If you're anything like me and you have a deadline then you will pretty much do anything else except what you are supposed to do. Why avoid the sweet panic and miraculous inspiration that comes in the last two or three hours before something has to be delivered?! Besides someone has to look for cool things to order online and I might as well play my part!
I didn't really need any more shoes when I started the distraction process but I ended up feeling like my life would be so much better with these electric blue pumps in my feet. I love the animal print on the inside and the scalloped edges - these kind of details make a fool out of me!:))))
gifs: 1.
Hopefully I got my feelings through to you guys!:))))

16 comentarii :
very nice shoes :)
Beautiful shoes.
I love the colour of these shoes, they're gorgeous :) xx
The shoes are beautiful. I do believe you did excellent at getting your thoughts across about them. I don't think I quite experienced the same feelings, but I do love the shoes.
I hope you are enjoying the last bit of the weekend.
Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
nice shoes!!!kisses
Hahaha :)) Ma regasesc total in ceea ce ai scris :D Pantofii sunt ABSOLUT SUPERBI! <3 :*
lovely shoes!
Great post ! Beautiful shoes :)
beautiful shoes. I kknow how you feel
so cute!!!!!!
Wow!! These shoes are beautiful!
Thanks for sharing this post!!
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