As I promised you before, here’s part two of the event article, I had lots of detail pictures that I liked so before leaving for a well deserved week of vacation I live you with them.
Don’t be fooled by the booze/glass of champagne that I permanently carry in my hand, I’m not a big drinker, it was more of a prop and honestly I kinda forgot to get rid of it.
Can you tell I have a thing for rings, it’s actually getting out of control, I counted them and I’m just going to say I have over 100 and leave it to that, it seems crazy to say it/write it out loud.

Happy Easter to everybody!:)
17 comentarii :
jeeez u... 100 rings? holy wow. the champagne glass suits u. u need to start drinking if u are gonna hang around me a lot. i drink almost constantly. some would almost say i have a problem. the new camera sure payed off. the photos are stunning. i cant wait to take pics together in the summer.
Oh...those rings are amazing!Love every single one!Enjoy your vacation!xoxo
These rings are amazing!!
Imi plac inelele tale Alice, am fost si eu tentata de the stag skull one, doar ca degetele mele sunt claustrofobice :D
You are lovely as always :)
Mrrrrrrrrrr, inelele tale ma fac sa marai de pofta:D Imi imaginez ce minunatii trebuie sa ai in colectie, oricum n-am mai vazut de cineva care sa aiba atat de multe. Mai da si la sarmanii :-"
you have got to stop buying rings :))
hey miss r u back yet?
These rings are GORGEOUS!! Love them, you have a lovely blog :)
Amazing rings <3
I love your blog !!!
Check mine's too if you want xoxo
Inelul cu caprioara este GENIAL!
everything about this is so perfect, I adore all your rings and the outfit is so beautifully quaint...very very gorgeous. Thank you for the most inspirational comment I have had in means so much when someone really looks and comments come from the heart! they are my favourite ones. You blog is so dreamy and you definitely have a new follower xxx
So pretty rings!! I almost never wear them but look great... as I can see you love headpices & bows just like me...
omg :O pot să te întreb câte inele ai?:O fiindcă mai la fiecare postare sunt tot altele :x
Nice blog!
Kisses, Elisabetta
Bread, Butetter & Fashion
Wooow pretty cool your rings !!!
Hi Sara,thank you for your kind words!!! I also follow you with google and bloglovin:)Did you know that they will be closing next year?That's why I am thankful for bloglovin so I can keep in touch with my favorite blogs:)Anyway,I love this outfit!!And the rings.I am mad for cool rings!
I follow you back!Thanx for visiting my blog!
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