I sometimes remember clothes I used to be obsessed with in the past and decide to wear them again for the sake of all the good times. The following outfit is one of those! I used to wear this biker jacket a lot back when my collection of leather jackets wasn’t as extensive as it‘s these days. Still, it’s one of my cooler pieces.
Oh, and my pair of white Adidas Superstar that I bought one summer I spent in Seattle and wore every single day for a week . I love these shoes – so many amazing memories and adventures we shared - me and my sister in an foreign country, leaving in a huge, interesting city, so far away from anything familiar but happy and free and trying to experience as much as possible, making new friends, dreaming.
Really, it’s the memories, the smells, the colors and people that make a garment special, the ones you associate with that particular item, not the brands and price tags.
The clothes I love the most are the ones I’ve been happy in, the ones that have seen smiles and kisses and laughs and starry skies and early mornings and airports, the ones that traveled with me and have seen the sea. All my favorite clothes could tell wonderful stories and know more about me than most people do.
Check out the tutorial for the cross nails! Daca va plac unghiile, nu uitati de tutorial!
Uneori imi amintesc de anumite haine de care am fost obsedata in anumite perioade ale vietii mele si decid sa le imbrac din nou. In vremurile in care colectia mea de geci de piele era la inceput, o purtam foarte des pe aceasta. Inca mi se pare super cool!
Si perechea alba de Adidas Superstar pe care i-am cumparat din Seattle in prima vara petrecuta acolo (i-am purtat o saptamana intreaga in fiecare zi si am impartit cu ei o multime de aventuri). Imi amintesc de o perioada frumoasa cand am locuit intr-un oras uimitor, in care eram singura cu Sara la un ocean distanta de orice si orcine familiar, dar fericite si libere si gata sa cucerim lumea.
Imi dau seama ca brandurile, etichetele, pretul hainelor nu inseamna nimic, ceea ce le face cu adevarat importante si speciale sunt amintirile, oamenii, culorile si mirosurile de care ne amintesc, pe care le asociem cu aceste haine.
Toate piesele mele preferate sunt cele care au fost martore la zambete, saruturi, ceruri albastre sau pline de stele, emotii si dimineti calde, prieteni in aeroporturi, cele care au calatorit cu mine, cele care, daca ar putea vorbi, ar spune adevarate povesti si care stiu mai multe despre mine decat majoritatea oamenilor.
Toate piesele mele preferate sunt cele care au fost martore la zambete, saruturi, ceruri albastre sau pline de stele, emotii si dimineti calde, prieteni in aeroporturi, cele care au calatorit cu mine, cele care, daca ar putea vorbi, ar spune adevarate povesti si care stiu mai multe despre mine decat majoritatea oamenilor.

I'm wearing
dress, belt/rochie, curea: vintage
leather jacket/geaca: random brand
armor ring/ inel armura: Asos
clear lens sunglasses/ochelari: H&M
cross double ring/inel dublu cruce: Forever 21
socks/sosete: Miss Selfridge
shoes/ pantofi: Adidas Superstar
necklaces/coliere: random brand and made by me
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81 comentarii :
I love the combo!
your socks are cute !
Great outfit!You look so nice...I love the dress and the jacket;):)
This is so cute, I love the army of jewelries!
awesome outfit! haha i have the same glasses!
You look fantastic and blog is very interesting. Love your jacket!
Great look,hon!So creative!Love the sneakers and the socks!
I like your blog too! This leather jacket is awesome! It seems very comfortable!
You have another follower! We hope to see you soon in our blog!
love the way you combined everything and still looks great ^^
Love that dress!! x
Clothes do tell a lot of stories :)
I love your dress and jacket.. Lace and leather make a perfect combination.
wow, the dress looks amazing with that jacket! you look lovely as always!
Thank you for stopping by my blog Sara, I am a new follower of your now :) great outfit and amazing pictures, I can't wait to see more!
me encantan tus uñas,un look muy original! :D
Darling, thank you for sweet comment on my post! I have to tell you that you're blog is so amazing. Be sure that I'm you're new follower!
OMG OMG this dress is driving me crazy!! I adore that lace and it is so beautiful!! :D:X Love how you paired with that jacket and shoes! :D
such a great combination. following you.
Hi :)
I love your blog, it's so special and nice!
Great outfit, the mix is cool.
cute dress, love the necklace
Love the dress!
I love everything about this look!!
I love those chains, and that dress is lovely c:
Hi Sara, thank you for stopping at my blog - I love yours as weel, i think you gorgeous and very stylish - I love a girl who can mix her clothes and you do it well
I see you are following my daughter as well Yeye Style Blog!
I will follow you!
Great combination.
ce frumoasa si neasteptata este combinatia! esti superba!
I adore your blog!
Lovely dress and rings fun! :):):)
this is great. I love pairing leather jacket with dresses. Gives it a rocker vibe
i love how you mix lady-like with those adidas-shoes, so individuell
Pretty dress! Love lace :)
And of course your socks are awesome!
Bella xo
love your dress! te pup!
so flippin' cute!!!
I love this!!!
You are rooooocking - I love this look - so fun and free spirit!! nice to just be yourself at all times.
Love this post, I think it's true that the clothes are more than tendencies, prices, brands. They are part of our lifes and they are in the most important moments :)
Of course, I follow you too!
awesome outfit! thanks so much for your sweet comment + following me! xoxo
:x Sa stii ca tinuta asta e clar una dintre preferatele mele ! CHiar nu e ceva ce sa nu imi placa, sau sa mi se para ca nu se potriveste :) Ador mai ales partea neasteptata a tinutei, cu sosetutele + Adidas Superstar. Am si eu o pereche de Adidas asa, dar am renuntat sa ii port acum vreo 2 ani..dar sa stii ca m-ai facut sa ma duc sa vad daca reusesc sa ii readuc la viata :*
Un weekend superb iti doresc >:D<
I love your outfit! And I really like your nail art!
Love that dress! Kisses!
i used to own a pair of superstars. this is super nostalgic :) rad nails too.
I love that you paired such a pretty and feminine dress with a killer leather jacket. LOVE.
Thanks for visiting my blog, and the wonderful comment. So new follower here, GFC is acting up like a brat again.
By the way, I love the way you mix and match your texture. Girly but with an edge. Have a nice weekend
Miss Macherie
This lace dress is so pretty and feminine. Thanks for following me.
Following back.
Wow!!!! Lace dress+biker jacket simply PERFECT! I love the mix, is like sweet and hard. Kisses!
wow, you look amazing!
thanks for following me, follow you too :)
Adoro o teu blog! É fantástico *
Your comment is by far one of the nicest I've ever received on my blog, so thank you so much for that! :) It really mad my day, haha! Anyways, I love the contrast of the dress and the sneakers (which are rad btw) and I especially like it that you value your clothes. Some people just buy a sweater they wear one or two times and then never wear it again.. such a shame. Great blog, hun!
x Ambre
Just stumbled upon your blog and I must say: this outfit is SO COOL! The lace dress and biker jacket go so well together and I'm dying for the leopard socks with the sneakers. Great great great outfit!
Ok, this is amazing, this is genius, why?!
Never thought that lace can look really good when you pair it with some leather jackets. The result is pretty unusual and i really love it. You're toatally a creative fashionista. I should learn from you.
Tks for left such sweet comment at my blog, following you back :)
in Love&Light
Queen D
gorgeous look!! i love how you paired leather and lace! :)
Hi!! thank you so much for your comment on my blog. You are so kind! and thanks so much for following my blog!
Love your blog too! and you are so pretty! Love the white dress! Super cute outfit! ^__^
Hello, I'm glad you liked my blog and thank you for your comment. I'm still looking for the necklace:)
I love your style so unique and fresh. Congratulations!!!
So crazy and nice look,I like it...and thank you for your beautiful comment..I m following you.
Love the tough/sweet combo
love ur glasses!
amazing dress and jacket :)
follow me :)
nice accessories and shoes (:
I've already followed you on google friend connect, I'm checking in this moment (:
Thank you for your lovley comment (:
Let me know if you can see my name in your friend list or not!
I like how you toughened up the look with a leather jacket but the lace dress looks great without it too! chic!
Yay for visits to Seattle :)
LOVE that lace dress and jacket....such a perfect mix of tough/feminine!
You look great! i love the lace and leather badass jacket combo <3
Life is a romantic poem
Adorable! Your dress is absolutely fabulous! ^^
Si eu ma atasez de unele piese pe care le-am purtat cu drag/obsesiv o perioada de timp si care poarta cu ele atatea amintiri..
E foarte frumoasa rochita si f chic combinatia!
wow, great! like your jacket and jewelry <3<3<3
looove it
loved ur blog too sara
thnx for ur sweet comment :*
I love the glasses!
i adore biker jackets,
such a pitty i cant wear it
right now, its just too cold :/
I love the mix of different textures and feminine and more edgier pieces. That's cool that you have so many memories associated with your clothes too - not too many things in my closet have much sentimental value to me, unfortunately :/
Lovely your style! Following you. xoxo
Beautiful dress. I love it when girls where sneakers with dress. Thank you for much the comment. :)
You look adorable! And it's true..it's not the brands that matter, it's the memories. Some of my most beloved items are the ones that I wore during my travels :)
Lovely post!
I love this look you inspired me.
You look so adorable.that dress is totaly cute.love it.Can't go wrong with adidas.Love your little socks too.xx
Ma uit la poze si ma minunez ce bine semeni cu o buna prietena de-a mea - acum plecata la studii in Germania. Si amandoua sunteti firi artistice, si aveti hustul asta deosebit la haine. Foarte interesant pentru mine
Graziela - :)daca are si 1.85 m atunci este clar my "doubleganger".
aaahh thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment. You look adorable in that outfit love the dress. Enjoy your week, dee ;-)
amazing outfit. the white dressed turned to a rock chic style with this jacket;)
thank you for following me, I am following yours as well:)
Uuuu super inaltime. Da, la asta nu semnatati
Great jacket and lovely bag! I really like this outfit.
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