Hello there! How
about we start this new week in style with an amazing giveaway sponsored by JewelryBox!
The prize is for you to choose
from anything available on Jewelry Box – any ring, necklace, bracelet, hair
candy or pair of earrings that you like is up for grabs!
We will have 3 winners that I
will randomly choose at the end of the week! If you don’t win this week you can
enter again next week because this giveaway is a two weeks affair.
All you have to do for a chance to win is (all 3
conditions are mandatory):
♥ LIKE JewelryBox on Facebook
♥ Share this
on your Facebook wall, use (tag) @Pop Culture and leave the link in a comment
♥ Leave a comment
on this post with the piece of jewelry from Jewelry Box that you want and the name you used
to like Jewelry Box on Facebook
For extra chances to win
you can also (these are not mandatory and each one will count as an
extra entry):
♥ LIKE PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook
2.Follow Pop
Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC (mention this in a comment so
that I can count an extra entry for you)
3.Follow PopCulture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’ (mention this in a comment so
that I can count an extra entry for you)
4.Share this
with on your Tumblr account (mention this in a comment and leave the
link so that I can count an extra entry for you).
5. Blog or tweet
about it on your blog or Twitter account (mention this in a comment and
leave the link so that I can count an extra entry for you).
The first part
of this giveaway ends May 13th (you can enter next week too).
The 3 winners will be sorted out randomly. This is an international giveaway – anybody can join in!
Here are some of my favorite pieces form the store!
Here are some of my favorite pieces form the store!
Sunt foarte entuziasmata sa anunt un nou giveaway
sponsorizat de Jewelry Box, un magazin online romanesc de bijuterii cu o
selectie de produse absolut superbe la preturi extrem de rezonabile.
Si nu este vorba de un giveaway obisnuit, ci unul in care o
sa avem mai multi castigatori (6 castigatori)!!!
In plus va puteti alege orice
premiu dintre cerceii, inelele, colierele, bratarile si accesoriile de par de
pe Jewelry Box aflate in stoc.
Giveaway-ul va tine
doua saptamani (6 - 27 mai) si la sfarsitul
fiecarei saptamani (pe 4 mai si pe 28 mai) vom vom alege cate 3 castigatori
dintre cei inscrisi in saptamana respectiva.
Daca nu ati avut noroc in prima
saptamana va puteti inscrie fara probleme si in a doua saptamana.
a participa este suficient sa (toate
cele 3 conditii de mai jos sunt absolut necesare) :
I love all of these too!
♥ LIKE Jewley Box pe Facebook
♥ Share (sa puneti link) acestui articol cu
giveaway-ul pe peretele vostru de Facebook si sa lasati link ca sa pot
♥ Lasati un comentariu la acest articol in care sa
ne spuneti ce bijuterie doriti ca premiu de pe Jewelry Box , adresa de email ca sa va pot contacta si numele cu care
urmariti Jewelry Box pe Facebook
alte 5 sanse suplimentare de a castiga puteti sa:
1. LIKE pagina de Facebooka Pop Culture (mentionati asta in comentariu ca sa pot adauga o
inscriere suplimentara)
2. Urmariti Pop Culture prin GFC (Google Frined Conect) -
(mentionati asta in comentariu ca sa pot adauga o inscriere suplimentara)
3.Urmariti PopCulture prin Bloglovin’ (mentionati asta in comentariu ca sa pot adauga o
inscriere suplimentara)
4. Puneti link catre articol pe Tumblr (mentionati asta
in comentariu ca sa pot adauga o inscriere suplimentara)
5.Scrieti o insemnare rapida despre Giveaway pe
blogul personal sau scrieti pe Twitter despre giveaway (lasati un
comentariu cu linkul ca sa pot adauga o inscriere suplimentara)
fiecare conditie suplimentara indeplinita veti primi o inscriere in plus
(fiecare cititor poate avea maxim 6 inscrieri daca indeplineste toate
conditiile – cele obligatorii plus cele suplimentare.)
The Winner
I just want to thank you all for taking the time to enter out giveaway sponsored by Jewelry Box. I’m very happy so many of you decided to join in. Hopefully we’ll have many others so that every one of you can win something. Meantime I have to rely on the Gods of chance to choose the winner. This is the list I made with all the entries (the mandatory one and the extra entries):
Prima parte a giveaway-ului se incheie pe 13 mai!
Mult success!
The Winner
I just want to thank you all for taking the time to enter out giveaway sponsored by Jewelry Box. I’m very happy so many of you decided to join in. Hopefully we’ll have many others so that every one of you can win something. Meantime I have to rely on the Gods of chance to choose the winner. This is the list I made with all the entries (the mandatory one and the extra entries):
…and the winners are...
No. 241 - that's Simos!
No. 72 - that's Catalina Rapiteanu!
No. 224 - that's Elena Roso!
Congratulations!!! Will get in touch with you soon!
In case you're not one of the 3 winners you can try again this week - I just posted the new giveaway HERE!

166 comentarii :
e imposibil sa nu-ti placa toate! dar, daca trebuie (musaaai, musaaai) sa aleg, optez pentru inelul cu cinci pietre turcoaz.
Urmaresc Jewelry Box pe FB cu numele: Madda Ilade.
Am dat like paginii Pop Culture cu numele: Madda Ilade
Urmaresc Pop Culture prin GFC cu numele: Madda Ilade.
Am dat share aici: http://www.facebook.com/madda.ilade/posts/288996377857024
Mi-ar placea sa castig: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=337160019659180&set=a.337125699662612.72539.337076316334217&type=3&theater
madda_ilade at yahoo dot com
Follower: Cátia Macedo
Facebook: Cátia Macedo
Share: https://www.facebook.com/catia.macedo.5/posts/456263624389137
Like PopCulture&Fashion Magic on FB: Cátia Macedo
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/EmpireOfLoveByC/status/199252143969021953
Piece: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/341-colier-cu-pandantiv-spring-is-here.html
Enter me and shared
I love Colier Versailles
GFC: Skye
FB: Skye Kumi
Email: cloudlovely@hotmail.it
LIKE PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook
FB: Skye Kumi
Email: cloudlovely@hotmail.it
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC
GFC: Skye
Email: cloudlovely@hotmail.it
Follow PopCulture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’
Email: cloudlovely@hotmail.it
tweet about it on your blog or Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/SkyeKumi/status/199274566147772417
Email: cloudlovely@hotmail.it
Im a fan of PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook
FB: LadyOf TheDarkness
Email: helenalol@virgilio.it
I follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC
Email: helenalol@virgilio.it
I Follow PopCulture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’
Email: helenalol@virgilio.it
Shared on twitter https://twitter.com/#!/Helenalol1/status/199294818449506307
Email: helenalol@virgilio.it
.I liked JewerlyBox on facebook
.Shared http://www.facebook.com/cecilia.efendy/ (I don't know where's the link so I give u my fb link)
.Actually I can't choose between Colier Orchid Garden and Colier Love Summer. But I'd choose Colier Love Summer :)
I liked Pop Culture and Fashion magic on Facebook (Cecilia Efendy)
I've followed you via GFC for a long time ago dear :)
My GFC: Ceciliaefendy
Followed via Bloglovin' and shared on my tumblr too.
Tumblr: http://pinkteapot.tumblr.com
Tweet this! :)
my email: cecilelf@hotmail.com
buna Alice! am "zarit" ceva dragut pe site-ul jewelry-box si am zis sa incerc si eu :) produsul meu preferat este colierul i have money ( http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/215-colier-i-have-money.html )si sper sa il gastig !:)) id-ul meu de pe facebook este Bianca Simion iar adresa de mail este by_me_byank@yahoo.com.
kiss kiss :)
Oxana Ivanova
Buna Alice:* Imi place acest giveaway,e super dragut.FB(like Pop culture &Jewelry box):Letitia Golea
Share :https://www.facebook.com/letitia.golea/posts/349244315138012
am uitat produsul preferat;)) Acestia m'au fermecat:X : http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/126-cercei-purple-feather.html
Hi,enter me!
I love this:http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/206-colier-versailles-.html
Shared on FB:https://www.facebook.com/#!/chicca.tamburrino/posts/223673431069435
FB:Chicca Tamburrino
LIKE PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook
FB: Chicca Tamburrino
Email: pleadi@inwind.it
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC
GFC: Chicca Tamburrino
Email: pleadi@inwind.it
all accessories are awesome.its very hard to choose any one.finally i chose this :http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/206-colier-versailles-.html
liked jwelery box on fb:Samreen Salim
shared on fb tagging popculture:https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=331142566955797&id=1393815291
Follow PopCulture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’
Email: pleadi@inwind.it
LIKE PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook
FB: Samreen Salim
Email: samreen_321@yahoo.com
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC
GFC: Angel eyez
Email: samreen_321@yahoo.com
tweet link:https://twitter.com/#!/SamreenSalim/status/199413954206892032
twitter name:@SamreenSalim
I ♥ LIKE JewelryBox
I SHARED this giveaway here https://www.facebook.com/zmeuricadiana/posts/382614445123811
I like this necklace https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=337159932992522&set=a.337125699662612.72539.337076316334217&type=3&theater
FB NAME: Diana L. Barbu
1.I ♥ LIKE PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook - Diana L. Barbu
2.I Followed Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC - Diana Barbu
3.I Followed PopCulture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’
4.I Shared this with on my Tumblr account http://shapelessfeelings.tumblr.com/post/22578340093/giveaway
5. I tweetted about it on my Twitter account https://twitter.com/#!/Zmeurel/status/199414061136494593
Colier Gold Bay
e-mail elizatheiss@facebook.com
Shared on Facebook under the name Eliza Theiss http://www.facebook.com/ElizaTheiss/posts/442760895737496?
Liked Pop Culture on Facebook under the same name
Tweeted here https://twitter.com/#!/ElizaTheiss
Fingers crossed :)
1. like on facebook (with the name Silvia Mihaela Nastrut)
2. following on gfc (with the name miki mouse)
3. following on bloglovin (with the name Silvia Mihaela Nastrut)
the jewellery are awesome!
have a great day!
I'm in love for this:
FB name: Samantha Tedesco
I LIKE PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook
Samantha Tedesco
I Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC
I Follow PopCulture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’
Facebook :Batranca Madalina https://www.facebook.com/Madalina.Batranca
Am incercat sa scriu @ Pop culture and fashion magic dar nu merge asa ca am pus linku-l :-s
My favourite <3 - Colier Precious Pearls
GFC : Batranca Madalina
Twitter : https://twitter.com/madduumadd/statuses/199485106694533121
Fb like Jewley Box : Vero Sima
Fb like Pop Culture : Vero Sima
GFC : My way
Twitter : https://twitter.com/#!/myway154/status/199488696020504577
Bijuterie preferata : http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/124-cercei-honey-owl.html
Share : http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=384657704919671&id=100003776865207
Am uitat sa'mi scriu mailul : v.ice7@yahoo.com
gfc: irina
fb ambele site-uri like: irina olteanu
urmaresc pe bloglovin cu irina_olteanu200
produs preferat:http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/99-colier-roman-holiday.html
share: http://www.facebook.com/irina.olteanu.94/posts/183274631794725
like ambele paginii:deea andreea
produs preferat:http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/286-cercei-break-your-heart.html
Like Jewellery box pe fb :Catalina Rapiteanu
shared aici pe pagina mea de facebook: http://www.facebook.com/catalina.rapiteanu/posts/356744051054973
mi-au placut mult : http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/115-cercei-girls-night-out.html
extra :
1. Like Pop culture and fashion magic on facebook :Catalina Rapiteanu
2.GFC :catalina rapiteanu
3.Followed via bloglovin
4.Shared on my Tumbler account : http://catalinarei.tumblr.com/post/22586299982/giveaway
5.Twitted : https://twitter.com/#!/cathyRcat/status/199495953798012928
Facebook: Stella Incantevole
enter me
gfc mbilla82
fb adriana costanzo
tw mbilla82
mail mbilla82@yahoo.it
Liked Jewley Box on Facebook and shared the giveaway on my wall.
FB: Francesca Biondina
Email: redicoppe@inwind.it
Liked PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook.
FB: Francesca Biondina
Email: redicoppe@inwind.it
Finger crossed! ^_*
Nume Fb, Gfc: Ilyés Sandra
Share: https://www.facebook.com/ilyes.sandra/posts/358099717571964
Produs: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=337160019659180&set=a.337125699662612.72539.337076316334217&type=3&theater
e-mail: sandybelle94@yahoo.com
Super super!! Am dat like cu numele Anaivilo pe Facebook, si uite link-ul cu share: https://www.facebook.com/anaivilo/posts/451450718203557
Iar asta e ceea ce imi doresc: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/279-cercei-burgundy-charm.html
De asemeni, te uramesc pe Bloglovin;, si GFC, deja stii asta, am dat like la pagin a voastra demult, si am postat si pe Twitter, iata link: https://twitter.com/#!/anaivilo/status/199517107644403712
Name: floryfrancy
FB: Florinda Fraccalvieri
Shared: https://www.facebook.com/groups/123228627777452/236580413108939/?ref=notif¬if_t=group_activity#!/florinda.fraccalvieri/posts/293760434044767
I like this item: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/8-set-bratari-the-fabulous.html
LIKED PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook: Florinda Fraccalvieri
Following Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC as floryfrancy
Following PopCulture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’ as floryfrancy@inwind.it
Twitted: https://twitter.com/#!/PiccolaFlo_82/status/199531342625636352
All the best in your giveaway =)
Wonderful giveaway!!
FB: Federica Corvino
Email: federicagiveaway@gmail.com
Link post: http://www.facebook.com/federica.corvino.35/posts/282582288500491
I love this colier: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/160-colier-cu-pandantiv-grunge-chic-.html
I follow this blog with GFC ;) like "Fede Rica".
I follow this blog also with Bloglovin! ;)
Email: federicagiveaway@gmail.com
i like this http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/15-bratara-lavish-gold.html
fb togato antonella
gfc togato antonella
I love this: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/64-colier-precious-pearls.html
...shared on fb: https://www.facebook.com/sstolfa
... liked on fb as: Sara Stolfa
difficult... I think I like the necklace best (:
oh here is the fb link
oh and i'm following you trough fb, gfc, and bloglovin
Enter me please!
I like this: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/15-bratara-lavish-gold.html
fb: Loredana Macrì
email: loredanamacri@yahoo.it
shared on fb: http://www.facebook.com/loredana.macri3
gfc: Loredana
email: loredanamacri@yahoo.it
fb: Loredana Macrì
bloglovin: loredanamacri@yahoo.it
fb: Loredana Macrì
email: loredanamacri@yahoo.it
my fav http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/206-colier-versailles-.html
FB Francesca Loveredhair
liked you on fb alias Francesca Loveredhair
followed you on GFC alias Francesca Scirpoli
followed you on blogovin with my mail piukina81@gmail.com
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/puntimania/status/199579491260043265
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to win this necklace:
Posted on FB:
Like you on FB
Following via GFC
And posted about the giveaway on my blog:
Katrina Bay
Pumps & Kicks
Giveaway Collection at Pumps & Kicks giveaway edition
liked Jewelry Box on facebook as Agnieszka Insińska
liked Pop Culture... on facebook as Agnieszka Insińska
I'm following Pop Culture.. vi gfc as agnieszkazg
I'm following Pop Culture on bloglovin' as agnieszkazg
tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/agusiazg/status/199588773892333568
enter me, please :)
FB Rosita's La Tanita
email rosanna-79@live.com
shared on FB
I love this http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/235-bratara-fashion-affair-.html
I LIKE PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook as Rosita's La Tanita
email rosanna-79@live.com
I Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC as rosanna-79
email rosanna-79@live.com
I Follow PopCulture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’ as rosanna-79@live.com
email rosanna-79@live.com
Like jewwly box: radu adina
share concurs https://www.facebook.com/radu.adina.3/posts/409383599082424
email raduadina87@gmail.com
Like Facebook Pop Culture:radu adina
gfc adina radu
Enter me! ^^
Hey salu!Felicitari pentru concurs...sunt absolut superbe toate...daca ar fi sa aleg as alege pandantivul/colierul versaiilles cel cu floricele si trandafirasi.
Like jewlery box:olivia predoiu
share concurs
Like Facebook Pop Culture:olivia predoiu
adresa mail oliviapredoiu@yahoo.comhttp://www.bloglovin.com/feed/firsttime
Like Jewlery Box: Corina Aniro
Share:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000177013103 (linkul profilului- ultima postare, nu am stiut cum altfel)
Like Pop Culture and Fashion Magic : Corina Aniro
Bijuteria dorita: Bratara Captive Beauty - http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/216-bratara-captive-beauty-.html
Facebook : Paula Dan
Am sharuit si giveawayul, dar se pare ca facebookul e prea performant pt mine si nu gasesc linkul numai cu postarea, asa ca pun linkul cu profilul meu: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=721839354&sk=wall
E-mail: presimtiri_violete@yahoo.com
Cat despre o singura bijuterie, a fost foaaaaarte greu sa ma decid, dar pana la urma am ales colierul acesta :d http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/94-colier-glamorous-adventure-.html
Like pagina de facebook Pop Culture : Paula Dan
BlogLovin': presimtiri_violete@yahoo.com
sweet pieces hun, thanks for sharing em ;p
love from the NANA girls xoxo
Following via GFC: Venus
Following on Bloglovin': cr4mpz@live.com
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/logogogog/status/199874019309260801
Liked and shared on FB (Vallon Evans)
My favorite piece of jewelry is the Mania Snake Bracelet!
I like: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/206-colier-versailles-.html
fb: caterina mariposina
email maison-@hotmail.it
extra: i like pop culture on facebook
FB: Caterina Mariposina
email maison-@hotmail.it
I 'm follower blog
gfc: catymariposina
email maison-@hotmail.it
like FB tuturor paginilor: Nicoleta Alexandra
share: http://www.facebook.com/nicoletalexandra/posts/139213146212750
e-mail: x_hubba.bubba_x@yahoo.com
GFC: beauty_and_others
postare blog: http://beauty-and-others.blogspot.com/2012/05/jewelry-box-giveaway.html
I'm follower blog via bloglovin
maison-@hotmail.it (bloglovin)
share tumblr:
email maison-@hotmail.it
twitted: https://twitter.com/#!/mariposinacate/status/199903532760047616
email maison-@hotmail.it
nume/FB Laura Butoi
share on https://www.facebook.com/laura.butoi.7
i'd like to win: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/64-colier-precious-pearls.html
Hey there GIVEAWAY lovers! Check out also my ROMWE blog giveaway!
THANKS!!! ^_^
http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/202-set-colier-si-cercei-color-alley.html like this
i follow pop on fb and gfc
and i follow on bloglovin
FB:Delisia Ioana
Email:ely_2ss at yahoo dot com
Like Pop Culture:Delisia Ioana
enter me :))
fb: Lucia Lipese
shared: https://www.facebook.com/lucia.lipese/posts/200903823363406
I like this: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/70-cercei-salmon-stone.html
but also this: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/66-cercei-city-princess.html
I LIKE PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook..
fb: Lucia Lipese
email: lucyblu24@yahoo.it
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC..
GFC: lucyblu24
email: lucyblu24@yahoo.it
I Follow PopCulture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’
email: lucyblu24@yahoo.it
I twitted: https://twitter.com/#!/LuciaBlu1/status/200260253927997440
TW: @LuciaBlu1
email: lucyblu24@yahoo.it
I liked Pop Culture and Fashion magic on Facebook (MyOwn Magicloset)
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC..
GFC: MyOwn Magicloset
email: magicloset5@gmail.com
Following on Bloglovin': afi_fe@clix.pt
stefy ste fb
gfc abellaa
twitter stefy
blogvin - email abellaa@virgilio.it
Liked and shared! ^^
enter me please ^^
GFC Francesca Scirpoli
FB Francesca Loveredhair
Twitter @puntimania
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/puntimania/status/200641375325257730
blogovin and mail piukina81@gmail.com
LIke : Alexandra Dumitru
Produs preferat:http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/279-cercei-burgundy-charm.html
Am dat like si paginii tale cu acelasi nume:)
Te urmaresc prin Gfc: Dumitru Alexandra
Si prin bloglovin' cu adresa de e-mail mentionata mai sus:)
♥ LIKED JewelryBox on Facebook as Luthien Oltrefiume
♥ Shared on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/luthien.tin/posts/294410137313914
♥ the piece of jewelry from Jewelry Box that I want is (ohmygod this is really hard!!!) the Set Colier si Cercei Beautiful Day, it's so Roaring 1920s!!!
luth_ at hotmail.com
Extra entry:
♥ LIKED PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook as Luthien Oltrefiume
Extra entry:
I Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC as Lucie Q Ewen
Extra entry!
I Follow PopCulture&FashionMagic via BLoglovin -> luth_ at hotmail.com
shared on my Fb's profile here
i'm Simona Giveaway
my fav is this http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/56-bratara-golden-bangle.html
Extra entry: Twitted!!
I really love this giveaway, thank you to let me discover this site, I hope they ship in Italy... but for now finger crossed!!!
for extra entries i like PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook as Simona Giveaway
email simonagiveaway@libero.it
for extra entries i follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via
GFC: simonagiveaway
email simonagiveaway@libero.it
for extra entries i Follow PopCulture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’as fufottina@libero.it
email simonagiveaway@libero.it
for extra entries i Shared on my Tumblr account here: http://simonagiveaway.tumblr.com/
email simonagiveaway@libero.it
for extra entries i twitted here: https://twitter.com/#!/SimonaLaCorte/status/200685656794611712
email simonagiveaway@libero.it
Ethnic please!!
FB https://www.facebook.com/SoloGiveaway
email valente981@libero.it
hi enter me!
i love this ring: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/inele/193-inel-eternal-love-.html
fb ele paradise marchetti i'm also a pop culture follower
gfc eleonora.marchetti
bloglovin eleonora.marchetti
mail eleonora.marchetti@libero.it
GFC: Madalina
Fb like ambele pagini: Dinu Florina
Share fb: http://www.facebook.com/dinu.florina.5/posts/226673487447575
Bijuterie: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/286-cercei-break-your-heart.html
E-mail: princess_princessgirl@yahoo.com
twitter : https://twitter.com/#!/AiyenKelly
GFC: Alexandra
Fb: Alexandra Petronela David
Share fb: https://www.facebook.com/alexandrapetronela.david/posts/213595428758934?notif_t=like
Bijuterie: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/inele/11-inel-mad-owl.html
Email: there_is_nobody1@yahoo.com
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Am dat like paginii Pop Culture: Alexandra Petronela David
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liked JB on fb as shadab tahir
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i like http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/390-set-colier-si-cercei-luxurious-buy.html
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shadab_muslim at yahoo dot co dot in
Like: Simona Floroaia
My choice: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/14-bratara-royal-cuff.html.
Shared: https://www.facebook.com/Simona.Floroaia/posts/228292317283897.
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Buna !!!
Imi place foarte mult Colier Evening Walk
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Bloglovin iulika.ct@gmail.com
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Succes tuturor !!!
fb stefy ste
gfc abellaa
twitter stefy
email abella@virgilio.it
I love this one: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/8-set-bratari-the-fabulous.html
On facebook I am gloria Tea
gloriatea at hotmail dot com
Wonderful! It's so hard to choose just one!
My favorite is this necklace http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/390-set-colier-si-cercei-luxurious-buy.html
I like JB as elena!
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FB like for Pop Culture and GFC following: elena
Bloglovin: elena.roso@yahoo.it
Facebook name: Moje Makaze
shared on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mojemakaze/posts/173152132812129
My favorite is http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/368-colier-embellish.html
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I really like this bracelet http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/52-bratara-sweet-as-candy-.html
Sonia Santamaria
-I like PopCulture&FashionMagic on facebook
-I follow you on GFC and bloglovin
-I tweeted about the giveaway https://twitter.com/#!/sogna88/status/201566023269351424
Liked :)
Shared it on my fb profile http://www.facebook.com/psylilith
fave item http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/68-cercei-deep-gold.html
FB (Jewelry Box & Pop Culture): Simona-Florentina Giuchici
GFC: Simoniciu
http://simoniciu.blogspot.com/2012/05/pop-culture-and-fashion-magic-giveaway.html Just love it!
Shared on fb: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pop-Culture-and-Fashion-Magic/242258182470805#!/arisu.zan (arisu franci zan)
fave item:http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/430-set-colier-si-cercei-grey-pearls.html thanks!
I LIKE PopCulture&Fashion Magic on Facebook (ARISU FRANCI ZAN)
I Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC (ARISU) alicem87@ayhoo.it
FB (Jewelry Box & Pop Culture):Blogul cu Hainutze
Share: http://www.facebook.com/blogulcuhainutze/posts/381883191862799
Colier Precious Pearls http://www.jewelry-box.ro/64-colier-precious-pearls.html
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fb-Monika Erzsebet pentru ambele pagini Jewelry Box & Pop Culture
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mi-as dori ca premiu
1. Am dat LIKE la pagina de Facebooka Pop Culture
2. Urmaresc Pop Culture prin GFC
3.Urmariti PopCulture prin Bloglovin’ -Medvei Monika
Urmaresc Jewelry Box pe FB cu numele: mihaela pojogu.
Am dat like paginii Pop Culture cu numele: mihaela pojogu
Urmaresc Pop Culture prin GFC cu numele: miha.ela
mihaela.mihordea at gmail dot com
Te urmaresc si prin bloglovin deja.
Am dat share aici: https://www.facebook.com/mihaela.pojogu/posts/415204445167787
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/MihaelaPojogu/status/201741183284805633
Mi-ar placea sa castig: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/279-cercei-burgundy-charm.html
FB: Iuliana Bocancea
am dat like la pagina ta pe FB
te urmaresc prin GFC: Anna
e-mail: iuliana_bok@yahoo.com
share: http://www.facebook.com/iuliana.bocancea/posts/350397915014692
mi-ar placea sa castig: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/74-cercei-spring-break-.html
Facebook: Cristiana Gheorghe
Imi doresc ca premiu: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/104-colier-chunky-wire-.html
Sanse suplimentare:
Liked Pop Culture and Fashion Magic page on Facebook.
Urmaresc Pop Culture prin GFC cu numele "Vastabyss"
Me happy :) Multumesc!
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