Oh, man, not having a good camera really sucks, I basically have to take advantage of anybody with one and the willingness to snap some photos of my outfit while out and about.
This time the poor, innocent victim was Costin whom I‘m very grateful for these photos, it was also an excellent occasion to test his new baby which I’m seriously considering buying as well.
I’m one of those people who thinks for months before buying something expensive, I do lot of research and compare prices and in the end I end up buying something else or being mildly unhappy with my decision. I hope this time will be different.
This time the poor, innocent victim was Costin whom I‘m very grateful for these photos, it was also an excellent occasion to test his new baby which I’m seriously considering buying as well.
I’m one of those people who thinks for months before buying something expensive, I do lot of research and compare prices and in the end I end up buying something else or being mildly unhappy with my decision. I hope this time will be different.
As for the outfit I’m all about mixing prints and materials so here I am spicing things up with a combination of animal print and polka dots which happen to be two of my favorite patterns right now. I have this retro silk dress for a long time but this is the first time I take it out for a spin.
The little red leather bobby pins are made by me, they are part of our spring-summer accessories collection, we made them in every color you can imagine and I think they’re both adorable and feminine (you can buy them from my Etsy Store). I’ve also made the huge cross necklace by playing around with a vintage hallow cross that I had for ages.
The little red leather bobby pins are made by me, they are part of our spring-summer accessories collection, we made them in every color you can imagine and I think they’re both adorable and feminine (you can buy them from my Etsy Store). I’ve also made the huge cross necklace by playing around with a vintage hallow cross that I had for ages.
Bag and dress- vintage
leather jacket – random brand
rings – Miss Selfridge
tights - New Look
cross necklace – reworked vintage (by me)
ankle boots – random brand
bracelets – random brand and H&M
red leather bow bobby pins – Alice&Sara (made by me)
Are you an impulsive buyer when it comes to important items?

18 comentarii :
A-MA-ZING!! :)
The little red leather bobby pins are soo beautiful!!!
You look great !
Oh my God you look amazing! I really love that dress, and I loe how you mixed it with those tights! The bows are so pretty! The touch of color has a great effect :D
fabulous look!nu mai zic de accesorii,mereu la inaltime!pupici,draga mea.
I know what you mean. My camera fails in comparison to other cameras that bloggers have. I also do my research before purchasing something, I am picky costumer :))
I love these shots though, and this camera would be perfect if you decide to buy it.
Love the polka dot dress and the leather jacket. and how awesome are those leather print tights? Great job mixing these 2 different prints.
You look so pretty :D! Such a cool mix, and the bow pins are the cherry on the cake ;))
I love your haircut, you're so lovely :)
eu nu sunt prea impulsiva la chestii de valoare mare,poate as fi dar..ma retine..portofelul :)) dar tu draga mea,esti cumva indragostita in ultima vreme? sau e doar primavara de vina? ai asa un je-ne-sais-quoi :)very nice outfit anyway :) pupici,
I love the mixture of these two prints, they happen to be two of my favorite prints too:P
And those bows are soooooooooooo cute, i could eat you again:D
I know what you're talking about with the photos problem, i have it too...Actually that's the only reason why i don't post daily: i don't have a constant photographer:((
I love this outfit! i`m a sucker for polka dots and you styled the dress perfectly! Love all your bracelets:D
Ah the beauty! Yes, you! What's not to love?! Costin did a great job! :)
Thank you so much girls!:)
Andreea - Cand m-am tuns chiar m-am gandit ca vreau ceva asemanator cu tunsoarea ta, numai ca parul meu este foarte "independent" si sta numai cum vrea el. We're hairdo twins!
Ioana N - da, da si pe mine tot portofelul+paranoia. As vrea eu sa fiu in love, sunt sigura ca my life would be better or at least more interesting, din pacate trebuie sa dau vina pe primavara pentru acel je-ne-sais-quoi de care ma acuzi:))))))))
Andreea - I know, having somebody to fallow you around and snap outfit photos would be so great instead od nagying everybody to do so (not that I do that):))))))))))))
cum ti-am zis deja pe facebook this is your best outfit so far. imi place this length of skirt and dresses mult mai mult decat cel care il purtai innainte. mi se pare ca te avntajeaza mult mai mult. btw ca sa iti dai seama how big of a insipiration esti pentru mine, dupa ce am facut primul outfit cu tine pe bucharest style with the leopard tights mam dus si eu si mi-am luat. stiu ca aproape vine vara dar am de gand sa ii port cat pot de des pana vine complet. nici nu mas fi gandit ca miar sta bine leoopard tights pana nu iam vazut cat de bine iti stau tie.
:)))) Si eu acum incerc sa port toata colectia de tights cu printuri pe care am strans-o iarna aceasta - cat mai pot! Acum am o perioada in care am chef sa port numai scurt sau macar peste genunchi. Si tu esti o mare sursa de inspiratie pentru mine!Kisses:)
My dear Alice, you look really pretty with shorter hair.
I love how you have style that fabulous polkadot dress, pairing it with animal print and leather.
Fantastic, as ever.
I love, love your outfit posts.
What a beautiful look! I love the way you've mixed a subtle print (the tiny polkadots on your dress) with a bold one in your leopard tights. And the red bows add a gorgeous splash of colour. Beautiful photos, too- the scenery is so picturesque!
not having a good camera really sucks .... I know what you mean ! :))
Blogul tau e foarte dragut , esti una dintre cele mai bune bloggerite din Romania. >:D< Keep doing your job !
You look so incredibly GORGEOUS!!
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