No, I’m not trying to attract pervs on my blog, I just watched a little too much Glee last night and I’m channeling Rachel Berry with this outfit.
I don’t know what’s with me and plaid, but it’s always been a staple in my wardrobe, I own so many plaid and tartan pieces that I could open a ’90 plaid themed museum. But you have to admit this particular dress is especially cute.
I don’t know what’s with me and plaid, but it’s always been a staple in my wardrobe, I own so many plaid and tartan pieces that I could open a ’90 plaid themed museum. But you have to admit this particular dress is especially cute.
I felt the need to add that black ribbon at the neck to give it a little something.
I also redesigned the little red purse, it was given to me a long time ago in a very bad condition so I added the leather hearts, changed the closing system (which was broken) and added the long chains – I look a little douchebaggy wearing it as it’s so small and I’m so tall but hey, I like it too much to say no.
I also redesigned the little red purse, it was given to me a long time ago in a very bad condition so I added the leather hearts, changed the closing system (which was broken) and added the long chains – I look a little douchebaggy wearing it as it’s so small and I’m so tall but hey, I like it too much to say no.
The fur scarf is very old so please don’t kill me, I love animals and I would never buy a new fur garment.
Dress, fur scarf - vintage
purse – Alice&Sara (made by me)
rings- forever 21
shoes – bb up
Do you ever indulge in plaid?

8 comentarii :
ooo daaaa,si mie mi plac mult carourile/tartanul,am citeva piese in garderoba,cit despre tinuta ta este f faina,imi place cum vine gulerasul de blana la rochita asta ! te pup!
plaid is my dirty little secret :)) i always go for plaid when i want to get a more casual look.
love the great job you did with your purse! and the styling is great, as usual.
Costin M. - design in style
gorgeous!!!astept si eu papionul.pupici
Eu fug de tartan fiindca am sechele de la uniforma din generala si ori de cate ori port ma simt ca si cand urmeaza sa ma ia la ciomagit aia de mate:)) Dar imi place sa vad la altii, si chiar e cute rochia! Love the purse also:X Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeri chiut!
The title is so funny, I can even picture a pole in some library and nerds being like, " Of course this is what happens in a library, why do you think we spend so much time here?"
Haha, jokes aside now, your look is so cool Alice. Love the fur scarf and the bow tie. The heart bag is adorable, it's a pop of color to this look.
About plaid, the same thing that Andreea said, I hate it because it reminds me of my school uniform. Have I mentioned I wore a school uniform for 12 years? I am still traumatized.
P.S. About my look, I know. I can use this on April Fools' Day. All black but surprise attack from my floral boots.
I love funny comments the most Sara, so, bring them on :))
These lovely ladies added the comments for this article to the one below so I added them here:)
Ohhh, I love that little bag, it;s so cute! :D Lovely outfit dear ;) Greetings from Siberia , haha :)))
The Hearabouts
You look beautiful! Love what you did with the purse.Really creative.
Love the details, and i feel the same about animal fur coats;
This outfit reminds me of the very missed Mad Men (that I previously saw you like!). And it also reminds me... I should really try something like this at work!:)
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