I should probably be cool and say
I hate Halloween and I consider it to be an imperialistic holiday and another
way for the USA to take over the world and brain wash everybody and bla bla bla
but the honest to God truth is that I love it.
In fact I’m sad Halloween
is not a big deal in Romania and we hardly celebrate it. I wish people would
decorate their houses and yards with super creepy stuff and scare the crap out
of me.
Can you see how much I love
horror movies? I do. But besides the funny and entertaining part of this
holiday, Halloween is a great occasion to free ourselves even if for one night
and be whoever we want to be. Don’t mind the fact that based on that assumption
70% percent of the girls want to be some sort of a slut))))))), but hey, as I
said, I don’t judge…(much).
Another thing that attracts me to
Halloween is the kind of magic that it brings: all the lights and costumes, the
kids. And let’s be honest for a moment here: we as a nation can be a little bit
uptight and we take ourselves way too serious most of the time so a little bit
of childish joy and fun wouldn’t hurt.
Are you scared