Photo by Ellen Von Unwerth in Giant Mag
I very much like, not…wait actually love the new Beyonce video "Why Don't You Love Me"? I’m not crazy about the song although I do appreciate that it reminds me of the early 70's film soundtracks, the songs of Motown and the Supremes. I think B looks great as an ignored housewife dusting up her 16 Grammys (nice ironic and super funny touch) and eternally waiting for her man who never shows up.
I like how she’s overplaying the whole pin-up wonder role, the styling in this video is just great and spot on, I like the heavy makeup and heavier jewelry and the drama of it all. And did I say I think she’s hot, hotter than hot even.
I’m an avid collector of beautiful high waisted bathing suits, floral bodies so you can easily see now why it appeals to me. And I have to say I’m crushing over the baby blue-greenish nail polish she wears.
B. B Homemaker channels her inner Bettie Page and also a little bit of the fabulous Betty Draper (the martinis and the smocking) and the result is, I think, great. There is something about tear-streaked eye makeup and daisy dukes (kidding’) that’s just fascinating for me. The cinematography is also beautiful - it really looks like and old home movie.
I’ve read lots of comments from people that say she's overacting and I think she is supposed to do that as this video it's supposed to be cheesy and funny and ironic.
Retro gets me every time!
Beyonce the Bombshell channeling Bettie Page’s well-known look and moves: sharp bang, high waisted panties and bra while spanking, gyrating and posturing. She portrays a pretty convincing pin up girl!
Her outfit here reminds me of Rosie the Riveter (American and feminist icon, the first working woman) from the popular 1942 "We Can Do It" posters.
The Spectacular Housewife, always working hard: in the garden, doing the dishes, baking cookies while sporting striped outfits, layered necklaces, platforms and cat eye sunglasses.
How about you? Are you into
the pin up look? Do you like Beyonce?

12 comentarii :
incredible pics! i love high waisteds! thanks for sharing xxx
I love them too! Thanks for stoping by and leaving a comment!:)
absolutely adore her retro look,
a bit overacted, as you point it out, but still cool
it fits her :) somehow, she pulls it off
Corina - I totally agree, one of the best videos I've seen lately! I'm a little bit biased as I love this vintage/retro/pin up/60's housewife look!:)
J`adore Beyonce, and love her style always:)
Damn, she's so hot!!!
she's very creative
That she is!:)
I think it's the best style for her body shape:)
She looks gorgeous.
Have a wonderful weekend
I have always been in love with this style & nobody can pull it off better than beyonce!
& the attitude is perfect for her! she nailed the part!
love this vid. when i first saw it i fell in love with the 50s
Un mare mulțumire de la Maria Fieraru către DR DAWN pentru că m-ai ajutat să-mi reconstruiesc casa spartă. Incoerența a fost la ordinea zilei în casa și în căsătoria mea. Soțul meu a avut o problemă al naibii și îmi sfâșie carnea de când am început să avem prea multe dezacorduri. În unele zile tocmai a plecat și nu s-a întors decât în ultimele săptămâni. Am fost devastat și am încercat tot ce am putut pentru a remedia problemele, dar nu am reușit. A trebuit să caut ajutor și am fost îndrumat de un prieten să contactez DR DAWN, ceea ce am făcut. Nu am știut niciodată că va fi posibil pentru că problemele persistaseră timp de doi ani întregi. DR DAWN m-a liniştit şi mi-a spus să am încredere în el şi să cred că dorinţele mele se vor împlini. Mi-a reparat căsnicia cu relația sa puternică de reuniune de dragoste și casa mea este din nou grozavă și soțul meu este cu mine pentru a nu pleca niciodată. Contactează-l și tu și crezi că te poate ajuta pentru că nu are înregistrări proaste. Doar WhatsApp-i +2349046229159
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