You have no idea how much I looked for a maxi dress that’s actually maxi - for me that is! Everything out there is not long enough for me - even the tall section isn’t tall enough.
And then, when all hope was gone, my sister took pity on me, dusted the sewing machine and made this tube Grecian dress for me (I helped a little, mainly by screaming Omg, Omg, Omg all the time and generally being impressed). I’m super happy and I already implored her to make me one in every single color I love: red, blue, pink, green, maybe some floral pattern if I can find a nice fabric. If she hasn’t the time I’m gonna make them myself as I’m all about maxi this summer.
I dressed like this at one of my friends' birthday party – I was overdressed but then again, that’s how I role. As I wasn’t able to decide what brooch to wear I put a bunch of them on this black blazer and I went from there with the whole gold craze, adding a skinny belt and a pair of long earrings I made myself.
And then we have the triple finger ring (a skull sword with a snake wrapped around it) – Oh, man, I love it so much, I bought it from the boy’s section, I always find great things there, you should try it.
And then, when all hope was gone, my sister took pity on me, dusted the sewing machine and made this tube Grecian dress for me (I helped a little, mainly by screaming Omg, Omg, Omg all the time and generally being impressed). I’m super happy and I already implored her to make me one in every single color I love: red, blue, pink, green, maybe some floral pattern if I can find a nice fabric. If she hasn’t the time I’m gonna make them myself as I’m all about maxi this summer.
I dressed like this at one of my friends' birthday party – I was overdressed but then again, that’s how I role. As I wasn’t able to decide what brooch to wear I put a bunch of them on this black blazer and I went from there with the whole gold craze, adding a skinny belt and a pair of long earrings I made myself.
And then we have the triple finger ring (a skull sword with a snake wrapped around it) – Oh, man, I love it so much, I bought it from the boy’s section, I always find great things there, you should try it.
black blazer – Ana Alcazar
brooches and belt – vintage
triple skull sword ring – Asos
boots – rabdom brand
Do you do dig maxi?

17 comentarii :
wow, wow, wow.. te prinde de minune maxi dress:)
My dear Alice, that dress is so fantastic, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Loving your earrings and the brooches, especially the one with two little girls in it.
You are fabulous beyond words, my dear friend.
You and me are so much alike :)). I can't stick with only one trend...I like to try eeeverything.
You look sososo good in maxi. And this is what I consider to be "maxi". Floor length, not ankle length :)). Thank God we have talented family members ( my aunt, your sis ;)) ).
Miuri - multumesc mult!:)
Sacramento - thank you so much!
Ieu - Sticking to one style - where is the fun in that!? So yeah-pro trying everything.:)
super! si rochia si mai ales brosele :X
Daca pana si eu(care vorba nanism pe langa tine:-<), am probleme in a-mi gasi o rochie suficient de maxi incat sa-mi acopere si incaltamintea...imi dau seama prin ce chin ai trecut:)) Oricum, mai bine de atat cred ca nici nu se putea:D E foarte tare rochia, imi place mult cum cade genul ala de material iar faptul ca e handmade o face si mai speciala. Plus ca sunt delicioase nuantele alea de auriu ale bijuteriilor in contrast cu albastrul rochiei:X
Don't worry about overdressing, I'm doing that 80% of the time(ok, 90:D) :))
Cecille - thanks!:)
Andreea - si eu care de fiecare data ma gandeam: "ce lume cruda, toate fetele sub 1.75 isi gasesc rochii maxi dupa pofta inimii si numai mie imi vin 2 palme peste genuchi!!!!:), pai in cazul asta nu stiu pentru ce inaltime sunt facute rochiile lungi - fetite de 12 ani poate! Overdressing is my middle name! Multumesc, kisses:)
Waw cate de tare este rochia ta. Eu tocmai ce mi-am cumpart material sa imi afc o fusta luuuuunga. Abea astept sa incep lucrul la ea, asa ca, da primvara asta o sa port maxi :D
Like pentru multitudinea de insigne!! :)
Wow, Sara did an amazing job with the dress, no wonder you want one in every color now. I love how pins look on blazers, very stylish. There's no such thing as too many pins, right?
I bet you were the star at that party, you look FAB.
haha i knew i will love this post from its title. lets pile on the bling and rule the world! Sara did a fantastic job sewing u that dress. i obviously have the opposite problem where every maxi skirt has to be hemmed otherwise it looks like i am carrying a train. and love all the brooches on it. actually every time i will see a cameo style brooch on a blazer i will remember how i am grand royalty. and u made that happen! and the stupid girl of course!
Wow, that is one beautiful dress. Your sister rullzzz! I'm planning on buying a sewing machine and taking some classes, but I am really not skilled when it comes to such things :(
If you start creating more such dresses, I want one too :) Just like Mina, I have the same problem. They are all way too long for me, so I don't have any maxi dresses / skirts anymore. The last time I wore one was years ago when I had someone sewing my clothes.
And hey, I know how you feel. I'm overdressed most of the time, but I love it. I do get tired every now and then of people asking me why I dress up all the time. Gees, they just wanna wear t-shirts and jeans all the time.
Veronica - eu deja mi-am mai facut una roz pal si una albastru neon.
Laura - more the odd one but I'll take fab anytime, true- there's no such thing as too many pins!
Mina- train is good, as a princess granddaughter you're supposed to wear them all the time:)))))))) . Wearing gold makes me feel like taking over the world!!!!:)
Americanca- I'm not that skilled with the sewing machine either and nor is my sister - but she can do simple stuff, I guess practice makes perfect, I'm more of a hand sewing expert - now that I can do. Overdressing is fun, I personally don't understand the t-shirt and jeans uniform (all the time) but, yeah, I remember how it was in the USA, flip flops ruled there. :)))))
Elastic albastru inchis (navy), 1 cm latime, 1 m (1.5 lei)
:)) Now I noticed... I posted from another account =))))))
"ieu" was me (nu stiu daca ti-ai dat seama). Sorry :P
Da, Sandra, mi-am dat seama!:))))
Hey, you look absolutely fantastic in this outfit. Love it, love it, love it!
Ohh! That;s my dilemma too. I can't find long jeans, and dresses. :) Dress looks good :D
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