As uneventful as my life can be sometimes, I have rarely wished to be someone else, but I do wish I could live some people' life sometimes (just for a little while though). And, man, I wish I could switch places with Sandra from Niotillfem for a week (I’m not sure she would agree as she’d get the short end of the stick with this one).
I’m reading her blog for years (almost 6 – she started writing in 2005) and Niotillfem is one of the first blogs I’ve ever read and I still consider it to be one of my favorites.

The first 2 or 3 years I was just looking at the photos and imagining what the texts were about, filling in the blanks as I “read” a new post; she wrote (and still does) mainly in Swedish, only now she makes a short English resume of the text and you can also choose to translate the blog with Google translate.
The reason I love this blog is because it's not so much about fashion, but more about living and love and friends and books and music and food and picnics and trips, Sweden and New York.
I feel like I know this girl (I’m being totally weird but in a non stalkery way I promise – she has too much of myself in her to build her a shrine :)))).
Her blog is in fact a dairy of her life in a more real and authentic way than most, she talks about happiness and joy and bliss, but also about heartbreak and sadness and getting through the day.
I’m also pretty sure hear original Swedish texts are amazing, they have to be because I can feel that even with Google translate (it’s pretty hard for something to sound halfway decent and touching even when a program automatically transforms a post from Swedish to English).
So Sandra is 27 and she works as a copywriter, she used to live in Sweden until last year when she decided to move to New York as she felt she wouldn’t survive another Nordic winter. And she actually did move to New York (in October I think) which is amazing, she just did everything in her power to make it happen, looked for a job, found one with her friend Nina (they still work together as a creative team in an advertising agency - copywriter and art director), got the USA visa and now she’s living the dream.

The only bad part is that her boyfriend (Ludvig) and her are not together all the time (from what I can gather and can see on her blog, these two have an epic love story going on and are absolutely adorable together, it’s sickening really:)))). He lives in L.A right now, she lives in New York but they make it work somehow.
The thing is she doesn’t have everything figured out, she has insecurities, she doesn’t think about herself as being perfect, but she does fight to be happy and she goes for what she wants which is everything any of us can and should do.
The thing is she doesn’t have everything figured out, she has insecurities, she doesn’t think about herself as being perfect, but she does fight to be happy and she goes for what she wants which is everything any of us can and should do.
You’ll see a lot of amazing pictures on her blog, an impressive number of friends (her blog is as much about her as about her friends), parties and adventures, trips, nights out and good looking people and food.
When it comes to fashion she has a very clear style, I don’t think I've ever seen her steering away from it. It’s very specific, a retro and endearing mix of sailor pin up and Lolita elements - always feminine, high waisted and sweet. I love it but I would never be able to commit to just one style.
When you read a blog for such a long time you end up knowing a scary amount of things about a person (especially when you have a memory like me when it comes to non essential stuff).
That being said, I feel this is enough, I’ll leave you with the pictures and I promise you’re gonna love her and the blog, the archives are amazing.
That being said, I feel this is enough, I’ll leave you with the pictures and I promise you’re gonna love her and the blog, the archives are amazing.
All pictures courtesy of Niotillfem
This article is my way of apologizing for the hundreds of times I read her blog and never left a comment of how much I like it!:)
51 comentarii :
(Bloggin about fashion :
and maybe we can follow each others!? Let me know if you want!
wow I love it!! All outfits are amazing!
Wow...I am absolutely impressed (and jealous, I must add) just by reading your post. These pictures are like seeing a daily celebrity journal...and her blog is exactly as a blog should be. Wow, again!
wow these photos are so beautiful, really inspiring!
wow your post is really nice really like her blog is amazing and going to follow her thanks for sharing this with uss kisses
wow! amazing pics!
wonderful post!
e o dulcica de fata.imi place blogul ei.puup
Wonderful, she looks enchanting..I'll most definitely check her out!! Thanks, hope you are well xx
she's a darling! thanks for sharing, Alice! I didn't know about her blog ;)
A great readin tip, I have never heard of it! I'm definitely there on your followers list! Just checked :). <3
Hello hun!!!!....thanks for your visit, im so glad about you like my blog!!...sure you have a new follower now.....keep in touch doll!!!
LOVE! I love the vintage vibe to all the outfits, especially the last one :P Minnie Mouse! :P
What a wonderful post! She is probably so flattered. I'm definitely on my way to check out her blog!
she is! gonna have to visit her blog...
thanks for the lovely comment...i enjoyed reading your posts...
im following u :D
What a sassy gal. She looks like she leads an interesting life.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. Your blog is gorgeous, I'll be adding myself as your newest follower.
why yes she does seem like a fabulous gal, love all her photos!
What an amazing pictures... and blog's resume!!! I'm gonna check out this blog right now
I love it when you put together such an extensive and documented article!! I remember that I found out about another amazing blog from one similar feature on your blog. Great work!
I am one of the followers on your blog. I don't know what you mean by follow you on Google connect?
Incredible the outfits!!
beautiful pictures, (: thans for sharing!
CMPang x
wow! such a great compliment. i agree that it is pretty more interesting if someone talk about other things & not mainly about fashion. thanks for introducing her, definitely need to check her out :D
great pics :)
Her blog looks amazing from what I see here :)
We all have our models, she is beautiful :) I understand you
I checked out her blog, it is really cool! So orgional. How do you follow her though?? I couldn't seem to figure it out.
Thx for your comment! I follow you back!
Nice blog
This is such a nice post! I really enjoyed it.
I just adore your blog, I must say it's one of my favorites! :D
Thanks for the comment, honey. I'm following you.
Thanks for visiting. :) Nice blog you have here as well.
Her blog seems pretty interesting. I love her style. It would be pretty awesome to switch up lives with someone you aspire for a week, hehe.
thanks for sharing! she seems great and her pictures are amazing. I wish I could just make myself live my dream and get up and move-I wouldn't be where I am right now!
ps. I'd love to follow each other! I'm your newest follower!
thThanks for your lovely comment.The pics are so beautiful! I'll follow u :)
thThanks for your lovely comment.The pics are so beautiful! I'll follow u :)
Thank you so much for your sweet comment. <3
I'm following back. lovely blog
wow she is so stunning! I love her style, seriously so inspired! THANKS FOR THIS LOVELY POST ! :)
I have never heard of her blog!
Looks like those guys are fun!
Thanks for your comment about my pumpkin cupcakes :)
Following you also. LOVE your blog!!
I love clothes so much. Although i am so pregnant now. Nothing fits! LOL
she's really cute! Thank's for coming to my blog~ no worry, I follow you :D
She is adorable, I love her pin-up girl style.
Also, adorable outfit in the previous post.
And it says I am already following, so let me know if you still don't see it and I will un-follow and re-follow ;)
well isn't she the cutest thing ever. i'll have to check her out cause surprisingly enough i've never heard of her!
She seems amazing! I think what I love about blogging the most is getting to connect with other real women and share our lives with each other. I love that she is pursuing her dreams as well and actually moved to New York! I've always wanted to live there but have never thought I could actually do it. She is an inspiration- thank you so much for sharing! :)
Sara I want you to know that I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!. It´s very genenous of you to publish a post on somebody else´s blog and the way you do it!. It´s admiring and it shows the kind of person you are !. Thank you for sharing your link and becoming a follower on mine!.
I´m moving to NYC dec 2012 Inshallah! as they say in the Gulf. Now I´m from Spain, living in Qatar now ,and it has become a bit hard for me as for many other women who live here, that´s why I started the blog!. I hope you like my posts and learn about this fascinating culture!.
I promote spanish fashion in Qatar and once a month or twice I publish a post on qatari society and culture! =) can´t wait to read your next post! =)
She's fabulous I agree with you!!! Be careful of what you wih you may like her life and would love to live for a week in this life but I'm suggesting something else. Why don't you ''addopt'' few way of this girls life? We all learn from each other!!!
Hey thnx for following me!!! I just followed u too!!! I m totally loving ur posts!!! xoxo
Wow this post made me so happy. Thank you for this, I almost got a tear in my eye :') And thank you for seeing the depths and layers, I'm so glad that you actually can feel them even though I write in Swedish. I loved this. Kisses.
So sweet of you, I love her too!
By the way her boyfriends is called Ludvig.
I feel the same about her blog. You chose the best pictures for this post!
She really is an adorable lady and I feel quite thankful to be able to read her posts with my broken swedish :)
i just found YOUR blog through sandra's! :)
ive been reading sandra's blog since 2007/2008, and hers is the only one that i've consistently followed and adored without faltering in this time. she seems like a gorgeous girl with a big heart and a full life.
I love her blog so much, it's so inspiring and inspirational!
Such a post filled with love! And I know exactly what you mean about those blogs that you feel you connect with the authors makes the pictures and words even more stunnign because there's that emotional thing there....
But anywho....I feel vaguely like I'm playing blog tag....came to this post via 'Where's Harriet?' and now intend to go onto Sandra's...its each paying back to the other!
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