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Sunday, June 30, 2013

30 Seconds to Mars – Up in the Air video

Just so that you know - Jared Leto is 41 years old! He’s the front man of both 30 Seconds to Mars and my teenage dreams (mostly as Jordan Catalano but let’s not get into it now). My love for him has endured countless douchey hairstyles and extremely weird style choices but it’s still going strong.

Jared can do it all: act, sing, direct, be vegan and totally gorgeous! I’m pretty sure somewhere out there in an attic, there’s a painting of him getting really old in the close vicinity of those of Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr.

I’m rather digging the Jesus look Jared Leto is sporting lately!

Dita Von Teese spinning on a hot pink electric bull!

A few weeks ago I was coming home from the office and my sister was super excited to show me the new 30 Seconds to Mars video: "Up in the Air". So there I was, exhausted after a long day of work, but prepared to be amazed. And boy was I! This video and song are just mind blowing! 

You need to watch it at least 20 times in order to catch the complexity of everything that is going on - which I was happy to do. Leto described the clip and song as a “hallucinogenic journey through an incredibly surreal landscape. It's a song that has a lot of energy, a lot of optimism, a lot of life in it.”

The track is the first release from the band's new album Love Lust Faith and Dreams. I have to agree with Jared that this new album is going to be “stronger, better, more evolved. It's a complete transformation. I really think that this could be the best thing we've ever done.”

The launch of the song was very original: they sent their single into space as "Up in the Air" was first heard on March 4th by the crew of the International Space Station aboard the S-2 SpaceX CR mission. It then had the world premiere on NASA TV on March 18th. Jared explained that: “My brother and I, our grandfather was in the Air Force and FAA so aviation was always a big part of our lives. We used to come visit him in Houston and always used to drive by NASA, so there's a bit of a history there.”

The band made a call for casting for the video on their official website requesting some very special talents they needed. Up in the air is really visual art rather than just a video: the symbolism, the colors, the motions, the religious undertones and emotions - they all make you think and leave an impact long after the music ends.

The video includes a wolf, a lion, Cirque du Soleil performers, burlesque legend Dita Von Teese, American model Ashley Smith, author Neil Strauss, Damien Hirst art, photographer Maxwell Snow, Russian model Anastasia Krivosheeva, tattooed sensation Harlow von Brethren, Olympic Gold medalist Jordyn Wieber, artist gymnast McKayla Maroney, actress/DJ Natalie Loren (who was also cast in the video for Hurricane), zebras, birds, butterflies, drummers, mechanical bulls, a python and a line of soldier who paint!

Here you have it in case you didn't watch it yet!

"Up in the air" was shoot at a massive aerospace manufacturing building in Los Angeles which is now closed. Jared Leto aka Bartholomew Cubbins (Jared's director name) was the producer, director and editor of the short film. I love the artistic look of what he has created - I feel like I’m in this very strange world that's all together scary, amazing an exciting. The song is good as well and I’m quite impressed with Leto`s directorial skills.

Visually the short film (over eight minutes long) is very intense with striking colors and mesmerizing scenes. And talking about striking, how about Shannon Leto? He looks really strange in this one – even more than usual. He is a very weird dude! Hotly so!!!

So, yeah, Up in the air is artistic and abstract, one of those beautiful things that really get to me and I though it deserved an article here. I’m also using any excuse to “research” pictures of Jared Leto (Shannon Leto and Tomo Milicevic as well).

Any favorite moment in the video? Do you like Jared or 30 seconds to Mars?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Digital Divas 2013 prin ochii mei

 Scroll down for the English version!

Nu stiu ce-ati facut voi, dar eu am lenevit tot weekend-ul. Desi am avut intentia de a face o mie de lucruri, dintre care pe unele le aman de saptamani, in cele din urma nu am facut nimic. Inca am regrete, dar macar sunt odihnita! Unul dintre punctele de pe TO DO list era sa scriu un articol despre evenimentul la care am fost vineri: Digital Divas. 
Pentru ca ce poti face intr-o zi de vineri cand nu ai chef de munca? Eu am decis sa imi iau liber jumatate de zi si sa merg la eveniment. Desi nu am ajuns de la inceput, vineri la pranz eram acolo, pregatita de socializare intensa. Daca ati dorit vreodata sa cunoasteti anumiti bloggeri, acesta era evenimentul la care trebuia sa mergeti pentru ca numarul de bloggeri pe metru patrat a fost  impresionant. 

De fapt depinde de cine vorbim, unii bloggeri au deja un status care permite numai privitul de sus in cazul lor si de jos in sus in cazul vostru!:))))  Eu inca pot fi abordata, dar trebuie sa va grabiti pentru ca deja am un trafic si un following care in curand ma vor face inaccesibila -  o Digital Diva in adevaratul sens al cuvantului!:)))))

Trecand peste glume, chiar m-am distrat de minune. Am avut ocazia sa intalnesc multe fete cu care conversam de mult online dar pe care nu le cunosteam „fata la fata”. Blogosfera este plina de oameni grozavi care merita timpul meu! Ca in orice padure sunt si multe uscaturi, dar in general vei gasi si ceva oameni faini.

O sa incep cu cateva picanteri bazate pe ce am vazut si am auzit!

In primul rand trebuie sa spun ca salutatul persoanelor pe care le cunosti de multa vreme nu mai este la moda. In schimb, este in mare voga, sa va prefaceti ca nu vedeti nimic, ca oamenii sunt invizibili, doar mergeti inainte evitand orice contact vizual, in cazul in care totusi contactul se produce, nici macar nu clipiti! Din punctul asta de vedere sunt demodata. Nu am inteles niciodata genul de persoane care nu saluta. Ma intreb mereu cat de greu este sa spui un  simplu „Buna”?! Nu dureaza mai mult de o secunda! Iar daca lipsa asta de bun simt este cumva justificata in mintea voastra de faptul ca sunteti mai bune/buni decat ceilalti, dati-mi voie sa va spun ca nu mai aveti nici o legatura cu realitatea. Oricat de celebra este o persoana (in realitate sau in propria minte) pentru mine atitudinea asta dovedeste o personalitate mica si trista. Sa ajungi la un nivel in care sa te crezi superior celorlalti pentru niste lucruri atat de superficiale, este de-a dreptul stupid. 

In al doilea rand, am auzit, fara sa vreau, o multime de comentarii rautaciose pe seama altor persoane. Din nou, nu pot sa inteleg oamenii care iti vorbesc frumos in fata si doua secunde mai tarziu, profitind ca ai intors spatele, incep sa faca comentarii legate de cum esti imbracata, cum esti machiata, ce greutate ai, cum iti sta parul, etc. 

Serios acum, daca nu iti place o persoana, de ce mai depui efortul sa o cunosti?
Nu e mai simplu, daca te deranjeaza atat de multe lucruri la persoana respectiva, sa nu vorbiti? Nu spun ca eu sunt fara de pacat si ca nu judec niciodata pe nimeni, bineinteles ca o fac (chiar si in articolul acesta), dar incerc sa nu ma leg de lucrurile fizice care sunt de cele mai multe ori incontrolabile si o fac mereu in sinea mea, nu incep sa vorbesc cu prietenele mele despre asta si nu ofer complimente gratuite in conditiile in care cred altceva. 

In plus, ganditi-va ca parerile unei singure persoane nu sunt universale si chiar daca credeti ca judecatile voastre au valoare de adevar absolut, nu este asa! Exista sanse mari ca tinuta/parul/greutatea/etc voastra sa nu fie pe placul altei persoane si ma indoiesc ca v-ar placea sa auziti astfel de comentarii facute pe seama voastra. Nu ar fi mult mai bine sa va bucurati de faptul ca sunteti la o petrecere frumoasa alaturi de oameni interesanti?

Am observat, de asemenea, multe nemultumiri legate de categoriile premiate si faptul ca unele nominalizari din categoriile respective au fost niste glume. Sunt o multime de oameni care meritau sa fie considerati si nu au fost, este adevarat ca sunt si foarte multi care nu au fost inclusi si pe buna dreptate.

Problema aici nu este insa a blogurilor respective, ci a celor care au facut nominalizarile. Nu pot sa nu ma mir, inca o data, de lipsa de profesionalism a unor asa zisi PR/online marketing  people din Romania. De ce spun asta? Pentru ca ma gasesc din nou in postura de a ma intreba daca persoanele care s-au ocupat de asta au fost cumva prea obosite sau prea plictisite ca sa faca o treaba temeinica si sa realizeze o cercetare profunda pe blogosfera de fashion si beauty mioritica. 

Care au fost criteriile pe care au fost bazate nominalizarile: trafic, calitatea articolelor si a fotografiilor postate, frecventa cu care se publica, comunitatile create in jurul blogurilor, impact, campanii, comentarii si feedback, impact, diversitatea, profunzimea subiectelor abordate? Intalnirea la cafea cu schimbul de impresii pe loc, cine cu cine este prieten si notite in carnetele cu coperti frumoase nu conteaza! 

Nu stim exact - e bine sa existe un pic de mister! De ce sa fiu ipocrita – nu ma afecteaza prea tare necunoscutul, egoul meu nu a fost atins absolut deloc, dorm noaptea neintoarsa si fara nominalizari! Stiu insa ca multi alti blogeri au fost afectati de lipsa de recunoastere/cine a castigat/nu a castigat si pe buna dreptate! La gala nu am stat pentru ca aveam intalnire cu niste inghetata si un maraton Game of Thrones/Downton Abbey/True Blood!

Au existat insa si o multime de lucruri bune cand vine vorba de Digital Divas. Multe nominalizari au fost spot on, meritate din plin si la locul lor in categoriile respective. Mi-a placut locul de desfasurare (Biavati) - cam departe dar mersul pe jos face piciorul frumos sau asa am auzit. Detaliile organizatorice au fost reusite, conferinta excelent impartita si cativa dintre cei care au tinut discursuri chiar mi-au placut.

Au avut chiar si un Instagram wall cu tag pentru eveniment care se updata in timp real! In plus ideea evenimentului in sine este grozava – blogosfera de moda si beauty chiar are nevoie de o ceremonie dedicata care sa recunoasa si sa premieze liderii de opinie. Nu exista orgolii mai mari niciunde si trebuie sa le celebram cum se cuvine!:))) Digital Diva este o ocazie excelenta de socializare si schimb de idei intre cei care scriu despre moda si beauty. Evenimentul este doar la a doua editie si cred ca exista speranta sa fie din ce in ce mai bun!

Legat de discursuri - preferata mea a fost de departe Oana Pellea. Discursul ei mi s-a parut atat de „uman”, fara inflorituri si vorbe menite sa uimeasca, a fost discursul unui om bun, plin de sentimente frumoase care nu a venit sa ne invete ceva, ci a venit sa impartaseasca cu noi experientele ei. Mi-au placut de asemenea Andreea Esca, Catalin Opritescu de la Lightaholic si Cornel Ilie de la Vunk. 

Nu am fost prezenta decat la o treime din discursuri – asa ca nu pot oferi o parere complet informata (am ratat persoanele care au vorbit de dimineata si pe cei care au vorbit in ultima sesiune). Multe dintre sfaturi au fost bune, de bun simt, dar nu am aflat nimic din ce nu stiam deja si care o sa ma faca sa privesc lumea sau blogosfera intr-o noua lumina. 

Cu riscul de a pierde definitiv sansa la celebritate trebuie sa spun ca domul Yvan Rodic (The Facehunter) m-a plictisit ceva teribil. Pe langa faptul ca dadea impresia ca dorea sa fie oriunde altundeva, tipul nu are efectiv prezenta, mesajul sau energia necesara pentru a (ma) inspira. Poate aveam eu asteptari prea mari de la o persoana care a calatorit in toata lumea si a avut ocazia sa cunoasca o multime de oameni fascinanti!

Un singur lucru mai am de spus despre discursuri, un sfat pentru viitoarele aparitii: atunci cand tineti un discurs, incercati sa tineti cont de faptul ca exista oameni care va cunosc nu de acum, ci de mult timp, care stiu cum sunteti si ce ati fost inainte de tot succesul de acum iar unele lucruri pe care le spuneti devin hilare si extrem de ironice in lumina acestei cunoasteri prealabile.

Multe dintre lucrurile pe care le-am spus acum trebuiau spuse demult, sunt lucruri pe care le observ si care sunt observate de multa lume si sunt cumva generale, nu specifice evenimentului Digital Divas! 

Oricum intentia mea este sa fiu cat se poate de sincera pe blog asa ca sper sa intelegeti de ce am vrut sa scriu articolul in felul asta: sunt o fata normala care are uneori sansa sa faca lucruri deosebite pe care vreau sa le imparatesc cu voi in mod cat mai sincer. Asa ca de acum incolo o sa fiu mai deschisa pe blog.

On Friday I was so tired of working that I announced my boss I will take half the day off and decided to attend the Digital Divas event.

It was a great way to have some fun and also got the chance to meet a few awesome people that I knew online but never saw face to face before. If you wanted to meet someone in the fashion/beauty blogosphere this was the right event because I have never seen more bloggers in one place!

And it was so much fun! As you can imagine so many divas in just one place were meant to cause some drama. Don’t worry, there was no cat fight that you missed out; it was just a general bitchy atmosphere, that I’m personally used to but got some people surprised. I have read some articles that other girls who attended the event wrote and I was surprised to find out many of them had no idea that this is the way things work. I’m sorry to inform you, little grasshoppers, but if you thought that everyone was going to be nice and we are all a big happy family, it’s  really not the case. And I get the disappointment, I was just like you in the beginning, but it’s ok, fortunately you can find amazing people in that sea of divas as well.

Let’s start with a few juicy details based on the things I noticed!
First and foremost, I don’t care how famous you are in reality or in your own head, if you know someone and don’t have the decency to say “Hi!” even when you make eye contact with that person, you suck! Big time! I was always disgusted with this sort of behavior; I mean how hard it is to just spill that tiny word that would make you a decent person? And if you believe that you are too good for some people to say hello or even acknowledge their presence, than let me just say that you are beyond delusional and have no ties with reality. 

Secondly,  I heard people making nasty comments about other people the first chance they got. Why? I have no idea. If you don’t like someone’s dress, shoes, weight, hair or anything for that matter, can you just shut up? Chances are someone didn’t like you either but that’s no reason to be bitchy. Just have fun, for God’s sake, you are at a party and you have the chance to have a great time with nice people.  
There were also lots of people unhappy with the categories and nominees/winners. Once again I find myself thinking that the people that made the categories were too tired or to bored in order to do a proper job aka a serious research on the Romanian fashion and beauty landscape. And I get it’s hard to do all that work but if you fancy yourself as being the biggest event for online media you should really make an effort and do a bang up job. 

That’s not to say that the event was a total disaster because that’s not the case - most of it was pretty good. Not all nominations were a joke; some of the blogs that got nominated were spot on. Also the location, some of the speakers and other small details were great. They even had a live Instagram wall!

About the speakers, I really loved Oana Pellea. She had the nicest speech! I felt like a real person with real feelings and emotions was talking to us. As for the rest of the speakers, it was ok I guess, I for one didn’t wrote any inspirational quote on my notebook.

Some of them had decent things to say but it wasn’t anything earth-shattering to me! I mean I can’t say that now I have a totally different view on blogs and blogging. And was I the only one that wasn’t impressed with Yvan "The Facehunter" Rodic? I found him beyond dull!

All and all I had a blast and the fact that I got the chance to meet some people made it all worth it!

I’m wearing:
dress / rochie - Dorothy Perkins
bag / geanta  - Debenhams
   earrings / cercei -  Romwe
sandals / sandale - Deichmann 
chains barcelet / bratara  - Koton
ring / inel - Mango

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Today's Mood - the weekend edition

These are basically my plans for the long weekend ahead! Very exciting stuff! I hope you're doing something fun as well!

Don't miss the Romwe Shirt & Skirt Sale
Up to 60%off
Between: 06/21/2013 - 06/23/2013

Romwe Summer Sale
Up to 70% off! Hundreds of styles!
Between - 25/06/2013 -27/06/2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

True Blood – season 6 premiere

It’s back! And I know for a fact some of you are as excited as I am!

Even though last season left me bored more than once, I’m giving it one more go! True Blood just goes with summer, ice cream, the AC blasting and tons of sunscreen! You won’t need anything else!
Because the last episode of season 5 was so awesome I’m glad the action started right where it left off!

And this first episode ’Who Are You, Really?’ felt like home. It was like your messy, full of nonsense, creepy and hilarious group of friends that have lost their way somehow managed to come back to their initial self!

And I don’t know if it was just me but I’m kind of starting to like Bill again. Let’s face the fact, kids, Bill became unbearable these last seasons, he was one of the reasons I stopped liking True Blood as much as I used to. But Billith has something that takes me right back to his enjoyable Season 1 self.

I’m not saying I’m convinced yet but heck, I will give him a second chance. But just so you know, Billith, this is the last one and if you screw this up I will have to hate you again!

Jason on the other hand was as funny as ever, delivering the comic relief with every sentence! Sookie was her annoying self as well, so nothing new there!

On a side note, what woman in her right mind would ever retrieve an invitation that allowed Eric in her home like Sookie did? I’m telling you, the bitch is crazy! It’s like saying: Oh no, I don’t need a gorgeous man protecting me; I will be fine by myself! Really, Sookie? Ungrateful little redneck brat!

I’m very intrigued with this new character: Governor Burrell. I don’t know what it’s with him; he has a lot of creepy potential. I guess we will have to wait and see.

My favorite “things” were Eric who was as amazing as he always is, a knight-in-shining-armor and Alcide that once again graced us with his naked scenes - they truly live up to what you’d expect every single time!:)

Luke Grimes was cast in True Blood Season 6 as James and I’m very excited about that!

What I didn’t like at all was the new Pam persona! I mean, if I wanted a desperate, crying all the time, sad, defeated, sobbing woman I have Sookie, thank you very much! I will have my kick ass, sassy, always ready with an awesome line Pam back now!   

Still, overall, I enjoyed this first episode and I’m already thinking about the next one because no matter how crazy or ridiculous the storyline goes, there’s an undeniable allure to its madness that makes you come back for more.

Any thoughts? Do you watch porn True Blood?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Event: L`Oreal For Women in Science

Ceremonia de premiere UNESCO – „L`oreal Pentru Femeile din Stiinta” la care am fost saptamana trecuta este cu siguranta in varful listei evenimentelor care inspira si conteaza. Editia de anul acesta este cea de-a doua la care particip si este de departe in top 3 al celor mai reusite evenimente la care am fost invitata.

Ideea din spatele ceremoniei este aceea de a incuraja si sustine tinerele cercetatoare din Romania in activitatile de cercetare din domeniul in care lucreaza. Acest program a fost primul prin care activitatea femeilor cercetator a fost recunoascuta la nivel national si international prin acordarea unor premii. 

In fiecare an sunt desemnate doua castigatoare care primesc doua burse pentru derularea unor proiecte in domeniul stiintei. Castigatoarele de anul acesta au fost Edina Rusen in Sectiunea Stiintele Fizice cu proiectul „Cristale fotonice cu aplicatii laser” si Cornelia Braicu in Sectiunea Stiintele Vietii cu proiectul „Combinarea efectului chimioterapeutic al doxorubicinei cu terapia tintita cu ARN de interferinta in tratamentul cancerului de san triplu negativ”.

Din pacate traim intr-o lume atat de superficiala incat este usor sa uitam ca multe dintre lucrurile pe care punem atat de mult pret de obicei sunt total nesemnificative. Un astfel de eveniment iti aminteste de lucrurile cu adevarat importante. Ma bucur mult ca aceste doamne au primit o partea din recunoastea pe care o merita. Sper ca bursele primite sa le ajute sa isi dezvolte si mai mult proiectele. Sper de asemenea ca acest eveniment sa capete cat mai multa notorietate.

Mi-a placut, de asemenea, foarte mult locul de desfasurare al evenimentului: Palatul Parlamentului. Cu toate ca am  mai fost acolo, este prima vizita in Foaierul Salii de Plen a Senatului. Toate detaliile decorative au fost perfecte: de la candelabre, la decorul tavanului si al peretilor pana la usile gigantice - a fost cu adevarat o atmosfera de gala.

In comparatie cu acesta imi dau seama ca o parte din evenimentele la care primesc invitatii nu sunt decat niste scuze nereusite pe care foarte multe persoane le folosesc pentru a se afisa ostentativ in fata „audientei”. Sincera sa fiu sunt satula de comportamentul anumitor persoane care considera ca atitudinea sfidatoare, proasta crestere si lipsa de maniere este o dovada a superioritatii.
Daca ati putea sa va vedeti din perspectiva audientei ati realiza singure ca barfele rautacioase, autosuficienta si comentariile nefondate nu sunt altceva decat artificii care lasa vederii, dincolo de toate tinutele reusite, cum sunteti de fapt sub toata poleiala superficialitatii de care va agatati ca de o virtute!

Trecand insa peste asta, sper ca initiativa L`Oreal, Unesco si ANCS sa continue si sa se bucure de cat mai multa expunere pentru ca lumea are nevoie de stiinta si stiinta are nevoie de femei.

Last week I was lucky enough to be invited to a wonderful event - L`Oreal for Women in Science. This is my second time around attending and it just keeps getting better and better every year.
L`Oreal, Unesco and ANCS are celebrating women that have great achievements in the field of science and are encouraging more women to start research projects in their field of expertise. Every year (this is the fourth edition in Romania) two winners are awarded with grants that are going to support their future research. 

I think that the following words summarize better than I could ever do the essence of this gala: “The world needs science and science needs women.” The truth is that in today’s world it’s really easy to forget the truly meaningful things in life. Our environment is so focused on the superficial that most of the time our eyes and minds are blinded by all the shinny stuff  and we forget that some things are bigger and better than we give them credit. 

It was amazing and inspirational to see these young and smart women get the recognition they deserve. I just wish this event would have a greater impact and a larger audience in our society. 

This year’s winners were Cornelia Braicu in the Science of Life category and Edina Rusen in the Physical Science category. They both have amazing projects that deserve to get more funding to help their development.  
I’m glad to support such a positive and heartfelt initiative and was honored to receive the invitation. 

I also loved the location of the event, The Palace of Parliament (Palatul Parlamentului). The amazing chandeliers, the ceiling, the columns, the doors, they all created this grand, refined atmosphere that I very much enjoyed.

In comparison some of the events I’m invited to are just lame excuses for people to show off. If you attended at least one of those you probably know what I’m talking about: underneath all the glam and glitz some parties are nothing more than a chance to show off your new clothes, to make silly conversations with people that you don’t really know or even like, to gossip about other guests, to avoid eye contact, because, let’s face it, most people are so beneath you, to pass out judgments without knowing anything, to arrogantly look around but most importantly, to look pretty! And yes, the so called “fashion world” it's not as friendly as you might believe - more on the lines of a bunch of superficial, undereducated, but beautiful group that couldn’t care less about anything else except themselves.

That being said I hope that L`Oreal, Unesco and ANCS keep organizing this lovely event and that more people start paying attention to it.

I’m wearing:
dress / rochie - H&M
bag / geanta  - Debenhams
shoes / pantofi - New Look
    snake bracelet / bratara sarpe -  random brand

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