Girls in Romania start to ruin the high boots trend for me; in the last few months I saw so many awful outfits staring this type of boots that I'm slowly beginning to dislike them. I really don’t want to, I think a well chosen pair of high boots can go a long way, but overdoing and overusing a trend can ruin it for everybody else.
In my daily trips to very stylish fashion blogs I love, I found some great outfits that show how great a pair of high boots can look. I also made some outfits in Looklet for you, I hope this will help and give yous ideas!
Add a retro vibe and big accessories to your outfit (The Glamurai)
Keep it simple, modern and classy (Alix – The cherry blossom girl)
Ce spuneti? Va plac cizmele inalte? Aveti o pereche sau doriti sa achizitionati una? Care dintre lookurile alese de mine va plac? Do you like/own a pair of high boots? Is there a look from those above that you like best?
Add little charming details (headbands, hats) for a romantic look (Louise Ebel – Miss Pandora)
Go back to black and architectural (Jane – Sea of shoes)
Add a rough edge (like a military parka over a soft pink dress) - (Aimee – Song of style)
Be cool and effortless as the awesome Queen Michelle
My looklet looks:
1. A cartoon inspired outfit: don’t be afraid to mix different patterns in one outfit!
2. Equestrian
3. Dressing up or down: from day to night!
Am tot vazut in ultimele luni fete cu cizme inalte care habar nu au cum sa le combine si sfarsesc prin a arata ridicol, parca merg zilnic la auditie pentru un rol in Pretty Woman. Cizmele inalte incep sa devina in Romania ceea ce au fost cizmele crosetate, ugg-urile sau colantii de latex, adica un trend adopatat de toata lumea aiurea si pe care eventual (datorita sutelor de outfituri nereusite in care le vezi integrate zilnic) sfarsesti prin a nu le mai suporta. Nu as vrea sa se ajunga aici – o pereche de cizme de genul acesta bine alese (evitati materialele stralucitoarele sau orice altfel de zorzoane) mi se par foarte cool. In continuare aveti cateva exemple de outfituri foarte reusite construite in jurul cizmelor inalte purtate de cateva dintre fetele cu bloguri de stil care imi plac mult de tot, dar si cateva tinute realizate de mine in looklet! Urmeaza si partea a doua!
Ce spuneti? Va plac cizmele inalte? Aveti o pereche sau doriti sa achizitionati una? Care dintre lookurile alese de mine va plac? Do you like/own a pair of high boots? Is there a look from those above that you like best?