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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Event - Influx collection launch

In case you were wondering how I spent my Saturday, here a I am with some visual aid as well. I know you're always wondering! I went to the Influx collection launch here in Bucharest as one of the 5 Romanian blogger involved in the project. It's been very fun, except the public speaking part that I dread but will try to overcome in the future. How was your weekend?

Am pregatit cateva fotografii de la evenimentul de sambata de la Cora Pantelimon unde a avut loc lansarea colectiei Influx – marca proprie a lantului de hipermarketuri cu haine pentru toata familia la preturi rezonabile.

M-am simtit excelent alaturi de celelalte fete implicate in proiect! Ziua a inceput cu imbracarea manechinului in tinuta pe care am creat-o in jurul bluzei primite, a fost o adevarata aventura sa dezmembrez manechinul si sa pun hainele pe el! Din fericire fetele de la Cora au fost foarte dragute si m-au ajutat, este mult mai greu decat credeam!

Si pentru ca am ajuns la timp si am fost foarte eficiente am avut si ceva timp sa mergem sa bem o cafea impreuna inainte de inceperea evenimentului. In afara de Ioana (care este cu adevarat incantatoare si foarte frumoasa), le cunosteam deja pe celelalte fete (Gabriela, Stella si Mona) asa ca mica noastra escapada a fost ca o iesire intre prietene. Am ras, am glumit, am vorbit despre familii, prieteni, poze, blog si multe altele. 

Dar a venit timpul sa inceapa evenimentul asa ca ne-am intors in magazin. Tot ce stiu este ca din acel moment am facut foarte multe poze. Dar era de asteptat cand 5 bloggerite de fashion se intalnesc la un eveniment si fiecare vine cu propriul fotograf dupa ea plus fotograful oficial al evenimentului. A fost foarte amuzanta partea cu pozele: am facute de toate de la urcat pe scena, stat langa manechine, poze de grup, poze la panou and so much more.  Eu nu sunt deloc fotogenica asa ca am avut de ce sa ma amuz cand le-am descarcat/primit pe toate.

Inainte de inceperea prezentarii de moda am avut un moment in the spotlight. Cine nu ma cunoaste poate nu stie ca sufar de o fobie serioasa legata de vorbitul in public asa ca atunci cand a trebuit sa ne urcam pe scena sa spunem cateva cuvinte despre tinuta si experienta in general am avut un mic moment de panica peste care am trecut destul de repede pentru ca totul s-a intamplat rapid si nu am avut prea mult timp de gandire. Tot ce pot spune despre discursul meu este ca sper ca nu m-a inregistrat nimeni. Nu am fost chiar dezastruoasa dar cu siguranta puteam sa ma descurc mai bine. Ma consolez cu gandul ca data viitoare o sa fie mai bine, pana la urma trebuie sa incercam sa ne invingem fobiile asa ca o sa lucrez la asta pe viitor. 

A urmat prezentarea de moda din care au facut parte si niste copii incantatori care ne-au adus tuturor zambetul pe buze. M-a bucurat faptul ca oamenii chiar au venit la eveniment si au avut parte de cateva momente de relaxare in mijlocul cumparaturilor. In plus fetele au fost o companie grozava asa ca nu ne-am plictisit deloc.

   Voi ce ati facut in weekend?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Today's Mood

So, this weekend wasn't as fun as I planned it to be, but there's always next week. It's summer, we're young, thing are looking up for sure!

So here's what I expected today's dance class to be versus what it was! Ok, maybe it was kind of hilarious!


How was your weekend?

Friday, May 24, 2013

Time to fess up

Sorry guys, this post is only for my Romanian readers, but I promise to come back soon with an article for everybody!

Este timpul sa dezvalui cine mi-a trimis cadoul surpriza acum cateva saptamani. As fi facut-o mai devreme, dar nu eram chiar sigura desi au existat cateva indicii. Intre timp am fotografiat si v-am aratat si tinuta pe care am creat-o in jurul ei. 

Acum insa am toate informatiile necesare – bluza face parte din colectia affordable Influx lansata de lantul de supermaketuri Cora. Colectia Influx propune tinute moderne si de buna calitate dar la preturi rezonabile. O sa observati in catalogul special ca imaginea Influx este Andreea Mantea.

Tocmai am primit si invitatia la Atelierul de Stil  sau perezentrea de moda a colectiei Influx  care se va tine pe 25 mai incepand cu ora 13 la Cora Pantelimon. Eu o sa fiu acolo impreuna cu restul bloggeritelor implicate in proiect. Veti putea vedea si tinutele create de fiecare dintre noi expuse pe manechine! Mi-ar face placere sa veniti in numar cat mai mare si sa ne cunoastem.

 Ne vedem maine!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Redhead Supremacist - Christina Hendricks

I couldn't pass showing you this wonderful spread in the May edition of Flare magazine featuring my favorite redhead - the beautiful Christina Hendricks of Mad Men fame.

She looks absolutely stunning  in the photos taken by Max Abadian. That floral dress by Stella McCartney looks like it's been made for Christina, it's just so prefect for her coloring and voluptuous figure.

I also liked what she said about rejection in her interview and  how we shouldn't take it to personal and how it's not a refection on us or how good we are and has more to do with others expectations and million little things we can't control:

“I’ve been to a million auditions and have been rejected a million times, so it’s something that I’m used to. You’re either right for it or you’re not right for it. You could leave thinking you had the best audition in the world and they say you don’t look like the person I imagined.”

Are you a fan of Christina Hendricks?

Friday, May 17, 2013

A navy top with extra sunshine

Sunt sigura ca nu ati uitat de cadoul misterios care ma astepta acasa acum cateva zile si despre care am povestit cate ceva, ba am facut si un gif in incercarea de a va transmite cate de tare m-a entuziasmat procesul de a-l deschise si de a decoperi surpriza.

Bluza albastra a venit insotita de o provocare – sa creez un outfit in jurul ei asa ca iata-ma cu fotografile promise. Recunosc ca nu a fost foarte greu, pliseurile, albastrul, gulerul Peter Pan sunt nu numai elemente pe care le prefer dar si detalii care se regasesc adesea in stilul meu (daca putem vorbi de asa ceva).

Am zis ca este momentul perfect sa scot la plimbare fusta alba din denim cu imprimeu cu tradafiri in jurul careia ma tot invart de cateva luni in asteptarea vremii mai calde. Si ca sa put capat definitiv dorintelor neimplinite am zis ca este suficient de cald incat sa pot purta si o pereche de sandale.

Stiti ca ma simt neimplinita, aproape pustiita fara o curea sau macar ceva accesorii si nu era cazul sa ma abtin chiar acum, din contra, am zis sa fiu cat mai fidela brandului personal!:))))

Cateva inele, o pereche de cercei si una de ochelari mai tarziu si eram gata de o zi la serviciu marcata de productivitate cum aveam sa constat mai tarziu. Va marturisesc, fustele creion in combinatie cu bluze adorabile au un efect neasteptat asupra unei fete! Nu incercati fara supraveghere atenta!


Remember how I promised to show you the  outfit  I created around the blouse I was mysteriously gifted a few day ago? Well, I’m nothing if not trustworthy! Also extremely beautiful!:))))

In case you’re wondering and I know you do – this is something I wore to the office and I have to tell you, guys, it did wonders for my productivity. It’s all in the pencil skirt! The navy top it’s so cute and versatile you can go in lots of directions with it.  I went the printed denim skirt route with touches of red and white in the jewelry and accessories department. So, how much do you like it on a scale of great to awesome?:)))

    I’m wearing:
navy blouse / bluza albastra - Cora
denim skirt,  belt / fusta, curea - vintage
red bag, white sandals / geanta rosie, sandale - random brand
   earrings / cercei - Jewelry Box
  rings / inele -  Dorothy Pekins and random
sunglasses / ochelari - gifted

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Time goes by

You might remember how a while ago I was very preoccupied with finding the perfect watch to wear with everything, something classic and, no pun intended, timeless. 

Back then I had almost decided on as little as it being gold because you know, I needed my dose of shiny if I were to pair it with anything in my wardrobe. It goes to show how very indecisive I am that right now I’m actually leaning towards something silver, it seems more versatile for something that you plan to wear a lot with a bunch of different styles. 

What I am considering right now are these four Casio Watches: there’s a choice between something more casual or the ones in the right side that are very feminine and elegant. What do you think? Do you like one of them better?

 Are you even into wearing watches?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Spring manifesto

Dear friends, I’ve been a bit lazy with the blog lately with the Easter holiday and all that but I’m back now and ready to rant.

Today’s outfit is something inspired by the wonderful weather we’re having here in Bucharest! I wish this mellow blend of spring and summer could last forever!

I’m really into cropped tops and it’s not even a recent obsession, I‘ve been wearing them for years as you might remember from past get ups (here, here and here). And there’s the floral print – a classic in my wardrobe. This skirt you’ve seen before and will probably see in the future as well since I‘m not into wearing clothes just once! 

Lately I started appreciating the charm of small and delicate jewelry as well, there’s something timeless and precious about them, Links of London being a great example of that. I’m still a statement pieces kind of girl but that’s not to say I don’t have an open mind about everything else out there.

The roses flower crown is made by yours truly and part of my summer stash of hear/head adornments – I have lots of halos, headbands, pins and tiaras I made for bright days when I feel like pretending I’m royalty.

 I’m wearing:
flower crown - Alice&Sara (made by me)
 skirt, butterfly ring - vintage
 heels and cropped tee - random brand
silver armour ring - Asos

I hope you're having a great week so far! Anything exciting to report?

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Today's mood

This glorious weekend I'm planning to make the much dreaded wardrobe switch from the cold season clothes to my summer items.

It's not that I don't like organizing my clothes but the lack of space always makes my apartment look like a fabric bomb exploded and it literally takes two days to finish this task. 

Besides Sara is obsessed with color coordinating and all kind of stuff like that so it's going to be a very long weekend!

AddThis Smart Layers

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