This is what I wore some weekends ago when I was actually free. How else to celebrate the good times than wearing a “walk of shame” type outfit?! Sure, my vintage lace slip/night gown wasn’t meant to see the outside of my flat, but hey, I’m an equal rights kind of girl, I give all my clothes a chance.
The shirt I’m wearing over the black lace slip is a 4 sizes too big Ralph Lauren man shirt that was calling my name for a while now - I had to wear it, I also needed something long enough to cover my ass as that black thingy is very see through.
Don’t need to tell you how many stares this outfit got, I’m imaging people were asking themselves where did I left my skirt/bottom part of the outfit. Thankfully nobody said anything so I got to feel all scandalous in peace and Denisa who was ready to defend my honor:)))) only had to take some photos of the outfit, a good thing too, she’s a fierce little thing.
I guess the intimidating “hood effect” of my huge gold earrings was destroyed by the cat eyes floral sunglasses I was also wearing:)))). Damn it!:))))

I’m wearing:
black lace slip and blue belt - vintage
heels and bracelets – random brand
sunglasses – New Yorker
ring – made by me
man shirt - Ralph Lauren

84 comentarii :
cute outfit I love your accessories!
love your lace pants! and your smile is so pretty :)
thanks for your nice comment - of course i checked out your blog and i follow you back. your style is great and very inspiring :)
xx romi
very cool! imi place , super stylish , you are beautiful! pup
Haha...yes keep on lookin hood. I tend to be lookin hood a lot. lol. I guess because I like to dress comfortably. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and following! I'm following back :)
xo sherri
I actually like this outfit and don't think it's strange or something like that.. everything goes together very well!
hahaha, you're hilarious!:)):))
and looking fab!!
I like your bracelets :))
I adore your shorts and accessories!!
Yummy outfit! I love the contrast and guess what? I have the same pair of sun glasses :X
Love your cat-eye sunglasses..
thank you soooo much, dear! This isso nice of you :)
I love your heels, they are amazing <3
Love the earring!! So beautiful! Great look:) xx
Thank you so much for your comment! You have made my day :)
I follow you, of course!
Uau I love yellow ♥
I love your accessories!especially your sunglasses..xoxo
Wow...this is crazy!Love it!You are so brave to walk around like that in Bucharest!
I love the braceles!
You can check my blog if you want
Greetings! :)
I love lace, that is gorgeous! x
Love your bracelets!
as listra da camisa com a rendo fico maravilhoso
lindo !!!!!
The fussion of the Skirt with the shirt!
Besos Chipless by Mr. Vuitton
Bloggers Bags en
lovely accessories
I'm not a big fan of the whole lace-cotton-ly shirt combination, but the accessories are impeccable!
Love the earrings, the ring is simply beautiful and the bracelets too.
Carrie Bradshaw wore exactly the same but without the skirt,I thought it looked great,and it is on you also.With that legs you can wear anything you want girl.Thanks for following my blog.Now I´m following
I really like how the slip dress is peeking out! The lace is just gorgeous.
Hey! Sara, I just want to thank you for stopping by on my blog page. Thank for your kind words
and comments. I love you blog as well and will definitely be check your page from time to time. I lov your sense of classy and cute. Hope that we'll be friends. Thank you, your new follower...
love your shoes and accessoires! xx
finally in a mini skirt, you gorgeous you!!! I love the shirt, the combination, you look awesome!
hey sweetie! thank you so much for your wonderful comment on my blog =) I was really happy =)you have a new follower, too and by the way I love love love your shoes!
kisses from
Superbe accesorii ;x pantofii mai ales !
siii LA MULTI ANI cu o mica mare intarziere :X
amazing skirt! following you back!
We love your outfit! Those glasses are so cute. We are following. Hope you will check us out :)
I love lace :) It's such a cute outfit!
love your shirt!!
That skirt is super gorgeous!!!!!
That skirt is lovely :) I think I just have a thing for lace! xx
Love your stack of bangles! Thanks for stopping by my blog before! Off to read more about ya! xox!
Love your outfit!!! The skirt is so cute with the yellow shirt. Thank you for following me and I'm following you too now:)
I love your "dare to lead, not follow" attitude! That arm candy is pretty fierce woman. But those heels need to be in my closet ASAP!
Those are some great shoes. And I love your jewelry also. <3
love the shoes!
Heyyyy Sara! Thanks for following my blog! I want to follow yours but I noticed you don't have a Blogger "Follow" bar option thingy on the top of your blog. Or am I missing it???
♥Janette the Jongleur
Hey sara, Thanks for lovely comment and for following my blog.
I'm browsing your blog right now and I really love what I am seeing. I’m following you back for the reason that you have great blog. Your beauty style is classic and very vintage but you never look out of style! You have a way of making classic looks modern again. I think I’m gonna have to drop by more often:)
cute shoes! xxx
i actually think your outfit worked out really well! the first thing that came into my mind when i saw your photo was "where can i get that shirt???!!". ;) plus, i love how fashion forward this outfit is.
<3, Mimi
Stages of Beauty Giveaway :)
Imi place , ai talent omule!Prin asta ti-ai mai castigat un cititor, bafta si la cat mai multe articole!
lovely outfit.. :) thanks for dropping by my blog dear.. :) following you too.. :)
Super cute outfit dear! <3
So bold of you! I like it. I think it worked out. Lace is in style right now and pairing the slip with the oversized shirt worked great. :D
P.S. Thanks for the comment on my NYX review. I so agree with you. I need to learn to create smokey eyes haha. Thanks for following me. I'm following back!
XoXo, Bree
Tweet me: Viva_La_Breee
I just discovered your blog! It is lovely! I am loving those lace shorts!!
I hope you will stop by my blog sometime! I am now following yours :)
fabulous blog! i love your belt :)
wonderfull outfit! love the black lace <3
This all goes so well together i love it!
Hello! I like your blog too :) I am following your page now. I like your lace shorts :) <3 cute outfit.
love the shirt! so vibrant :D
Cool outfit! You look great! Love your skirt!
Your outfit is adorable and I love those sunglasses! It's not too scandalous if no one said anything! :)
ooh i love this outfit! so cute :) i love wearing my husbands shirts. one time i wore one of his big ass shirts as a dress, never felt sexier lol
im following! thanks for following me :)
i love your bangles!!!
Glass of Fashion
LOVE your jewelry and the mix of patterns is fabulous! Happy Friday!
you are so cute- I am in LURVE with those black lacey shorts- so gorgeous!!!
totally love the combination of slip dress and the shirt!
Cool look, I like it! Come back soon to visit my blog, I'll be waiting for you!!
Cosa mi metto???
wow, te urmaresc de ceva timp dar outfitul m-a lasat fara cuvinte, foarte, foarte tare. Esti super sexi cu acei pantalonasi dar nu la modul trashy. Bravo!
You look fab! Perfect heels!
woooaaah!!! i love them accessories...and following you back huney!!!
love ur blog!!!
This is awesome! I never would have thought to wear an oxford shirt over a lace slip...and those shoes? They're amazing!
Hi! Love your pants, and thanks for your comment in my blog. I follow you. A kis :)
I am so in love with how you pair your nighty with the RL shirt. It's like super feminine + masculine at the right mix! I wouldn't have thought of this. Love, love, love!
Lovely heels!love the outfit!
xoxo cris
I love the mix between the man's shirt and the slip. Very cute!
Of course, I'm following back! You have a great fashion blog! ^__^ LOVING the title of this post! LOL & Those shoes are freaking amazing! I miss wearing heeeelss.. -___- swollen feet from pregnancy.. Ugh.. My poorrr feet! LOOL. <3
I love your styling, your lace slip totally makes the outfit, you look stunning! x
Love your unique style,. AMAZING shoes!
wowzer! mor dupa pantofii aia, pot sa primesc indicatii despre unde ii gasesc?;;) pretty please :P
Astrid - i-am cumparat de la mini prix acum cateva luni (din magazinul online), uita-te, poate ai noroc si mai sunt:)
& aaw thanks hun , so are you xx
This is very nice !
Beautiful jewelry
You have gr8 style!! I wouldn't think of wearing a shirt with a slip!!! But you look amazing
Loved the way you wore the shirt! I've never thought of wearing it like this! Imagined that maybe it would be over, but it looks so great on you!
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