-a spus ce să fac și am făcut-o apoi a făcut o (Vrajă de dragoste) pentru mine. 28 de ore mai târziu, soțul meu m-a sunat cu adevărat și mi-a spus că îi este atât de dor de mine și de copii, atât de uimitor !! Așa că așa s-a întors în aceeași zi, cu multă dragoste și bucurie și și-a cerut scuze pentru greșeala sa și pentru durerea pe care mi-a provocat-o mie și copiilor. Apoi, din acea zi, Căsătoria noastră a fost acum mai puternică decât a fost înainte, totul datorită doctorului Rich. el este atât de puternic și am decis să împărtășesc povestea mea pe internet, încât dr. Vrăjitor, real și puternic, care mă voi ruga mereu să trăiesc mult pentru a-și ajuta copiii în vremea necazurilor, dacă ești aici și ai nevoie de Ex înapoi sau soțul tău s-a mutat la o altă femeie, nu mai plânge, contactează acum acest puternic turnător de vrăji. Iată contactul său: Trimiteți-l prin e-mail la: Cont:, vizitați site-ul web puteți să-l sunați sau să-l adăugați pe Whats-app: +2348105150446, MULTUMESC Dr.Wealthy

YUMMI said...

Kjo është një ditë shumë e gëzueshme e jetës sime për shkak të ndihmës që më dha LORD LARRY duke më ndihmuar të kthej ish-in tim me magjinë e tij të fuqishme, dhe punën e shtatzënisë që ai bëri i jam shumë mirënjohës ndaj tij Faleminderit shumë LORD LARRY për punë e madhe që keni bërë. Tani, mund të them me guxim se më kanë thirrur në vendin tim të punës, vajza ime është kthyer në shtëpi dhe jam testuar shtatzënë këtë mëngjes pas Tekstit Mjekësor që kalova këtë mëngjes në vendin tim të punës. Dua ta përdor këtë medium për t'ju falënderuar shumë dhe do të vij personalisht t'ju them mirënjohje. Ju mund t'i dërgoni email atij dhe ai mund të bëjë më shumë për ju gjithashtu sepse e di që ka njerëz që kanë nevojë për ndihmën e tij si unë. Adresa e tij e emailit:

Whatsapp: +2349045968228

.. said...

DR Larry este singurul doctor puternic și sincer de pe Internet,
Am contactat 3 medici diferiți și mi-au luat banii și nu au făcut nimic pentru a-mi rezolva problemele, până când am întâlnit un prieten care mi-a prezentat doctorul Larry,
I-am explicat situația mea, mi-a promis că totul va fi bine în 5 zile dacă urmez instrucțiunile, acum sunt foarte bucuros pentru că soțul meu s-a întors și totul este perfect în regulă și trebuie să spun că familia mea este una dintre cea mai fericită familie din lume în acest moment, totul datorită doctorului Larry,
Nu ezitați să-l contactați pentru orice fel de ajutor: Whatsapp: +2349045968228


.. said...

Soția mea m-a părăsit pentru un alt bărbat și am avut inima zdrobită și devastată.  Dar într-o zi bună, răsfoiam internetul când am văzut o doamnă depunând mărturie despre cum a ajutat-o DR Larry, așa că am decis să-l contactez pentru ajutor și el m-a ajutat să-mi refac relația ruptă, iar acum soția mea s-a întors și mă iubește mult.  mai mult decât mi-am putut imagina vreodată.  Dacă treci prin situații similare, chiar dacă vrei să rămâi însărcinată sau să vindeci boala, nu ezita, contactează Dr. Larry pentru soluții
 Whatsapp: +2349045968228

.. said...

Soția mea m-a părăsit pentru un alt bărbat și am avut inima zdrobită și devastată.  Dar într-o zi bună, răsfoiam internetul când am văzut o doamnă depunând mărturie despre cum a ajutat-o DR Larry, așa că am decis să-l contactez pentru ajutor și el m-a ajutat să-mi refac relația ruptă, iar acum soția mea s-a întors și mă iubește mult.  mai mult decât mi-am putut imagina vreodată.  Dacă treci prin situații similare, chiar dacă vrei să rămâi însărcinată sau să vindeci boala, nu ezita, contactează Dr. Larry pentru soluții
 Whatsapp: +2349045968228

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