This one in particular is my new
favorite – I love it so much, I sometimes just open the box it came in and stare
at it for a few minutes in a trance type state while murmuring crazily fondly:
my precious, my precious!!! It’s from an online store - Borealy - here in Romania and it
came in the most glamorous box – I spent half an hour just unpacking it because
I didn’t want to destroy the carefully staged packaging. I love these small
I have worn it constantly for the
last two weeks and this is one of the get ups it was featured in. Looks really
great on top of half knitted, half leather top. Well, it’s actually a dress for
those of you who are more gracefully built, but not me. It also picked up the
royal blue in my bag (the big one from the duo I was telling you about here).
The silver shoes with glittery
cut-outs at the back are also new despite looking quite retro which is why I chose
them in the first place.
Vreau sa stiu daca urmatorea
situatie este ceva normal sau ar trebui sa caut
ajutor – uneori, in weekend de obicei, stau in pat, in pijamale, cu bijuteriile
favorite in jur pe care le probez obsesiv si ma uit la serialele preferate? E o
chestie care ma face fericita!
Minunatia de colier din poze semnata
Borealy, am primit-o acum mai bine de doua saptamani, dar din cauza vacantei mult
anticipate, abia acum m-am mobilizat sa postez ceva pe blog. L-am tot purtat in
timpul acesta si imi place din ce in ce mai tare pentru ca arata bine cu orice.
A ajuns intr-o cutie superba si
ambalat cu mare grija – mi-a placut acest detaliu care, de multe ori, este trecut
cu vederea. Cei de la Borealy au o mare varietate de bijuterii: cercei, coliere,
bratari, inele, ceasuri si butoni (de la modele delicate, la seturi opulente cu pietere
colorate), dar si obiecte decorative, cutii pentru bijuterii de care sunt
obsedata si cadouri de lux pentru diferite ocazii. Un alt amanunt neobisnuit
pentru un magazin online de bijuterii, este faptul ca ofera garantie un an
pentru produselele lor si le pot repara in caz se intampla ceva cu ele. Eu
personal sunt destul de indemanatica cand vine vorba de reparat orice, dar sunt
sigura ca multi dintre voi vor aprecia un astfel de serviciu.
Acesta este doar una dintre
tinutele cu care l-am purtat: blugi skinny indigo, un top din piele cu spatele
si manecile crosetate (la origini este rochie, dar daca nu ai sub 1.60, o sa-ti
vina bluza toata ziua), geanta mare albastru intens din setul de doua de care
va povesteam aici si o noua pereche de pantofi argintii de inspiratie retro (achizitie
recenta de care sunt foarte mandra).
statement necklace /colier - Borealy
indigo skinny jeans / blugi - random brand
leather and knit dress / rochie piele - random brand
silver pumps / pantofi - New Look
blue bag / geanta - tbdresses
leather sleeves trench/ trench - Asos

26 comentarii :
Absolutely stunning necklace. I love how a statement necklace can totally make an outfit.
That necklace it's simply stunning! You rock dear!
That´s a gorgeous necklace and I love your top! :)
i know the post was about the necklace but the shoes are fantabulous!
I love your necklace so much!
This necklace is so beautiful!
Nice outfit!!!
Amazing look!! Xx
Amazing look darling! Loooove the heels! Kisses
I'm usually very picky with statement jewellery but this absolutely stunning, I love the colour! xx
Loving that trench!!
Thank you for the comment on my blog.
Lovely outfit! The necklace is stunning!
wow a true beauty!
Colour Me Classic
Such a pretty necklace! :)
x Angela
love the necklace dear !! Awesome blog :) xx
This necklace looks awesome! I love your outfit!
I love statement necklaces! This one is beautiful :)
Iti multumesc pentru comment si ma bucur ca am ajuns sa citesc articolul tau, ador tinuta de azi <3
Trench-ul, clasic si de calitate, am nevoie si eu de asa ceva, am cateva, dar nici unul crem... arata super si croiala! Pantofii sunt preferatii mei, pot sa te intreb cat au costat?
Geanta nu pot s-o observ foarte bine si nici link direct n-ai lasat, dar pare foarte draguta... asadar, felicitari pentru tinuta!!
@Alexandra Diana Catanoaia - pantofii au avut un pret ridicol de mic pt ca erau la reducere, au fost 30 lei daca imi amintesc corect (sunt de la New Look via Mini Prix), geanta are link direct la sfrasitul articolului unde listez toate hainele pe care le port! Kisses:)
ce frumoasa esti! outfitul e perfect, lady!
Great look! I love statement necklaces!
I think I'd be too scared to try pulling this off but it looks gorgeous on, it is such a beautiful deep blue!
Touchscreens & Beautyqueens
Such a beautiful necklace, and I love the Jacket so chic.
Amazing blog.
Stunning - the colors are gorgeous. Also, totally love that top!
Meghan xo
Such a beautiful necklace! I'd love to use something like that but I don't have anything that would match well :D
Mikaela / Absofuckinglutely
I Love the necklace, so beautiful!!
Would love it if you could take a look at my blog and even follow! :)
Chloe xx
Hi your post is so very nice, it's a bright look of fashion necklaces for women. Green color Necklaces very shining i like it.
Thanks ..
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