Hello guys! We have another brilliant giveaway lined up for all of you! The prize is a generous 100$ giftcard offered by Shopbop.com - you can use it to buy anything you want from the online store.
Shopbop.com has a large variety of designer clothes; accessories and jewelry, there are so many wonderful pieces to choose from!
Shopbop.com has a large variety of designer clothes; accessories and jewelry, there are so many wonderful pieces to choose from!
I personally love everything from La Mer Collections (the watches are amazing), the Chan Luu bracelets and the Rachel Leigh jewelry line. There’s something for everyone! And don’t forget it’s the sale season so you can spend the 100$ on a really cool designer piece as the prices are seriously discounted. Make sure and check out the Shopbop blog for inspiration and interesting style articles.
I've made some collages with things on Shopbop under 100$ that I love!
Brass Chain Necklace -$93, Estates Ring Set - $58, Pyramid Stud Wrap Watch - $98
All you have to do for a chance to win the 100$ giftcard is (all 3 conditions are mandatory):
♥ LIKE Pop Culture&Fashion Magic on Facebook
♥ Share this on your facebook wall, maybe tag @Pop Culture and leave the link in a comment
♥ Leave a comment on this post with your email address and the name you used to like Pop Culture&Fashion Magic on Facebook and the link (for the share)
Wilt Boat Neck Dolman Dress- $43.80,
Rebecca Minkoff Goddess Platform Sandals - $82.5, Madison Harding Clay Lace Up Booties - $90
For an extra one, two, three chances to win you can also (these are not mandatory and each one will count as an extra entry):
1.Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’ (mention this in a comment so that I can count an extra entry for you)
2. Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Google Friend Connect (mention this in a comment so that I can count an extra entry for you)
3. Blog or tweet about it on your blog or Twitter account (mention this in a comment and leave the link so that I can count an extra entry for you).
Pencey One Shoulder Party Dress - $105.6, Odylyne Oriole Ruffle Long Dress - $99.00
RO: Hello superstars! Terminam saptamana frumos cu un giveaway sponsorizat de Shopbop – un magazin online cu o multime de haine, accesorii si bijuterii de designer. Premiul este un voucher de 100$ cu care va puteti cumpara orice doriti de pe site (mai sus aveti cateva colaje cu cea mi-as comanda eu de 100$ de pe Shopbop).
Pentru a participa este suficient sa (toate cele 3 conditii de mai jos sunt absolut necesare):
♥ LIKE pagina de Facebook a Pop Culture
♥ Share (sa puneti link) acestui articol cu giveaway-ul pe peretele vostru de Facebook si sa lasati link ca sa pot verifica
♥ Lasati un comentariu la acest post in care sa mentionati adresa de email ca sa pot contacta castigatorul si numele cu care urmariti Pop Culture pe Facebook
Petru una, doua sau trei sanse suplimentare de a castiga cei 100$ puteti sa:
1. Urmariti Pop Culture prin GFC (Google Frined Conect) - (mentionati asta in comentariu ca sa pot adauga o inscriere suplimentara)
2.Urmariti Pop Culture prin Bloglovin’ (mentionati asta in comentariu ca sa pot adauga o inscriere suplimentara)
3.Scrieti o insemnare rapida despre Giveaway pe blogul personal sau scrieti pe Twitter despre giveaway (lasati un comentariu cu linkul)
Pentru fiecare conditie suplimentara indeplinita veti primi o inscriere in plus (fiecare cititor poate avea maxim 4 inscrieri daca indeplineste toate conditiile – cele obligatorii plus cele suplimentare.)
Giveawayul se incheie pe 24 ianuarie! Mult success!
The giveaway ends January 24th. The winner will be sorted out randomly. This is an international giveaway – anybody can join in!
Good luck to all of you!
The Winner
…and the winner is...

No. 80 - that's Mara Avram! Congratulations!!!
The Winner
I just want to thank you all for taking the time to enter out giveaway sponsored by Shopbop. I’m very happy so many of you decided to do it and just know I wish I had a giftcard for all of you. Hopefully we’ll have many others so that every one of you can win something. Meantime I have to rely on the Gods of chance to choose the winner. This is the list I made with all the entries (the mandatory one and the extra entries):
…and the winner is...

No. 80 - that's Mara Avram! Congratulations!!!
201 comentarii :
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 201 Newer› Newest»soo nice! here in Brazil there aren’t things with good price as this things you showed n your post!
I loved everything!
My God, something more beautiful than the other! What a great post!
My God, something more beautiful than the other! What a great post!
Email: antonia.oprea90@yahoo.com
FB: Antonia Oprea
Fingers crossed <3
I am a facebook fan - ktkatherine
I shared the giveaway link on my wall!
fashionfrugality at gmail.com
I follow via bloglovin
fashionfrugality at gmail.com
I follow via gfc - ktkatherine
fashionfrugality at gmail.com
Tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/fashfrugality/status/157612532138393601
fashionfrugality at gmail.com
Great post !!!:) I loved it!
Hello im sheyanne :) I just started following your blog on bloglovin & posted a tweet about it @SheyanneLyn + a wall post on Facebook with your site tagged :)
my account is www.facebook.com/sheyface - username Sheyanne Lyn :)
My email is sheyannelyn@gmail.com & my blog is countrychicsheyanne.blogspot.com!
Have a great day!
I'm a FB fan- Kim D.
I shared on FB http://www.facebook.com/mom22girlz/posts/356769157682086
email: mom22girlz at ymail dot com
Thank you for the giveaway!
I follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’.
mom22girlz at ymail dot com
I follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Google Friend Connect.
mom22girlz at ymail dot com
I tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/mom22girlz/status/157701831605231616
mom22girlz at ymail dot com
Hi Sara! Thanks for your sweet comment and following me! :)
This is an awesome giveaway. Crossing fingers I win!!!
So I liked you on Facebook and shared a link to this giveaway. My FB account is https://www.facebook.com/yeanjulius
My email is yeantem@gmail.com. The name i used to like you on FB is Yean Julius.
And I'm also your new follower on GFC!
Hi! This is a great post! Thanks for doing the giveaway! I Liked you on Facebook, Tweeted about the giveaway, and am a follower on bloglovin!
FB - The Kimmie Chronicles http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Kimmie-Chronicles/330683136960328
Twitter - @KimmieChron
Bloglovin' - The Kimmie Chronicles
e-mail for all: kimmiechronicles (at) gmail (dot) com
Facebook - Oxana Ivanova
Bloglovin' - Oxana Ivanova
Google Friend Connect - Oxana Ivanova
shared this on my profile, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1547354214 as daria patrunjel
Thanks for visiting my blog!!
Now, I folllow you too.
Great looks with skirts. :)
Hi, that's great giveaway! Surely i wanna to join it :)
1. Already LIKE Pop Culture&Fashion Magic on Facebook
2. Posted about it on my Facebook http://www.facebook.com/sarahrizqi/posts/170456843061269 as Sarah Rizqi Amaliah
3. My facebook account is http://www.facebook.com/sarahrizqi and my email is sarahrizqi@yahoo.com
4. And also i've do for extra entries, i've already followed Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’
5. Followed Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Google Friend Connect
6. Tweeted about it on my Twitter account as @sarahsariz http://twitter.com/sarahsariz/status/157783285471248384
Great stuff!
e-mail: anainfashion@gmail.com
I already follow you!
e-mail: anainfashion@gmail.com
like you on facebook and shared!
Tara Donelson Huff
gfc follower
Tara Huff
Following via bloglovin... You are now in my blog feed doll!
liked on fb and published as Cassio Tam
gfc: allie
followed bloglovin' twilight_aple@yahoo.com
I shared on my Facebook page. (My name is Alicia Mullins) Here's the link to my fb share!
I "liked" you on fb as well!
I followed you on Google Friend Connect!
I posted a blog about your blog and giveaway on my blog! Here's the link:
This is my email:
I'm also following you on bloglovin! :)
Awesome giveaway!
I liked you on FB (my name there is Ina Ro) and put the link to my wall!
Plus I follow via BlogLovin =)
Plus I put your giveaway to my blog's sidebar! =)
i wish i could enter, but i dont have facebook. boo
Facebook! Under Danielle Boyd
I also follow on bloglovin' :)
Sorry to keep adding comments. I also follow on google friend connect and posted on my blog :)
Hi! I just start this amazing blog that is gonna change your life!! Well, jaja maybe not, but surely you like it:
PS: I like urs :)
i like you on fb courtney bella and i shared!
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
google follower courtney b
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
following you on blog lovin under email (courtneysmith1982@hotmail.com)
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
I'm following your blog via:
Blogovin & Google Friend Connect
Thanks for the Great international giveaway!
Now you can follow my blog :)
wow! such an awesome giveaway! (:
Email: joemarie_kisses@yahoo.com.ph
Name: Joe Marie
I like you on Facebook as Elena Istomina and shared:
I am a new GFC follower of your blog (Elena)
I'm alrdeady following you with Andra Bruma and I shared the link here: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=369290596419384&id=100000377170465.
Also, I follow you on GFC(Andra Bruma) and Bloglovin(andrabruma).
email: andra.bruma@gmail.com
I hope random will choose me!
gfc ony_stanciu
fb likes oana alexandra stanciu
shared http://www.facebook.com/Oana.Alexandra.Stanciu/posts/361333293893153
twitted https://twitter.com/#!/OnyA/status/158148417380552704
mail ony_stanciu@yahoo.com
Like and posted on FB Heather Mahan
hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
GFC follower
hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
Am dat like paginii de multa vreme cu numele Simona Floroaia. Share aici: http://www.facebook.com/Simona.Floroaia/posts/275132835880519.
Follow via Bloglovin de ceva vreme.:)
Follow via GFC de ceva mai multa vreme.:D
loved your blog is a luxury ... kisses ...
Nice giveaway. Am pus pe FB dar u știu cum să dau link la status de pe timeline.
+Te urmăresc pe bloglovin.
Adresa de email e inclusă în profilul de blog.
Thank you so much for this great giveaway.
I'm a facebook fan(Estefania Lovelifefashion) and posted about the giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=148707705243680&id=100000744774682
I follow you via Bloglovin and GFC as Estefania Lovelifefashion.
I liked your choices a lot.
Kisses and good luck everyone :)
Fb Hermi Blue
share http://www.facebook.com/hermiblue/posts/164886343613714
mail cami_lu2004@yahoo.com
GFC Hermina
what a fab giveaway!
liked the page as madalina bibi
mail: eugenia19832003@yahoo.com
share http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=278682818858153&id=1474783711
1.following via gfc as eugenia g
2.on bloglovin I have the same adress eugenia19832003@yahoo.com
twitted https://twitter.com/#!/BohemianSin/status/159013257921826817
FB like: Natasha L.
Share: http://www.facebook.com/shasha88/posts/281454738576425
laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com
GFC Follower: Shasha
laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com
Bloglovin Follower:
laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com
Super giveaway!!!!
Facebook: Mara Avram
GFC: Mara Avram
Bloglovin: maraavram@ymail.com
E-mail: andreea.pop2@gmail.com
Andreea Pop
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Andreea_Pop
Google Friend Connect: Andreea Pop
Great giveaway!
FB-Anna Ku
Following Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin
Following Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via GFC-anna_k67
I would love so much to get my hand in one of the items of Mara Hoffman collection! It's crazyyyy*
Mi-as dori foarte tare sa achizitionez cu voucherul cadou (daca-l voi primi) acest produs foarte interesant si care merge la multe tinute: Pyramid Stud Wrap Watch - $98
Numele cu care urmaresc acest concurs pe Facebook este: Bia Draguta: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=734005955, iar adresa email: biadraguta@yahoo.com. Succes tuturor!
Hey, fb name: Alina Sidorencu, mail: alina.sidorencu@yahoo.com
Te urmaresc prin blogspot.
like it!!!
-Following as Laura Dittrich.
-Link to my share: http://www.facebook.com/lauradittrich/posts/334453799912714
Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity! You are so sweet.
I'm following you now via bloglovin'
Following you now via GFC. x
I tweeted this: https://twitter.com/#!/Democraduras/status/159632883500335106
Mandatory Entries:
1. I liked the Facebook page.
2. I shared on my wall (http://www.facebook.com/Amanda.Romaniello)
3. I used the link above for the profile of liking the Facebook page. My email address is romaniello.amanda@gmail.com
finger crossed. I shared in here
mail. nunimini@gmail.com I'm nuni piccolomini on facebook
I follow you in bloglovin.
I follow you with google....xoxo
Gorgeous giveaway!!! :D
I'm Samantha Tedesco on FB.
shared: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=171198436318109&id=694580363
I follow you on bloglovin: samantha.tedesco@gmail.com
Follow you on GFC: Samantha Tedesco (samantha.tedesco)
I shared on twitter (samanthatedesco)
Si eu vreau!
Cele 3 conditii necesare:
1. LIKE pe FB cu numele Ioana-Ionela Pascu.
2. Share aici: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=214103778679603&id=100002191373205
3. e-mail: ioana_pascu2001@yahoo.com
Sanse suplimentare:
1. Te urmaresc prin GFC: Ioana-Ionela Pascu.
2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/IoanaPascu/status/159654951340085248
Multumesc tare mult! kisses
This is a wonderful giveaway thanks for sharing!
I liked on facebook and tagged Pop Culture on my shared link.
Maca Barnes
maca_fdez at hotmail dot com
I also follow on bloglovin!
Maca Barnes
macafdez at gmail dot com
shared this on facebook (my name is Hermione Miyazawa: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=152619004849811&id=100002977586896 )
and I also follow on bloglovin!
Hermione Miyazawa ;-)
email: greta.95_hp4ever@hotmail.it
GFC: lebi
FB: Sunshine's Fashion
link: https://www.facebook.com/penelope.give/posts/165918080177529
fb adriana costanzo
link https://www.facebook.com/adriana.costanzo/posts/340519009293350
Awesome giveaway! Count me in please! :)
GFC floryfrancy
FB: Florinda Fraccalvieri
e-mail: floryfrancy@inwind.it
great giveaway!!!
Sonia Santamaria
Shared on my fb page: https://www.facebook.com/florinda.fraccalvieri
FB: Florinda Fraccalvieri
e-mail: floryfrancy@inwind.it
Following you on Bloglovin': floryfrancy@inwind.it
Finger crossed! ;)
Hellooooo! Thanks for the giveaway! :)
GFC: Silvia M.
Twitter: silviasunlight (tweeted your giveaway on January 18th)
Facebook: Silvia Mazzy (I'm a fan and I shared here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002913888406&ref=tn_tnmn)
Bloglovin: silviasunlight@tiscali.it
Thanks again! =)
I follow you on GFC
Sonia Santamaria sonia.santamaria88@gmail.com
I follow you on bloglovin
Sonia Santamaria sonia.santamaria88@gmail.com
I tweeted about the giveaway
Sonia Santamaria
Thanks for visited me on my blog, such a great post.
I would love to win!
FB: Stella Incantevole
Email/Bloglovin': sidney_3@hotmail.it
Shared here https://www.facebook.com/SteLLa.InCaNtEv0Le/posts/285556491502077
GFC: MakeUp Fun
Twitter: @Stellausit
Enter and shared https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100001898221597
FB: ladyof thedarkness
Email: helenalol@virgilio.it
Follow on bloglovin
Email/Bloglovin: helenalol@virgilio.it
Follow on GFC
GFC: Helena
Email: helenalol@virgilio.it
Just tweet:https://twitter.com/#!/Helenalol1/status/159795361345581056
Email: helenalol@virgilio.it
liked on facebook and this is the link to the share http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=360929157254855&id=502113389
Amazing giveaway!
you can contact me at lesliemquiros @ gmail . com
Thanks for following my blog and for your lovely comment! I'm following you and look forward to checking out yours :) xo K
partecipo e condivido su facebook togato antonella giglio-82@hotmail.it
fb: chicca cocca
email: erika_giveaway@hotmail.it
link: https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100003005158526
2 I follow you on bloglovin
chicca cocca
email: erika_giveaway@hotmail.it
I follow you on GFC as chiccacocca
email: erika_giveaway@hotmail.it
Enter me :D
GFC: L557
FB: LiLy InWonderland
link Fb share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=305810489465067&id=100002555338635
Blogloving: lisacip@hotmail.it
link tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/LisaCipollone/status/159922178463240192
emaiL: lisacip@hotmail.it
Enter me please =)
FB: Mary Squillace
Shared and tagged: http://www.facebook.com/mary.squillace2/posts/307695595933237
2) Tweeted about this Giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/ShiningGlam/status/159922586275430401
Twitter: ShiningGlam
Followin with GFC.
GFC nick: ShiningLittle Star
Followin with Bloglovin'.
Bloglovin'& E-mail: cupcake89@libero.it
shared on fb http://www.facebook.com/CenerentolaInnamorataDelMaso/posts/284780108245940
FB Francesca Loveredhair
Follow with blogovin
follow with GFC alias Francesca Scirpoli
enter me!!;)
fb: erika milani
I follow on bloglovin
erika milani
I follow on gfc
Posted on my blog sidebar http://4passinellamiavita.blogspot.com/
hi!!! i follow you on fb. and i shared the give away on my wall
https://www.facebook.com/ary.bruzzi i tag you
Partecipo e condivido! ^^
Liked on facebook and shared on my wall
my facebook name: Gisella Genovese
following via bloglovin'
email: gingersmuffin@gmail.com
Already following through GFC,
email: gingersmuffin@gmail.com
tweeted about it here:
Hope to win :D
follow on bloglovin
Email: cloudlovely@hotmail.it
follow on gfc
GFC: Skye
Email: cloudlovely@hotmail.it
Enter me please:D
- LIKE Pop Culture&Fashion Magic on Facebook:
little Snail
- Shared this on my facebook wall:
email: fede1701@alice.it
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin :)
email: fede1701@alice.it
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Google Friend Connect
GFC: fede1701
email: fede1701@alice.it
Twitted about this post:
link: https://twitter.com/#!/LittleSnail1/status/159967859081101312
email: fede1701@alice.it
thanks:* <3
FB: Claudette Giveawayer
Link: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=219545381465379&id=100002405035885
mail: prattico@inwind.it
1. I like Pop Culture and Fashion Magic on Facebook. (Deanna Cali)
2. FB share(tagged you):
calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow on Bloglovin'(Deanna6.)
calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow on GFC via Twitter(Deanna G.)
calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com
Tweeted the giveaway:
calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com
1 commento
GFC: s.brandolone
MAIL: s.brandolone@libero.it
su fb sono sonia brandolone
2 commento
Ho condiviso su fb
I like your FB page as Elisabeth Good and shared this post to my wall here: https://www.facebook.com/elisabeth.good1/posts/308663262504931
Thanks so much!
vandango33 at gmail dot com
I Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin’ now!
vandango33 at gmail dot com
I follow on GFC as Elisabeth G
vandango33 at gmail dot com
vandango33 at gmail dot com
Enter me please
- LIKE Pop Culture&Fashion Magic on Facebook:
Desiree Giveaway
- Shared this on my facebook wall:
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin
email: ritadeluca88@gmail.com
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Google Friend Connect
GFC: Rita De Luca
email: ritadeluca88@gmail.com
Love your blog! And this is a greattt giveaway! Now following, please follow back.
Facebook name - Emily Jenny Cholakian, echoulaghians@yahoo.com
please enter me!
gfc eleonora.marchetti
mail e bloglovin eleonora.marchetti@libero.it
face ele paradise marchetti
twitter eleeee89
shared on face http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=328779910490157&id=100003031468485
twitted https://twitter.com/#!/Eleeee89/status/160469775171063808
Liked on Facebook by 'My English Life.'
cool cool giveaway!
Thanks for this!
Following on fb - Lucia Izzo
Shared on my profile and tagged: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1513724286
email - fairywitch86[at]libero.it
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Google Friend Connec - Sherry86
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/FairyWitch86/status/160710115945758721
FB :Anja Statebrigakako
Link: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=304997966217095&id=1446455768
E-mail: anja_thequeen@yahoo.com
FB: Sonia De Macedo
E: daringcoco@gmail.com
Shared on my Facebook profile (page tagged)
enter me please:D
GFC: fedestar_91
fb: Federica Chiappinelli
email: fedestar_91@yahoo.it
link: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=341901039166970&id=1664102487
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin..
BL/email: fedestar_91@yahoo.it
Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Google Friend Connect :)
GFC: fedestar_91
email: fedestar_91@yahoo.it
Tweet about it..
link: https://twitter.com/#!/Fedestar_91/status/161411846769881088
twitter: @Fedestar_91
email: fedestar_91@yahoo.it
I`m following you via GFC
FB name Bocancea Iuliana
shared: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=368987333115832&id=100001484237568
e-mail: iuliana_bok@yahoo.com
Hope you'll like it i blogged about it:
e-mail: gabriela.atanasov@yahoo.com
and shared on my facebook
really loved this post and this online shop
please enter me!
FB fan: Alessia Lale
Shared: https://www.facebook.com/lalefly/posts/220134638078644
mail: alelale at live.com
Buna! Pot da share pe twitter?
Alexandra - da, poti da share pe twitter!:)
Multumesc pentru raspuns!
Am dat like cu numele: Simon Alexandra Ioana
share aici:https://twitter.com/#!/Alecu9/status/161486664622018561
email: al3cu_stelista@yahoo.com
gfc: Simon Alexandra
bloglovin: Simon Alexandra Ioana sau al3cu_stelista@yahoo.com [nu mai tin minte exact usernameul]
Succes tuturor!!!
the outfits are lovely!
I'm a follower!
Thanks for the chance! :) I like you on fb as Dee G and shared on fb: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=203529823076604&id=1449584700
deeg131 at gmail dot com
I follow via bloglovin'
deeg131 at gmail dot com
gfc follower Dee
deeg131 at gmail dot com
tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/DeeGee13/status/161686378369921024
deeg131 at gmail dot com
<3 Una
Just like you on FB and posted it on my wall: https://www.facebook.com/thefestblog?ref=tn_tnmn
The outfits and accessories are beautiful! LOVE the shoes!!
"Dicas de saúde, beleza, e exercício físico em casa"
(Scuze, uitasem adresa de mail!) :)
Mail: aleka_rock_rose@yahoo.com.
Fb name: Aleka Sarah Vladareanu.
Share: https://www.facebook.com/Aleka.Sarah.Vladareanu/posts/196195880477715.
I'm following you via Bloglovin’.
I'm following you via Google Friend Connect.
Tweeted about it here: https://twitter.com/#!/Aleka_Sarah/status/161760799445106688.
Buna !!!
FB Iuliana Gondos
FB share https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=366207846726575&id=100000205924696
Email iulika.ct@gmail.com
GFC iulika_ct
Bloglovin iulika.ct@gmail.com
Twitter share https://twitter.com/#!/iulika_ct/status/161780803540500480
follwing pop culture via FB.
shared it via my blog FB Page
melissa atkinson - likes you on fb.
Martina Bradshaw on fb
mail: muzzettina@hotmail.it
Hello, who won the giveawey? :)
@piukina - Just look down the page, I posted the list with everybody that entered the contest and used random to choose a no. - the winner was no.80!:)
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