The February 2010 number of Harper’s Bazaar Romania is wonderful. My royalty related infatuation is fully satisfied by one splendid editorial with Isa Asklof styled by Ornella Jong and photographed by Sylvie Malfray.
Draped in deco-inspired jewelry from the Chanel cruise collection Isa Asklof looks strange and beautiful and makes me want to have huge blonde wavy hair while wearing 4 pounds of jewelry.
Draped in deco-inspired jewelry from the Chanel cruise collection Isa Asklof looks strange and beautiful and makes me want to have huge blonde wavy hair while wearing 4 pounds of jewelry.
Nu cumpar aproape niciodata reviste de moda, insa nu o sa ratez noul numar Harper’s Bazaar. Motivul principal este editorialul absolut superb intitulat "Belle Dejours" cu Isa Asklof stilizata de Ornella Jong si fotografiata de Sylvie Malfray.
Accesoriile, in jurul carora este construita intreaga poveste, fac parte din colectia Chanel Cruise (colectia resort) si mi-au taiat rasuflarea. Brusc am chef sa ies pe strada cu cateva kilograme de bijuterii pe mine.
Accesoriile, in jurul carora este construita intreaga poveste, fac parte din colectia Chanel Cruise (colectia resort) si mi-au taiat rasuflarea. Brusc am chef sa ies pe strada cu cateva kilograme de bijuterii pe mine.
Ce ziceti? Va place?

1 comentarii :
I absolutely love this editorial!!! I am mad for editorials too:)
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