Follow Pop Culture And Fashion Magic

Monday, September 12, 2011

Windy White

Once and again I happen to stumble upon photos of an outfit I’ve totally forgotten about (which sais a lot about my organization skills). This is one of those lost outfits that I wore someday back in July. I could easily wear it today considering the hot weather we still have here, in Bucharest.

I’m fond of wearing lingerie on the outside or, if you want, lingerie inspired pieces. I do think some things are too beautiful to be hidden underneath. Besides I’m a firm believer in “underwear is fun to wear…everywhere!”

Whenever an upper part of my outfit is too revealing (see the white corset) I just throw a big statement necklace over it and call it a day. Too bad the wind was blowing so hard and you can't actually see the necklace to well – I added the black feathers to the chains, I always change the stuff I buy. The white denim skirt is a hand me down from my aunt – she used to wear it in the early 80’s when she was in high school and I wasn’t even born. So cool, right?


I’m wearing:
denim skirt, belt - vintage
sandals - H&M
corset, green bag, necklace – random brand
Leaf ring – Miss Selfridge
Black ring  –  Forever 21

96 comentarii :


that is so cute!


purple is an awesome colour haha and you look great in it!


shop style conquer

Unknown said...

what a beautiful dress! looks amazing on you! I love it freshness and chic -ness :)
have a lovely week!


fashion doctor said...

sooo cute , darling! you look absolutely gorgeous! xxx

Alina said...

Love it!Love the necklace!It really does look better with the feathers!

Anonymous said...

Very sexy look! Bravo!

onesixthreechirp said...

The white dress is totally beautiful :D

kath said...

super like your white corset! i love the way you styled it!

Iulia said...

Lantul cu pene negre si inelele sunt 2 die 4 :X

Cylia said...

white is such an awesome colour.. fits you well!

my thrifty closet said...

lovely outfit, can't tell it's lingerie. Love the feathers addition to the necklace.


my thrifty closet said...

lovely outfit, can't tell it's lingerie. Love the feathers addition to the necklace.


Non si dice piacere - La moda passa, lo stile resta said...

the rings are amazing!!

lovely blog! :-)

ChiChi81 said...

That is just one very sexy outfit! Definitely one of my top 5 favourite outfits that you posted. I love it, and thanks for the hint about wearing big statement necklaces for tops with too revealing neckline.


A Single Girl's Musings

Fashionthroughtravel said...

This is such a great outfit! I love the corset and how you paired it with that incredible necklace!

Unknown said...

I really like the top of this dress and the chunky ring!!


Costin M said...

very cool outfit, alice. i really like how breezy it looks, and you totally pull of the white :) also, great accessories!

Costin M.

Laura said...

Ooo... you look amazing too!! Thanks for following me, of course I follow back :)
xoxo Laura

Anonymous said...

accesoriile sunt uimitoare!

thehiddenfairy said...

great choice! you mixed them amazingly..

The Dainty Dolls House said...

I love it..I like to wear pieces like that as outer wear, it looks so pretty!! And as long as its teamed right, it never looks bad!! You look sweet :) xx

Vertiginoso said...

Ooh AND this uber refined outfit certainly deserves to be exposed, as much its "Alcôve § Boudoir aesthetics" achieves to enchant day-to-day reality ("uber approving look") !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Mia said...

really cute blog! and like your outfit! following you now:-)

Iulia Romana said...

Colierul e absolut minunat si iti sta perfect cu o rochie de genul asteia , asa.. corset :) Great job xo

Sabrina Tassini said...

liiiike:)the touch of green is perfect! on mine..vintage!!

Patchwork à POrter

Myrted said...

Nice accessories! They pop up more with your white dainty dress.:) Pretty.

David Toms said...

This toatally works!

Redischic said...

love the necklace!


Fashion Tidbits said...

Very D&G! Xoxo

Jen said...

Love the outfit. That skirt is way cool. I love hand-me-downs. And I would have thought that necklace came that way. Very DIY. <3

I'm having a giveaway on my blog. Check it out.


Anonymous said...

love this top on you! and the belt looks great with it!

thepinkmateproject said...

hey sara! Thank you so much for visiting and following my blog :) Followed you back!


Anete Lasmane said...

Great rings!

lisa signorini said...

so cool!!
Follow with me the Newyorker Fashion Week on my blog!! Iìm waiting for u!
Have a great Monday!

Courtney said...

You look gorgeous.
I absolutely LOVE how you changed that necklace. You're so talented!
I Can Be Many Things

Anonymous said...

so in love with this outfit

maiú said...

I love this look! It's perfect, it has the sexy corset and the special skirt from the 80s! You look stunning!

New follower :)

::little projects in style:: said...

you're absolutely right! :) some things are too pretty to wear underneath!! :) xx

Десислава Валентинова said...

wow, you look so beautiful!! and the pictures are really cool :))


Chicago Chic said...

I absolutely adore this outfit! It is perfect!! You are so stylish and I'm following you now too!


Simiii said...

foarte frumos lantul!chiar maine o sa ma duc sa cumpar sa imi fac si unul ceva asemanator.Sper sa nu te superi,dar multumesc pentru idee!:*

Natasha - Style Du Jour said...

What a gorgeous dress, i love the necklace and the touches of green!

Pau Maldonado B. said...

such a beutiful dress!!! you look really cute!!

Cristiana Nunes said...

Love the belt and its colour!

stilistele said...

cat de misto e corsetul si cat de bine iti vine! la taliuta aia de viespe, cred si eu ;)
imi place mult si colierul. Si vad ca incepe sa iti creasca parul ;) cred ca o sa iti vina demential parul lung, seriously!

Tiffany said...

this is a really inspiring outfit! i love how you accessorized the little white dress look!

Anonymous said...

really nice outfit. love the corset :)

Rachel McCallion said...

Totally in love with your necklace!

Follow and comment x

Sabrina said...

Love your white dress, it's beautiful. I especially like the chunky necklace and the fun pop of colour from the green belt!


Styl'yn said...

Ugh!! I love it!!! Your necklace is sooo pretty!! And I really want your dress.. to cute! Thanx for the comment on my blog!! NOw following you too!
xoxo asiahlynn

Inés said...

Love it!!!

Cynthia said...

totally love the pops of green and those rings!!!! What a freakin' awesome outfit!!

Amanda {} said...

so pretty...and romantic!


Gabriela Ciobanu said...

I love all your accesories, especially the rings! Lovely combo!

I V Y said...

gorgeous! so feminine and flowy! the corset works so well.

xo zebra and meerkat

Maiken said...

oh my, I LOVE that outfit of yours! everything here looks simply perfect together!

Veri said...

Great band!

Louisa said...

Thanks so much for you so kind commend on my blog.
Your blog is so cool too..

I'm gonna follow you right away ;)

Blog da Reh said...

your vest is cute! And I loved the entire outfit and the place!


Anaivilo said...

That is a very cool corset! I love those details and that necklace is a perfect touch to it! :D

Anonymous said...

that is so cute!
I really enjoyed having you on my blog! I loved its space and I am following super!

Jenny Rintala said...

Such a cute outfit! :) Love the necklace!

Bella's Style said...

You look so pretty and romantic! :)
Thanks for following me, of course I follow back :)

Anonymous said...

beautiful outfit! thanks for your lovely comment, now following back!

Carol said...

Gorgeous outfit! the necklace and the belt look perfect. love the corset!


Oglipe said...

hey sara you look so gorgeous in that outfit! <3 love your corset so much!! by the way, i have followed you on bloglovin and gfc, but my name doesnt come out i dont know why :(

blog Usei Hoje said...

Muito lindo o colar ...amei!

Beijos ...


Unknown said...

superb corsetul:x

The Indie Chase Blog

Unknown said...

Love all of your accesories they are very bold and add so much interest to the look also I love white.

I S2 COFFEE said...

Hi Sara!!!

Love this look!! It's really cute! Thanks a lot for the comment on our blog! You're very sweet! We're following you too! =)

Wish you the best!



james said...

so pretty! i love your hair cut! and all of your accessories are amazing! i love the pop of green with your belt in this pretty white dress!


Laura said...

Lovely dress !!

kisses !

Anonymous said...

Hi come visit and thanked her affection there on my blog, I am following here too! I loved the look and accessories


Toni. said...

I love your dress, I like how it fits at the top, almost like a corset, but very elegant. The necklace is really cool as well, I've been seeing feathers everywhere now adays. Lovely blog. xx

Currently, a follower :)

HeartDollie♥ said...

Your gorgeous, LOVE this dress on you! (:

<3 Dollie.

Unknown said...

ai spus 150 de inele?:O şi îţi ştii face şi singură :O wowww!
r u an alien? :))) şi eu sunt dependentă de-o vreme de inele, dar până acum cv vreme nu prea îmi plăceau cele din aliaj fiindcă se fac roze, am preferat argintul, dar nu am putut rezista în ultima vreme şi am tot adunat:x
also, te apreciez foarte mult pe tine şi prietena ta pentru accesoriile drăguţe pe care le faceţi :x sunteţi foarte talentate! pupiiiici >:D<

Catherine Au Jong said...

awesome accessories dear!

Amanda said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! You have such a sweet style - I love all the dresses you are wearing on this first page! This white dress is so cute and looks perfect with the pop of green in the belt and that gorgeous black feather necklace!

Shelly said...

Goergous!!! I'd love to have you among my Followers on Bloglovin :)
Follow my blog with Bloglovin


. said...

I like the look and photos, I follow you too! Kisses:)

Kat said...

wow beautiful dress!!! you look absoloutely amazing! :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful white dress, lovely flat.

Pinecone Stew said...

Have a SUPER week,Sara !

hobbsstyle said...

Great post! Blogging is actually a work and I like very much your blogging work...

Lynn / Melancora said...

Lovely dress. I like your bracelet.


verotronik said...

i really like the necklace!!!


Ulrika said...

Thanks for visiting ! :)

I love the outfit ! The green accessories are fabulous.
Personally I wouldn't wear just a corset, I'd have to have a blazer with it..


Michelle's Style File said...

Great look! Love your top.


tjaana said...

very great outfit! I love your blog - thanks for your lovely comment! I'm definitely following you, too!


DemureMode said...

love the belt and the outfit! :)

Paige said...

Cute belt! Love this outfit, looks gorgeous but unique! :D x

Jessica said...

amei o blog super legal
sempre vou esta aqui
e brigado pela visita

Unknown said...

Thank you for your lovely comment :D
I will definitely follow you back.
That dress is absolutely stunning and it looks great with that awesome necklace!

SoapyMermaid said...

so pretty I love the touches of green. your feather necklace is very pretty!

Anonymous said...

What I say....simply amazing photos especially rings...

Watch Movies Online

Martinha said...

I love your outfit!!! Your corset is amazing! I follow you too :)
Thanks for your lovely comment in my blog!

Cátia Couto said...

I love the dress! Super cute :)
The necklace and the belt give it a great touch!


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