So, I guess it’s official - I’m in my mid twenties and I should start moisturizing, having a life crisis and all that!:)))))
In the meantime – bottoms up!
Thank you so much for all your lovely email, phone calls, blog comments, text messages and facebook messages, they made and are still making my day. I’m not as careful when it comes to other people birthdays, I just have a terrible memory when it comes to this kinda stuff but I have to admit it’s rather nice, I’m really digging all the attention and presents :))).
And for all my virtual friends: feel free to make me a gift and like Pop Culture and Fashion Magic on Facebook! :)

34 comentarii :
tequila rull's! pup
haha, love the glee gif :) happy bday!
Wow...Happy Birthday, sweetie!I hope you ll have a wonderful time, today! Kisses
la multi ani la multi ani la multi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaani
I wish u a wonderful Happy birthday dear enjoy your day u are adorable kisses
Happy happy Birthday!! Bottoms Up! ;-) xo
I hope there's still time to say happy b-day.
Real nice video;) it funny.
Happy Bday, only the best!!
haha, this is a sort of 'let's really live'post! :)) happy mid 20's!
Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a fab day!
Hope you had a great birthday! Thanks for entering my giveaway. Loving your blog :)
-Holly @ Eight Six Eleven
Happy birthday! Hope it's a good one. Thanks for the comment on my blog :) yours is pretty cool
Happy Bday, I wish you all the best!
Many smiles and happy memories.
happy birthday! I wish you amazing life !
By the way, I just found your blog and I have to say that I really like it!– your style is original and I read your blog with alot of pleasure. I adore blog like yours :) so.. I just wonder..if we could follow each other..Please answer! But even if your answer is “no” I’ll be still your reader
your opinion is VERY important for me!
Happy birthday, hon! :*:*
happy bday!have a nice day=)
happy birthday, have a drink for me ;-)
Happy bday!
Happy birthday! Hope it is a great one!
Happy birthday. :* You look happy. :)
Happy birthday, dear! Since I can't give you a present, I did like your FB page under my blog's very own FB page.
A Single Girl's Musings
happy birthday! love your gorgeous nails!
and glee <3
xo zebra and meerkat
Yes! Exactly! Bottoms up! :)
aw, happy birthday! hope this is the best yet!
xo TJ
happy birthday lady! love your nails.
kisses from kaitlin
Happy B'daaaay!:*
Happy Belated Birthday girl! That video of Satana is hilarious :-) xoxoxoo
Happy birthday. <3
Hope you had a wonderful time. :)
HAppy Birthday, Beautiful!!!! :)
Happy Birthday! Moisturize with SPF 15 minimum every day is my tip for you (from a mid-forties gal to a mid-twenties gal). You'll be glad of it in 20 years. :)
Thank you so much for reading and following my blog.
Hey, thanks for your lovely comment. :) we love your blog so we are following back. Happy birthday!:)
YAY! Happy birthday.
*where have you buy this necklace, sorry for my english ;)
Happy belated birthday!!
Let's call the shots, hey!
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