I’ve never been so happy it’s Friday! This was a hard week and I’m really excited for the weekend – I just want to sleep and do as little as possible, but you never know?! Maybe I’ll jet set to somewhere amazing or do something superhero worthy. One can only hope!:)
How's your day so far?

41 comentarii :
What a lovely blog. Such a wonderful universe.
Thanks for visiting and commenting my blog. I'm your follower here and i liked your fan page on facebook. :D
Yeah.. TGIF!!! My day is being quite boring so far, but as you said, one can only hope!
btw, love love love your header and the whole design of your blog, it's amazing and makes it so easy to read! xx
Yes it has been a long week! Luckily we have a forecast for good weather so it is by the pool for me!
Have a great day! :D
The picture look interesting. :)
Loving your blog... although I cant find the GFC follow button... but I followed on bloglovin.
I actually spent my afternoon cleaning my place and planning my 21st dressup party =)
hi there! thanks for the comment and following my blog! i just followed your blog too, sorry it took so long :(
nice blog btw, i love it <3
Joie de Vivre
hi there! thanks for dropping by my blog! i work this weekend so TGIF is not really for me. I've always wanted to visit Bucharest after seeing photos of my friend's travels. I hope you post more pictures of your vintage finds cos i love thrifting too!!
Cute post! :) I love Fridays too~ Glad to see you so happy :P
My day is Just Boring ! I'm already bored can't wait for the eve !
Thanks for the sweet comment
Honey...I must say this!By reading your posts on a daily basis I realized that,for sure, you re really fun to be around. You seem so joyful and crazy(in a good way)!Love it!
Thanks for visiting our blog and for commenting !
Your blog design is so adorable, you made it yourself ?
We're following you back :)
Afaf & Marwa
I love your style of writing and of course your sense of style! :) And its friday!!! Whoo! :D
Following you!
this perfectly describes my mood too! escaping the week for a weekend adventure!
The gif's very amusing ;) I love that you would put up those images from time to time, very entertaining.
My day's been great! It was a slow day at the shop but later on, business picked up, so hurray! ;)
A Single Girl's Musings
Hi !!
My day's been great!, I've been shopping !!
kisses !
So far is pretty great!!!
It´s friday, isn´t it???
That´s awesome!!
XOXO from Spain!
i've been enjoying the day so far :)
great blog, wanna follow each other?
go ahead and enjoy your weekend!
I am still in vacation- longest vacation ever- 2 months, so I have to say I am too relaxed already and need some action :))
Haha hope you have the good time!
It was hard day but this animation makes me smile ; )
I love Kickass! Great blog :)
Hi darlin' and sorry but I had problems with blogger! now I can follow you back and I'm your new follower! I love this animation ahah If you want there's a new post on my blog! Kisses from Italy!
my day has been okay. :)
just stopping by to say thanks for following my blog, and to let you know that i am now following your blog. :D
<3, Mimi
woww what a funny gif's :D great blog dear
TGIF!! Have a good weekend :)
LOVE your blog! cool post too!
thanks for stopping by mine and following :)
following you now too
Soooooooo Cute!!!!
Stop by my blog if you want...it would be a pleasure for me!!!!
Kisses from Italy
Enjoy your weekend!
such a fun post!
have just followed you
I'm glad your happiness:)
Thanks for visiting & following our blog! Now following back!
Hope you got the chance to enter our Tiffany & Co. necklace giveaway!
Haha I love that bit in Kick Ass! Hope you're having a nice weekend :)
Thank you for visiting my blog and comment:) You have a great blog! I'm your follower here and i liked your fan page on facebook:)
Same here! I'm having a lazy weekend!!!
what's your superhero name, then? :P
Costin M.
:D i wish i could jet off to London or New York... ONE CAN ONLY DREAM...
Chari T (deep fried stilettos)
Chari T (deep fried stilettos)
LOL love it!!
great outfit! beautiful! i have new post in my blog:)
your blog=kick ass
also love your style
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