Firstly, I want to give a shout-out
to the lovely reader I meet at Paul the day I wore this outfit (I’m sorry I
didn’t get your name). Thank you so much for approaching me and saying hello –
you made my day!
Secondly, let’s take a minute and
talk about my yellow trench! One of my favorite things in the world is a good
trench. I have lots of them but they are either navy, black or beige so I was super
excited when I got this one in bright yellow. It can almost be worn as a dress because
it has this beautiful lace overlay and a matching belt. It’s also shorter than
my usual winter or fall coats! Scored!!!
I went a bit crazy with color and
taught I might as well pull a Pretty Woman (again) on everybody with the over the knee velvet
boots. Unfortunately the boots are a total nightmare because they keep on sliding
down so I can’t wear them too long without losing my mind and patience (there’s
already too little of those :)))).
Other than that I’m having a bow in my hair fixation that I might be a bit too old for right now, but what the heel, it looks cute so it’s happening!
Other than that I’m having a bow in my hair fixation that I might be a bit too old for right now, but what the heel, it looks cute so it’s happening!
I’m wearing:
over the knee boots / cizme peste genunchi - random brand
bag/ geanta - Debenhams
dress / rochie - here
dotted tights / ciorapi - New Look
hair bow /funda par - made it myself

53 comentarii :
I love your yellow trench!!!!! :)))
The fabric of that trench is amazing! It looks gorgeous on you.
Tare dragut e trenchul acesta, il am si eu pe wishlist dar nu am mai gasit pe niccaieri S. Iti sta minunat. Te pup
Gorgeous! I love all the color!
that trench coat is so amazing!
Beautiful trench! Looks amazing!
Hey, someone is getting famous ahahaha...
By the way, love the looks and your trench is just perfect. Love the color yellow. It's a perfect shade.
awesome jacket and dress!
Nice trench!
Made with Love
Love the trench!!!! It has a lovely colour!!!
Estamos de sorteo!!!! // Giveaway now on the blog!!! Link
Style and Paper
That trench is gorgeous, love the bright colour. And the bow looks beautiful, never too old for a bow in your hair. I always wondered if over the knee boots did that, now I know. It would drive me crazy, haha. You look fantastic. I hope you have a great week :) xx
Great trench and perfect color :)
very nice! :)
The jacket its very pretty. thanks for stopping by my blog
You look absolutely stunning! Those boots look incredible with that trench!!
Wow... amazing yellow trench!!!!
<3, <3, <3!!!!!!
Happy monday!!
@Miu Miu - ai dreptate, este neobisnuit de greu sa gasesti un trench colorat mai special, mai toate sunt in culorile clasice! Multumesc mult!
@Patchoulii Flog - :)))hahahah, a few more months and I'm not going to be able to get pout of the house without paparazzi following me everywhere!:))))
@The Dainty Dolls House - not all knee high boots are like that, I have another pair that stays put (they are not sliding down on my legs at all), these wouldn't either but they are a bit loose on the leg. Thank you so much!
this coat is amazing <3
cool coat and beautiful dress dear :D
This tren cuy is precious!!
Lo ve tour look!!
Youre very beauty!!
Kisses from Spain :)
Ok, so I'll just join the club with everybody else here who loooooves this trench! Cause it's pure perfection, my dear!
Great trench and perfect color! :) You look beautiful! ;)
Love this trench! Beautiful bright color!!
Take care
This dress is awesome! What a fun color to have!!
The coat is so beautiful!
Great look, I love the colors so much!!! Great combo!
Follow me on
Wow, what a beautiful trench!
Style Nirvana
Love the rings :)
Marisa Silva
Looking lovely in that fabulous yellow trench! :) T.
i LOVE your trench! the color & texture of it is so beautiful. that is the way to wear over the knee boots. very classy. great dress :D
thanks for your comment! i'm following you via bloglovin.
Your trench is very otiginal and different. You are very pretty.
Ms Prada Blog
Ms Prada Instagram
Beautiful look and the shade of yellow is gorgeous, especially on a grey winter day! x
I love the damask print on the trench and on the dress. Beautiful!
Coco et La vie en rose
Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook
Gorgeous coat, the colour is amazing on you!
this trench is amazing!
Nameless Fashion Blog
Nameless Fashion Blog Facebook page
Stunning trench!!!!!
Perfect trench!!! We love this colour!!
And your boots are amazing!
Kisses from Spain!
wow stunning trench! you look absolutely gorgeous! such a beautiful outfit :)
Such a lovely trench and a good idea to pair it with the overknees!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
the perfect bebe!<3Shall we follow by instagram and facebook?
Love your rings!
Mafalda ❤
Wow, you look amazing! I really love your trenchcoat :) xo
Love so much your yellow trench :D
Bisous ♡
So chic! You are very pretty!
Awesome outfit and cool pics
Just loved your work and what you do :D
Wow such a great style !
Beautiful coat ;)
The yellow trench is so pretty!
You look amazing, I really love the coat :)
I followed you on Facebook, hope you'll follow me back :)
♥Sanja's Burgundy Blog
♥Sanja's Burgundy Facebook Page
Love the dress.U rock the yellow colour.
Si, proprio cosi', insieme al figlio di puttana Natale Massimiliano Ferrara di Reggio Calabria, uno scarafaggio della Ndrangheta ( e di fallimentarissima Eidoo).
Imboscatosi qui in Svizzera, per non finire in galera, ben appunto, a Reggio Calabria. Che ha rifilato a la merda di Ico completamente fallimentare chiamata Eidoo, crollata da 7 dollari a 0.60 dollari.
Ora, l'altrettanto merdone nazipedofilo Donald Trump sta cercando di tirargli su detta merda, il tutto, ovviamente, mentre lo stesso nazipedofilo merdone Donald Trump, tira su, come al solito, anche, i suoi tre grammi giornalieri di cocaina, presso la White "Powder" House) . Torniamo in ogni caso, ora, al punto iniziale, bitte.
Appena noi di Bank Vontobel Zurich abbiamo comprato Finter Bank, abbiamo cacciato immediatamente il ladrone, truffatore, pure mandante di omicidi e notissimo pedofilo Paolo Barrai nato a Milano il 28.6.1965 ( o ladrone, truffatore, pure mandante di omicidi e notissimo pedofilo Paolo Pietro Barrai nato a Milano il 28.6.1965), dalla lista di nostri Banking Intermediaries. Fra i tantissimi crimini che lo stesso effettua, per noi banchieri svizzeri, il piu' in vista e' che lo stesso lava, lava, lava soldi assassini per la Mafia ( insieme al figlio di troia delinquentissimo Oliver Camponovo, noto fiduciario di ndrangheta)!
Come anche, lava soldi rubati o frutti di mega mazzette in connessione a Lega Ladrona ( famosi 49 milioni fregati allo stato di "Berlusconia" e non solo). Come dell'altrettanto pedofilo squarta magistrati Silvio Berlusconi ( il tutto insieme a quel criminale assoluto, truffatore, azzera risparmi altrui, ricicla proventi assassini e mega pedofilo Federico Izzi di Roma prima menzionato, noto, non per niente, in tutto il capoluogo laziale, sia come "Er Zio Romolo incula bambini, che come Er Zio Romolo della Camorra"). Niente merda nella nuova Finter Bank Zurich. Il puzzo della merda, scusate il temine, si attacca ai vestiti. Vadano costoro a riciclare i loro soldi mega omicida dal figlio di puttana criminalissimo Fabrizio Cieslakiewicz di Banca dello Stato Lugano, dal figlio di puttana criminalissimo Daniele Albisetti di Banca dello Stato Lugano, dal figlio di puttana criminalissimo Claudio Genasci di Banca dello Stato Lugano, dal figlio di puttana criminalissimo Patrick Lafranchi di Banca dello Stato Lugano, dal figlio di puttana criminalissimo Gabriele Zanzi di Banca dello Stato Lugano! Vielen Danke, Ya!!!
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