Yes, I do own pants, I just rarely wear them.:) I know everybody was wondering if I have such an item in my wardrobe. This is probably my first pants outfit ever (on the blog, I did wore pants before, I’m not completely mad). I would also want to state I have nothing against pants, I just find them less flattering, feminine and creative than dresses and skirts, but I’m having a little bit of a change of heart right now.
These photos were taken by my friends - Laura and Alex - who pretty much didn’t even know how to use my camera before this but I think they did a very good job. Laura especially shows a lot of promise, Alex contribution was laughing his ass off and also making me laugh and generally stopping us from doing a professional photo shoot in the park:))), stealing my glasses and gracefully taking care of my bag:)))). It was very fun, I’m gonna ask for their free assistance again.
In other words, I love my purple shoes – they even have fabric tassels and they were dirt cheap. Although I own more than 30 bags I always wear this one just because is big enough to fit all the crap I carry around daily, for once is actually goes with the outfit.
Da, nu este o iluzie vizuala, chiar port o pereche de pantaloni, am o multime, numai ca ii port rar, de cateva ori pe an, prefer rochiile si fustele pentru ca sunt mai feminine, mai versatile si imi permit sa fiu mai creativa. Cred ca acesta este prima data cand ma vedeti in pantaloni de cand am deschis blogul (nu doar acesta, ci si celalalt - Alice&Sara - adica mai bine de doi ani). In ultimul timp m-a apucat insa cheful sa port pantaloni asa ca probabil o sa-i vedeti mai des de acum inainte.
Pozele acestea sunt facute de doi prieteni foarte buni: Laura si Alex. Avand in vedere ca nici nu stiau sa foloseasca aparatul meu inainte sa incepem, mi se pare ca au facut o treaba grozava. Laura in special a dovedit mult potential si abnegatie pentru cauza, a fost super simpatica si mi-a dat tot felul de indicatii exact ca un fotograf profesionist. Nu as vrea sa diminuez rolul lui Alex in aceasta minunata bucata de arta contemporana: a fost foarte constiincios si s-a prapadit de ras, m-a facut si pe mine sa rad si sa pierd aerul de fotomodel aspirant atat de necesar intr-un astfel de demers creativ si imi tot ratacea ochelarii in timp ce supraveghea cu un ochi de vultur gentile noastre (un adevarat multi task-er). In orice caz a fost foarte amuzant si o sa le mai solicit serviciile gratuite si alta data.
Laura is so cute and adorable, such a little blonde hipster bunny, right?
This is a little victory dance also known as a “well done job” dance that Laura and Alex felt it was appropriate at the end of the photo shoot. Who was I not to immortalize it?!!
I'm wearing:
small cherry scarf (worn on my head) – vintage
red pants – Old Navy
shoes - random brand (from Mini Prix)
rings: H&M and Meli Melo
black studded blouse - random brand
sunglasses - Asos
20 comentarii :
My dear Alice, you have such a wonderful figure that you can wear just about anything.
So pretty!!!
hey, you loook great in pants! you should wear them more often! kisses
ps love you outfit
Sacramento - thank you:)
Stilistele - I will, thank you!:)
Great look with those red pants! I rarely wear pants too so I feel you:D
I love your hair, esp how it looks with that headband.
The victory dance is really fun:D!
Boheme.Fille - thank you, I always try to wear something in my hair. My friends victory dance is hilarious, it cracks me up every time!:)
Ohmgee, you're uber cute!!! Great choice of accessories, as usual! You look great in pants, too, I see :D. Love the pics/outfit.
Love, love, love it!! :X Especially the lovely! ♥
You look great wearing, especially, these pants!Love em!xoxo
You should wear pants more often!
They look great on you! Si imi place muuuult the t-shirt! :X
I can't believe it, my blog title is almost identical to yours today!
You look fab in your red pants, they really suit you. x
Eu una daca as avea picioarele tale(da, sunt obsedata), n-as mai iesi din fuste si rochii. Si numai din alea scurte, purtate cu tocuri foarte inalte>:) Muhahaha.
Esti super cute si in pantaloni, imi plac accesoriile si te iubesc si asa dar fiind fidela copanelor heart will always belong to them:D
Special K, Alina F, Anna C - Thank you, guys!:)
Vix - you know they say great minds think alike - I guess it's right!:)))
Andreea -:))) Din pacate trebuie sa ma duc la job in fiecare zi si nu prea pot sa fiu atta de indecenta (oricum ma considera on the mad side si asa), de obicei fac poze dupa serviciu deci cum ma duc imbracata dimineata asa raman. Kisses:)
i've never seen this hipster side of alice ever before. very cool, and i think you should definitely start wearing pants more often.
and laura must be lying, this isn't the first time using a camera like yours - the photos turned out great!
:))))She has plenty of hipster in her, jus wait and see!:) Laura is a fast learner I guess!:)
It does look like you guys had fun at the photo shoot. I have the same opinion on pants. I don't hate them or anything it's just that they are boring and very unflattering.
I love your pair though, I've looked for something similar for years and no luck.
You look great with nerd glasses btw!
Loved the glasses and the hairband! You should wear such hipster outfits more often :) they suit you!
I actually haven't done any other photo shooting before, but if it turned out alright, we can do it again whenever you want!
The .gif - Alice's style :)) hilarious!
Peace, Laura
Lovely outfit!Love your selection of rings!
Esti atat de diferita in pantaloni, e intr-adevar prima oara cand te vad asa si cred ca imi va trebui un timp sa ma obisnuiesc :)) Nu iti sta rau, nu asta vreau sa zic, outfitul e chiar super, imi plac si ochelarii:D Dar ti-am zis, m-am obisnuti cu partea ta feminina ;)
thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog! those pants look fantastic ! I Love their color and you paired them beautiful with Your colorful sandals! :)
Am ramas placut impresionata!
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