So guys, I decided to start a new category, column or however you want to call it. It’s going to be called (obviously) Classic TV and every week I’ll choose a scene from a TV show that I really liked or that means something to me to share with you. We’re going to have a little bit of everything: great lines, great music, hilarious, sad, deep, meaningful scenes.
I’m debuting this category with a classic for me, a scene that speaks about all those moments that we miss interpreted and over thought, for all the boys/girls that we liked a lot and hoped they did to, for all the wishful thinking and all the crushes we had, for all the falling in love and the adorable foolishness that comes with it!:)
For those of you who've never heard about My So Called Life I’ll give a very short explanation: Angela Chase (the adorable and witty redhead played by a very young Claire Danes) is like… crazy in love with Jordan Catalano (played by the very handsome Jared Leto) and goes to his band rehearsal after school. He starts singing a song called “Red” so she obviously thinks the song is about her (cause she is a redhead:)))) hence the stupid happy grin on her face. Later we (and she) find out that the song was actually inspired by his red car. The drama!!!!!
I don’t know about you guys but that happened to me a lot, not actually that but you know, just misinterpreting things and gestures, in fact I spent half of high school pretty much thinking everybody was in love with me!:)
Do you ever get lost in translation, so to say?