This last few days I actually felt like fall is upon us and I’m not pleased. I still have so many summer outfits to show you guys!
The following one features two of my favorite trends ever: high waisted anything combined with a cropped top, t-shirt, sweater. I don’t know what it’s with me and cropped stuff, I suspect it has something to do with my childhood in the late 90’s and Saved by the Bell. While I’m not a fan of showing off your belly button I somehow find that wearing short upper pieces with high waisted garments it's really classy!:)))))) Nothing like a little bit of skin showing to classy up a joint!:))))))
And, what do you know?!!! The fashion Gods agree: I’ve seen countless 2012 spring summer collections featuring the exact same things.
This is what I wore for a late afternoon/ early evening with some of my friends in the city. Between a glass of wine and heated discussion about good food Laura took this pictures of me harassing the street lamps and steel gates of Bucharest. 
I’m wearing:
skirt and belt - vintage
heels, necklace and cropped tee - random brand
skirt and belt - vintage
heels, necklace and cropped tee - random brand

52 comentarii :
Very bold, but harmonious image! Bravo!
love the mixed prints and those shoes are killer! great outfit!
gorgeous skirt! you're right, high waisted things look gorgeous!
xox jacqui
love your necklace and heels!
I love the t-shirt *
your skirt is gorgeous, I bet you're gonna wear the hell out if it through fall :)
Lovely outfit! Smart combination of different prints!
I love, love this! The pattern mixing is bold, but totally works. The proportions of the full skirt and crop top is timeless. So pretty!
O.o amazing!! So... oryginal look!!
xoxo Laura
Omg....I love,love,loooove this!You look great and the pics are amazing!
I love this outfit, very brave :)
so pretty :D even more because it makes you look very happy *
wow, this outfit is so special, but i love it! i like your style!
lovely greets
maren anita
great shoes :))
Cute look! Ohh i'd love to wear light shirts and skirts, but it's getting too cold..
xx indie by heart
I am LOVING the full skirt. Very Mad Men... :-)
yeah, this kind of silhouette is really in these days, love the combination of fabrics and prints! and you have such a tiny waist! gorg!
lovely nacklace!
like this mix&match:)
new on mine..kiss
patchwork à porter
ah love your retro outfit- you rock it so well !! xx
Now that's hot.
I sooo love this!!! :x
I looooove this outfit! OMG, you look so adorable! Really nice skirt! And the heels are soooo hot!
I love this look, wish I had the flat stomach to pull it off xxx
Love that pretty :) x
Love the clashing patterns in this outfit :) xx
beautiful! love your skirt! puup
love the pics !
Arati absolut superb :x Unul dintre motivele pentru care doresc sa slabesc este acela de a putea dezveli si eu partea de abdomen care arata asa de bineee la tine ! Care e secretul ? Ai putea sa-mni spui cum te intreti ?:>
Wow, I adore the combination of prints! I'm especially in love with that fabulous skirt.
WOW You look great,love this look. Specially your skirt!!!Kisses from
That skirt flows and fits perfectly...And the necklace is so unique, have not seen one like that around..
gorgeous outfit darling! every item works so well together, you have a great eye for fashion!
yes! os course I follow you, thanks for your sweet words. This outfit is totally pin up! I love it. xoxo dear
Oh my gosh, this is SUCH a fantastic outfit! All the way down to the necklace. LOVE IT!
I've recently discovered the joy of a high waist and midriff I love it! You're right, so much classier than showing your navel. I can't wait to wear more stuff like this in summer.
Definitely following you too honey :)
Thank you so much for your beautiful comments on my blog! Of course I will your style and love your skirt!!
So pretty! I loved the cropped top.
amazing outfit!!
love your sandals!!
kisses pretty and have a nice day=)
thank you for your comment on my blog...I follow you back....great blog you have.....andtghat outfit is so sweet :**
Oh and you look soooo lovely like this! I really adore the cropped top and indeed it is a wonderful trend! :D
you look gorgeous!!!!
Love the belt n the pattern on the skirt x Take Care
I'm in love with your skirt, very 40s with a cool twist!
great post!
p.s. thanks for the lovely comment on my blog!
Great skirt :)
/ Avy
you've got style! awesome outfit!
I hope you still show us your summer outfits, I long for it to be summer again - have to put the heating on right now, i can't stand the cold. :( So many people love autumn/winter but I can't wait for it to be summer again!! x
Amazing vintage outfit! :D !
Very unique style! Great blog! I followed!
Hope you follow me back! :)
Twitter @chiclookxo
-ariel* xoxo
Lovely outfit!<3
I like your outfit a lot, very retro and yet modern due to that cropped tee and clashed prints!
Hallo wunderschöne frau..dein foto gefällt mir..du bist echt süsse..hübsche.du siehst super sexy im Glockenrock aus...geiler weiter glockenrock gefällt mir wow geiler glockenrock....würde gerne das mal live sehen wollen wenn du den lederrock wow du bist traum.......wunder schöne Lady
Super, ador combinatia dintre fusta si top... si fotografiile sunt frumoase!
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