I’ve probably already landed in Bruxelles by the time you all read this; I prepared this text in advance. Needless to say I’m super excited; I really needed a break from pretty much everything. Thank God for the trips – they are one of the reasons I don’t have a nervous breakdown now and again.
I don’t know if I will be able to do any live blogging from Belgium and I won’t stress too much about it, but I did prepare some articles to keep you entertained while I’m gone.
How was packing you ask? Well, I‘m very proud of myself, I only packed 2 dresses, 2 skirts, 2 shirts, 3 sweaters and 2 pairs of shoes including what I’m wearing on the plain for the whole week I’m spending there. I went a bit overboard with the accessories: hats, belts, gloves, scarves and the rest but they didn’t take so much space so it’s ok. I’ve also heard it’s even colder there than in Bucharest right now so I’m sure I’ll be happy I got them.
By now I transformed packing into an art; I know what to take and what to leave behind. I can share the knowledge if you’re interested.
I would be grateful for any good tips on places to visit, shop, eat, dance (especially:))) in Bruxelles.
Thank you so much for all the support, comments, following and I can’t wait to tell you all about this trip!

28 comentarii :
great photos. have fun in Bruxelles. Belgium has different kinds of flavored beers. Try to taste most of them. My favorite one was honey-flavored beer. And eat lots of chocolate without counting any calories. Have a Cupcake travel;)
haha awesome post! and adorable collection of photos!
I have friends at the Italian Embassy in Brussels but they are about my age so they wouldn't know about the "in" places, especially dancing places. But they tell me Brussels is a beautiful city. Enjoy yourself. I'm looking forward to the pictures from Brussels. I'm following you from Rome!
great photos! I love it!
drum bun si calatorie placuta! astept fab photos! xxx
I thought you would struggle with what accessories to take, your just like me xxx
Hey, thanks for loving my photos and be my follower. I found our blog are really amazing too!I alrdy become your follower! Cheers =)
Thank you so much for ur comment!!And of course for follow me hehe
Sure I follow u back!ur blog is so original!!
Super haioase pozele!
Cu frigul nu stiu cum e, dar timp de vara pe strada Macelarilor si prin imprejurimi se mananca foarte bine! ;)
Have fuuun!
Hope you have loads of fun! everyone needs a break sometimes :)
Also i love how minimal you packed! Room for new items !! haha
Wow these are great photographs! I love the "travel bug" one also! :) Desperate to go travelling hehe!
Thankyou for commenting on my blog! I am now a follower and have added your link to my blog list!
Have a nice day :)
awesome and funny pics - have fun doll :)
lovely and very amusing photos, have a safe and fun trip
Something about mary #classic!!!
Check out my COASTAL SCENTS giveway if you're interested!
you should totally share packing tips when you come back - I always end up hating what I chose to pack, and missing what I left at home. Anyway, enjoy your stay and have loads of f u n!
I can't wait for photos! Take many many please :D I am sure you will have a great time and you can't imagine how envious I am, I so need a getaway time.
How exciting!
Have a great trip!
haha. love this post! the pictures are great! lol. btw: thanks so much for passing by my blog & commenting. Of course we can follow each other! Thanks so much! If you love fashion videos also you should pass by my yt channel sometime!
Great post! I love traveling <3
Beautiful pictures :)
kiss kiss
Have fun in Bruxelles! I´m following you too: :)
Enjoy Bruxelles!!!
awesome photos and have fun in Bruxelles! :)
I love that cut by cameron diaz! LOL. Its always nice to have fun in a new place.
I really love those pictures!!! You'll imagine I love suitcases, you can check my blog... hahaha... VERY BEAUTIFUL PICS, YES...
what a lovely comment babe (: Thank you so much dear and I hope you are well and get where you want to be also! <3 thank you for following will deffo follow you back! love your blog hun and I woill enter straight away :D :D
<3 Effy
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